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Reds 2015

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Tony Shaw (54)
RH on numerous occasions you have labelled those who maintain an optimistic view to Queensland Rugby as naive or wilfully blind, just because myself or any other number of forumer's refuse to take the melodramatic approach to posting on this forum doesn't give you the right to criticise them personally, everyone is entitled to an opinion, if that contradicts with your own then so be it. You can disagree with an opinion but there are no needs for personal attacks purely to further your own argument.
No one on this forum actually believes its a positive for Australian rugby for all of the best young talent to head to the Rebels, Placid is a loss, McMahon was a loss..
However, suggesting that the QRU are on track to return to the pre-2010 heap in barely 2 years is ignoring an incredible amount of factors.

1. I did not at any stage label persons here wilfully blind and/or naive that 'had an optimistic view of QLD rugby'. That's pure knowing distortion. I used these terms in relation a a poster whom IMO had seemingly ignored massive signs of truly appalling team preparation and technical coaching with the 2014 Reds whilst as he did so (at that time earlier in the year) subtly admonishing others who had arrived at a far harsher assessment of what they saw in front of them.

I have zero problem with 'optimistic views of QLD rugby'. On many (but by no means all) attributes of QLD rugby as a totality, I am also optimistic. Like many of us here, I've pumped plenty of fan $s into it and, mostly, have been really happy to do so. In fact, in 2010 I was amongst the first in line here to praise Link, our players, the new QRU etc for what an outstanding job they were doing to revive QLD rugby in quick order. That praise largely continued throughout 2011 and 2012.

2. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings, but there was a a bit of chin-leading with a few of your own posts. My argument was not so furthered, but my pugilistic spirit was done the world of good, so perversely, I own you one.

3. I did not state that the QRU was on track for a return to pre-2010 darknesses. I said 'if' such a state occurred, then........

But the truth is there are worrying omens from, inter alia, this year's later season Reds' crowds declines and the appalling state of the Reds' play overall and obvious issues of team morale and intensity on the field, and I have heard some very serious comments and concerns from good sources close to Reds players.........and with QRU management not 'speaking' to paying fans at all re the problems, rather being in a seeming state of denial, or just blaming 'deficiencies' within the playing group.

Finally, I have a real fear that we may see in 2015 a return to the JO'N/Deans model inside the QRU. Namely, a probably poor coach at this level actively protected by the elite that appointed him, 'the players' being vaguely blamed for disappointing results, and a solution sought in 'X-factor' players being added in, and topped off with stories that 'developing for the future' is the essential strategy being pursued so everyone must be patient.

Other than the above, there's much to be positive about.


Tony Shaw (54)
We have considered them. Over and over and over again ad nauseum.
We all know Reds happy is a fanatical reds supporter.
We all know reds happy's position on RG and his appointment.
We all know all of it because every post is pretty much the same. In this thread, in the other reds thread, hell even in the wallabies match thread.
I don't think the issue is even one of other forum members disagreeing with his content but more the repeated melodramatic, sky is falling posts that you quite rightly have pointed out that he has been posting since 2012. For almost 2 years, he's been posting pretty much the same thing and I don't know why. His point has been made. Long ago it was made. But yet the posts continue.

So in summing up my weird rant, thanks for the post Gnostic but it probably wasn't needed. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Scoey, your kindness is boundless! (Just a pity you faiil with any humility to note your repetitive earlier-on defences of RG and and the bevy of 'Likes' you'd give to like-minded posters. That's fine, just a balance-up would be nice is all).

But, compared to what the likes of Gnostic and I endured through 2010-11 as we diagnosed and highlighted Deans' multiple failings as an elite coach and predicted the disasters and crowd attendance declines that would surely follow, you are just throwing wet lettuces at me old sport.

In the mentioned years, it was serious spears, AK (Andrew Kellaway)-47s, various tortuous instruments and all manner of wounds were inflicted. It was our own Gallipoli morning of sorts during that time, survival without psych counselling was by no means assured. Until the 2011 RWC came and went, then things grew quieter and happier for us here, and our kids started to want to play with us once more.

You see Scoey, this is a passion of mine that so offends you (though of course you exclude above in your put-down all the vast numbers of posts I've made here through 2010-14 routinely praising excellence in rugby skills and rugby management and fine rugby coaching when I see them).

I believe one of The Nine Core Pathologies Slowly Destroying Australian Rugby and Likely to Hand it Up to Ferrier Hodgson, is this: we fans and the media writing on this great sport routinely fail to (a) place demanding-enough standards of proper performance upon the highly paid managers throughout much of Aus rugby and (b) worse, fail to hold these elites to account when, as is pervasive sadly, they regularly fail to deliver even the most basic standards of business and team and player development success. Consequence: B Pulver announces the whole code is in serious financial trouble with an 'unsustainable' business and cost model (but the real problem is consistently declining revenues, the tell-tale sign of all poorly enterprises).

I HATE what is happening to this great global code in this country of ours. I absolutely detest it, it need not have happened, and that I predicted it from 2010 gives me zero comfort, totally zero. I wish on a stack of bibles I'd been wrong.

So, when I see more mismanagement and real danger signs of 'oh no, this is happening again' in a perviously well-managed company (QRU 2010-13) I am going to scream and holler from every fucking rooftop and you are just going to have to filter me out and thus feel better for doing so. I won't go away hurt by lettuces.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Kite and Paraka are good prospects, but they are relatively inexperienced. I am worried if we are losing Anae and Owen and relying on young, inexperienced guys - especially when our other prop is a noted non-scrummager in Daley.

Can't comment too much about Paraka but I know Kite has now been starting in Premier Grade for GPS for 3 years (this is his 4th) and is only 22 years old. In terms of experience at Super Rugby level, yes he hasn't packed against that quality but he has the credentials and experience in 'top level rugby' that I believe we wouldn't be losing too much if he were given a crack at the Reds for 2015.


