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Reds v Bulls: Round 4 - Suncorp

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Bobby Sands

The Bulls are times were scintillating, but they tired. I think that was a really good win, and our ability to grind out wins is a style I can get used to.


Steve Williams (59)
Went to the game and am thrilled with the result. Not perfect, a few mistakes, but I he intentof this side cannot be faulted. Well done Thorn. Early days I know, but the attitude is there and these guys are definitely playing for each other.

Thought the ref was ordinary and Bulls seemed offside a lot but the replay will tell me if I’m right or not.

Back to back wins, wow. the critics should just take a deep breath and enjoy the moment.

The Bulls didn't contest a hell of a lot of the rucks last night, sothe offside line was very close to the ball (with no defenders last feet)

TBH I thought Nutbrown let both teams do just abut whatever they wanted at the breakdown. Barely blew his whistle at all


Phil Kearns (64)
The Bulls are times were scintillating, but they tired. I think that was a really good win, and our ability to grind out wins is a style I can get used to.

Grinding out wins works at home, will not work overseas, I reckon, except in Japan of course.

glass half full

Sydney Middleton (9)
Be interesting to see who gets playing time on tour. Managing the road trip and then having enough in the tank on return will I think see all the inside back options and Ready getting on the paddock at various stages. Think Kerevi could do with a bench rest,at some stage, only to preserve him, and would be interesting to see a DP-CFS center pairing being tried.

As for the forwards, Higgers to start at 6 next week with Korzyck on the bench. The latter had a blinder last night by the way.


Andrew Slack (58)
Grinding out wins works at home, will not work overseas, I reckon, except in Japan of course.
It didn’t even work at home last year, so it is still a step forward.

It seems to me that Thorn is getting the basics right. I would like to see us get more expansive over time, but considering where we have come from getting the basics right and getting more impact/effectiveness from our forward alone will translate to more success. It is early days, and I’m sure there will be potholes in the road ahead, but so far Thorn’s approach is yielding the right results.

Bobby Sands

It didn’t even work at home last year, so it is still a step forward.

It seems to me that Thorn is getting the basics right. I would like to see us get more expansive over time, but considering where we have come from getting the basics right and getting more impact/effectiveness from our forward alone will translate to more success. It is early days, and I’m sure there will be potholes in the road ahead, but so far Thorn’s approach is yielding the right results.

Similiar to what Paul Roos did with the Demons a few years ago.

Start again from scratch. Defense and non-negotiables.

Then build the layers from there.
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Desmond Connor (43)
You forgot Andrew Ready, not sure if he's in the top or bottom category, but if he can get his training to standard he could make our very good scrum even stronger.

At Least Ready is in the squad to Argentina, so he's still in the mix. Like Stewart he just has to bide his time.. he'll get there.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
That raises the question - when did we last have 3 wins in a row (dare I dream)

in the same season? 2013:

v Bulls 23-18 @ Brisbane (23 March)
v Highlanders 34-33 @ Dunedin (29 March)
v Chiefs 31-23 @ Hamilton (13 April).

Three wins in three weeks happened earlier that season (no bye in between)


Jim Lenehan (48)
Anybody at the stadium last night know if FOXSPORTS was broadcasting their feed directly into the stadiums big screen?

I was wondering if at the 79 minute mark all the fans caught foxsports camera zooming in on DP twice in the last minute as he sat on the bench obviously showing body language of a man disappointed he got no game time, The commentators talked about Brad Thorn rewarding players with 80 minute games and I wonder how Duncan might of felt seeing his face on the big screen at 79 minute mark?

It really is unfortunate that it happened like this. A scrum was required to pack in the last 15-30 seconds of the game and the foxsports producers obviously going to cut to the bench to get some raw shots of a team on the edge of their seats nervous waiting for the final siren. Without that final scrum the commentators never mention DP and we don't get this zoom up of him.

I don't mind camera men doing bench shots but they zoomed right into Duncan face in a very rude tight portrait angle of just his face and then zoomed out to show the rest of the bench. Was cringeworthy TV IMO, imagine having 12000 sets of eyeballs on you and hearing the whispers of fans say... Hey DP didn't get any game time.

After last week circus with Andrew Ready graphic been shown on the big screen and the wording "Not Wanted" last nights was not as nearly as humiliating as that but it was still an uncalled for gaffe none the less.


Phil Kearns (64)
Good luck trying to control Fox Sports. I reckon they are doing everything they can to make the coverage more "entertaining", in other words, they are quite happy to move downmarket. A bit of outrage might help the ratings, I suspect. Or at least that is what they would be counting on.

The very fact that you are agitated about it, means that they are winning, in their terms.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Good luck trying to control Fox Sports. I reckon they are doing everything they can to make the coverage more "entertaining", in other words, they are quite happy to move downmarket. A bit of outrage might help the ratings, I suspect. Or at least that is what they would be counting on.

The very fact that you are agitated about it, means that they are winning, in their terms.

The Andrew Ready thing last week was uncalled for. There was a bit of confusion last week if the Reds or Foxsports had control of the in-stadium big screen.

Merely an observation as i sat from home CBF going to the stadium. Don't you worry I'll be ass in seat on April 21. Bandwagoner Red Rehopping aboard.


Mark Ella (57)
Went to the game and rewarded with a great effort from the lads.

The tight 5 were excellent.

Thought Kerevi was great

Thorn must be doing something right :)


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Long season to go !
"Culture" seems great.

Early signs fantastic.

Real test will be against the Kiwi sides

The big test is the next two games. Teams with a strong culture do well on tour. I’m not entirely sure what to expect considering the youth of the side. I assume it’s why they took Higgers despite him being suspended for this week.

I can’t see us winning either match but hope to see that same grit of late.


Mark Ella (57)
If the Argies back up with a performance like last week we ( and all other teams)
are in trouble. Hopefully they return to normality.

I would be happy with 1 win from this tour.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
If the Argies back up with a performance like last week we ( and all other teams)
are in trouble. Hopefully they return to normality.

I would be happy with 1 win from this tour.

Tahs probably made them look good, like they did last year when the Tahs lost at home to the Jaguares.
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