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Reds v Bulls: Round 4 - Suncorp

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Is it over the interpretation of 'creativity'? I feel like we're just discussing the semantics of the term.

I don't think creativity is a trait exclusive to a playmaker, that all I'm saying, i still think guys like Kerevi and Daugunu create opportunities through their scope of attack.

Paia'aua being dropped reduced the number of playmakers in the backline, hence my comments that Tuttle and McDermott were getting frustrated that they had no one to pass to at times.


Tim Horan (67)
Is it over the interpretation of 'creativity'? I feel like we're just discussing the semantics of the term.

I don't think creativity is a trait exclusive to a playmaker, that all I'm saying, i still think guys like Kerevi and Daugunu create opportunities through their scope of attack.

Paia'aua being dropped reduced the number of playmakers in the backline, hence my comments that Tuttle and McDermott were getting frustrated that they had no one to pass to at times.

OK, so I am trying to agree, but failing. On tonight's performance.

What opportunities did K or D create? How creative were they?

As you know, we intentionally withdrew the playmaking ability in this team tonight. I thought your contention was that the creativiity was placed elsewhere. I'm just failing to see it.

Bring back Quade with DP, and for that matter Khunt, and I think the creativity would skyrocket. I understand this is not a line to take within the current narrative, but I still dont' get the cling to the term "creative". Brad's 23 tonight lacked creativity, imo. Completely.

With the available personnel it would not be hard to fix. So I presume that what Brad is chasing has nothing to do with "creativity".

I'm not saying that we did not see strengths in other areas, not at all. Just that creativity was not among them.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Thought Daugunu played very well after that initial blitz the defensive line and miss a tackle on a backline overlap in the first half to make the game 7-0. happy to see Brad Thorn reward him with 80 minutes.

Tongan Thor continues to impress! there's your Wallabies starting prop for the June window. calling it now.

Never been a big fan of Caleb Timu but he was awesome tonght. built some respect in my books.


3 Thor
2 Timu
1 Daugunu


I thought your contention was that the creativiity was placed elsewhere. I'm just failing to see it.

No, it wasn't, you've misinterpreted my actual point.....
I said instead of using this new phrase 'creativity' that we just call it what it is, and that's a playmaker. Because I don't agree that 'creativity', 'x-factor' or whatever it is we want to call it is is lacking from the remaining players in the backline.. What the backline lost when Duncan was dropped was an additional playmaker.. simple as that

Hence my previous comment that I don't want to argue the semantics of the word creativity..

Bobby Sands

This team may help me fall back in love with rugby again.

As a long time Aidan supporter it is so nice to seem him play well, although, he can be much better. Its exciting.

Timu is already a very good 8, and could become world-class. A really good snaffle that.

Thor is nothing I have seen before. What a package.

Sautia needs to back to 11, and Nabuli dropped.

Jono was very good, he suits this style that we are playing. We need to get that English contract cancelled.

The young forwards, who bizarelly nearly all went to Churchie at the same time, are to put in bluntly unbelievable.

Scott-Young looks like a future Wallaby certainty, and we push Korczyk in 12 months (who I also rate).

So much to like about all this - Perese will come straight back in, Higgers too, but I wouldn't mind seeing him play 6 and leaving Timu at 8.


The torpedo

Peter Fenwicke (45)
0 cards (first time since last year!) and only 5 penalties conceded again (3 free kicks though). 0 points allowed in the 2nd half, 85% tackle success rate. 14 turnovers lost (concerning, we'll get belted by the kiwis with that)

Plus funnily enough, the last time we had back-to-back wins was 2014 and the final score was 20-14


Tim Horan (67)
No, it wasn't, you've misinterpreted my actual point...
I said instead of using this new phrase 'creativity' that we just call it what it is, and that's a playmaker. Because I don't agree that 'creativity', 'x-factor' or whatever it is we want to call it is is lacking from the remaining players in the backline.. What the backline lost when Duncan was dropped was an additional playmaker.. simple as that

Hence my previous comment that I don't want to argue the semantics of the word creativity..

TOCC, I don't see it as semantics, not by a shed load. Or at least the semantics are not mine. No I don't think I've misinterpreted, I think you're being hopeful. Which is fine.