Ken Catchpole (46)
Wasn't intended to be sarcastic.

I honestly don't know much about the guy.

I just wanted to continue on the Yoda speak.

I've only seen him in a handful of games, but I would have him at the Force in a heartbeat. The Force and the Reds have similar backrows (IMO)- high workrate at the expense of impact. I think he'd go well for either of us.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Can't comment too much about Paraka but I know Kite has now been starting in Premier Grade for GPS for 3 years (this is his 4th) and is only 22 years old. In terms of experience at Super Rugby level, yes he hasn't packed against that quality but he has the credentials and experience in 'top level rugby' that I believe we wouldn't be losing too much if he were given a crack at the Reds for 2015.

I'd just be worried if two rookies are replacing Owen and Anae. I'd be fine with one, but to me it's a big risk relying on a couple of young prop rookies if we get any injuries.

I hope Kite or Paraka get blooded next year, but I wouldn't want to be relying on, say, Daley and Paraka/Kite starting if we lose (touch wood) Slipper and Holmes to injury.


Jim Clark (26)
shouldn't have gotten rid of Anae... he was in the wobs extended squad last year and this year hasn't seen any game time at all.


Steve Williams (59)
shouldn't have gotten rid of Anae. he was in the wobs extended squad last year and this year hasn't seen any game time at all.
This is (sorta) what I've been asking on this thread. All that's being said is that he's going.

But he was signed-on until the end of 2015. What happened to that contract, who instigated the ending of it, and why?

There's been no real details divulged here. Presumably Anae himself asked for and received a release, otherwise he'd be within his rights to be paid out, other things being equal, — and that's not been canvassed.


John Solomon (38)
This is looking bad.


JOC (James O'Connor)

Hopefully Toulon teach him a few things about playing in the front row.

But on the other hand a lot of people are saying there hasn't been enough player turnover the past 3 years & we've become stale. Maybe this is the cleanout we need?
Though 3 or 4 on that list are a loss in my eyes.


John Solomon (38)
We have considered them. Over and over and over again ad nauseum.
We all know Reds happy is a fanatical reds supporter.
We all know reds happy's position on RG and his appointment.
We all know all of it because every post is pretty much the same. In this thread, in the other reds thread, hell even in the wallabies match thread.
I don't think the issue is even one of other forum members disagreeing with his content but more the repeated melodramatic, sky is falling posts that you quite rightly have pointed out that he has been posting since 2012. For almost 2 years, he's been posting pretty much the same thing and I don't know why. His point has been made. Long ago it was made. But yet the posts continue.

So in summing up my weird rant, thanks for the post Gnostic but it probably wasn't needed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

I can't recall ever seeing a Happy post from him to be honest.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Can't comment too much about Paraka but I know Kite has now been starting in Premier Grade for GPS for 3 years (this is his 4th) and is only 22 years old. In terms of experience at Super Rugby level, yes he hasn't packed against that quality but he has the credentials and experience in 'top level rugby' that I believe we wouldn't be losing too much if he were given a crack at the Reds for 2015.

Hopefully Kite will get further experience and prove his credentials in the NRC competition as a gateway to Super 15.


Dave Cowper (27)
If Richard Graham was a smart man he would look north of the boarder to the Shute Shield for some talent to add to his roster in 2015 especially in the forwards. He may snare a few from Sydney University, Manly or Eastwood.


Dave Cowper (27)
Any names bud? or just loose-tongued criticism?

Yep, sure. Can provide a few names but only give insight into those from University whom I follow.

2. Dave Porecki- Form hooker in the competition 22 years of age
6. Harry Bergelin- Top try scorer, excellent lineout operator and overall game 23 years of age
7. Kotoni Ale- Great on the ball and powerful running game 24 years of age
8. Dylan Sigg- Previous stint with Brumbies strong ball carrier

1. Jed Gillespie- Good ball skills, solid scrummager 22 years of age
5. Steve Cummins- Rebels 2015

Sydney University:

6. Tom Boidin (c)- A versatile forward similar mould to David McDuling (covers positions 4,5,6,8) who has had a stint at the Brumbies in 2011 before suffering a few season ending injuries which lead him out of the nations capital. At the age of 24 he has lead from the front not only this season but last forcing now Wallaby Will Skelton to start from the bench in the 2013 GF due to his form. He captained the side that won at Easts Bottomly Park for the Australian Club Championship (ACC) earlier this year. He will be one to watch this season for University.

3. Sam Talakai- At 23 years of age has been a University stalwart appearing for over 50+ 1st grade games varying between loose and tight head. He has been apart of the Waratahs set up now for a couple seasons, toured to Argentina with the NSW Barbarians and made his debut for the sky blue last season against the B&I Lions. He has been apart of three ACC fixtures (UQ 2011, UQ 2013 & Easts 2014) in which the previous two victories have been won on the back of a superb scrum.

7. David Hickey- Noted for his aggression and hard edge at the breakdown at 23 years of age David has a similar game to that of Beau Robinson. A very physical player who was voted by Shute Shield spectators as Uni's toughest forward. He was apart of the Waratahs set up in 2012 however surgery after the GF in 2013 prevented him from being apart of the WTS this season. He has participated in two ACC both against UQ missing against Easts due to injury. Another University stalwart approaching his 50th 1st grade cap.

Train Without a Station

By the sounds of it only Dylan Sigg brings what the Reds need in the pack though, and the remainder would be more of the same. None of our pack have looked bad, but they have struggled for serious impact.

That being said, I'd hope the Reds management are coming to this conclusion based on seeing the players playing. Sigg would be the type of pick up in line with our recruitment strategy of not breaking the bank to poach stars though.
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