Bottom line: this team lacks creativity. It is Brad- intentional. [And the logic in this discussion is not hard to follow in spite your determination to obscure a very simple word - "creative".

No need to hide from it. There are other strengths. And plenty of them.


TOCC, I don't see it as semantics, not by a shed load. Or at least the semantics are not mine. No I don't think I've misinterpreted, I think you're being hopeful. Which is fine.

Bottom line: this team lacks creativity. It is Brad- intentional. [And the logic in this discussion is not hard to follow in spite your determination to obscure a very simple word - "creative".

No need to hide from it. There are other strengths. And plenty of them.

Again no, thats not what I was saying... But I'm not going to spend any more time on that issue.

Anyway, they've just won two good games in a row on the back of some real character building performances. Its clear Brad has his game plan, and you may not agree with it, but its delivering solid performances so focus on the positives.


Tim Horan (67)
Dru see above, I edited that post, lets move on.. Be happy your team won

OK, fine. Feel like I'm missing something though. [Not through want of trying.]

Definitely happy my team won. Incidentally the Bulls are my Saffer team, AND my second team. Mitchel has them firing, but not well enough to take the Reds is not good enough.

This round goes to Brad without a doubt.

Beer Baron

Phil Hardcastle (33)
This team may help me fall back in love with rugby again.

As a long time Aidan supporter it is so nice to seem him play well, although, he can be much better. Its exciting.

Timu is already a very good 8, and could become world-class. A really good snaffle that.

Thor is nothing I have seen before. What a package.

Sautia needs to back to 11, and Nabuli dropped.

Jono was very good, he suits this style that we are playing. We need to get that English contract cancelled.

The young forwards, who bizarelly nearly all went to Churchie at the same time, are to put in bluntly unbelievable.

Scott-Young looks like a future Wallaby certainty, and we push Korczyk in 12 months (who I also rate).

So much to like about all this - Perese will come straight back in, Higgers too, but I wouldn't mind seeing him play 6 and leaving Timu at 8.

Nabulis chase on the second try seemed pretty poor. BT will spot that me thinks

Sent from my Pixel XL using Tapatalk


Mark Ella (57)
Love the grit and the hardness these boys are playing with. Am still a little concerned we are not putting our best attacking enterprise on offer from the pressure we are creating in the forwards.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
Yeah, it's not there, is it? Personally, I can't see that Kerevi (who looked one-dimensional in attack at 12) and CFS (as a combo) is likely to provide it. Paia'aua needs to be on the field. Just my opinion. Kerevi hitting a gap off someone else whether playing at 12 or 13 however...

I could see Kerevi & Perese at 12 & 13


John Thornett (49)
Lots of good stuff to take away from that win, got to watch the game fresh this morning without any spoilers for the first time in a while.

Back line coaches have to focus on how to deal with a rush defense at training this week. Didn't really look like the guys were able to come up with anything other than trying to push the ball to the 13 channel and hope the receiver there had time to step inside.

Perese surely has to come straight in for Nabuli after that performance.

glass half full

Sydney Middleton (9)
Went to the game and am thrilled with the result. Not perfect, a few mistakes, but I he intentof this side cannot be faulted. Well done Thorn. Early days I know, but the attitude is there and these guys are definitely playing for each other.

Thought the ref was ordinary and Bulls seemed offside a lot but the replay will tell me if I’m right or not.

Back to back wins, wow... the critics should just take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.


Arch Winning (36)
Reds still missing:
Luckhan Tui
Scott Higginbotham
Izaia Perese
Ben Lucas
Ruaan Smith
George Smith

And also missing, but unlikely to be sighted in 2018:
Karmichael Hunt
Quade Cooper

You forgot Andrew Ready, not sure if he's in the top or bottom category, but if he can get his training to standard he could make our very good scrum even stronger.


Tim Horan (67)
That was a very good win by the Reds, and you know what happens when you get a really young team like this getting a couple of wins, they start believing they can do it all the time! I really like the look of these young forwards, I agree with earlier comment , I would like to see Timu staying at 8 ( I think Higgers is better 6 than 8 anyway).

Tell you what being a Canes man who lives in Qld it's a fairly good weekend, add to that Friday nights results which I enjoyed too (and Irish last night)
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