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Reds 2015

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Will Genia (78)
Staff member
It seemed to me like the Reds management thought that Link had created an excellent culture and successful team at the Reds and they wanted him to play a big role in transitioning that to the next coach. Hence the reason to bring in RG a year earlier than he was to become head coach.

It hasn't worked out for whatever reasons. Maybe the Reds would be doing better this year if RG had only joined the team at the end of last season and was in control of everything that was happening rather than being positioned to continue Link's legacy.

Whatever the real story is, it hasn't worked out. It seems fairly certain that the Reds will persist with it for another year though.


Bill Watson (15)
Anyone listen to the "Coaches Message" in the weekly email the Reds just sent out? He mentioned a number of premier league players I haven't heard of (I'm not in Brissy), so I wonder if any of you local guys have any insight to those names RG sprouted.


Michael Lynagh (62)
It was reported elsewhere that many Reds players were unhappy with RG's coaching style and game plans, as they were overly detailed and planned and controlling and restrictive.


Steve Williams (59)
Hang on. Those reporting Anae is going to Italy, what's the story here?

This Reds press release has him signed to the end of 2015.

Four key members of the squad have re-signed with the Reds for a further two years with James Hanson, Beau Robinson, Albert Anae, and Dave McDuling all committing to the Reds until the end of 2015.

Did he get a release or is the article wrong?


Tony Shaw (54)
Hang on. Those reporting Anae is going to Italy, what's the story here?

This Reds press release has him signed to the end of 2015.

Four key members of the squad have re-signed with the Reds for a further two years with James Hanson, Beau Robinson, Albert Anae, and Dave McDuling all committing to the Reds until the end of 2015.

Did he get a release or is the article wrong?

I think you'll find the story re AA's leaving is correct.


Tony Shaw (54)
RH you can disagree with my comment but there is absolutely no need for personal attacks.

Not a personal attack at all. If you hand out condescending advice as to the worth of another person's post, you may risking copping something back, is all. Mirror, look.

And, further, I stand by my other point: the notion that somehow a state of affairs such that the Reds permit a continuing flow of their best developing young talent to (say) the Rebels is somehow ultimately positive for Australian rugby is reckless and ill-advised in that the NSWRU and QRU simply MUST produce commercially viable, crowd-winning, financially strong franchises in the next 2-3 years or the whole of Aus rugby will likely be insolvent by that time. In that scenario or close, the Rebels and Force will be the first to fold, and probably forever, sadly.


Mark Ella (57)
Those who are reacting badly to the criticism of the QRU and Link regarding the appointment of RG, should consider a few points.
1) RHappy is a Reds fanatic, enormously invested in his chosen side and as passionate a fan as I have met where-ever I have been involved with Rugby.
2) Questions were raised about the process undertaken to 'appoint' RG to the position. No wide ranging competitive process was undertaken with no applications called for. This 'appointment' was basically a man hand picked for the job. In such cases those doing the selection have to be completely sure of the selection and the basis behind it. In every other I case in and outside of sport such selections are made on the basis of proven ability at the highest levels.
3) I and others (including RH) expressed concerns regarding the Reds play in 2012 (but accepted the reasoning of huge injury counts). These issues were re-inforced in 2013 and we further questioned the recruitment of the Reds, in particular the area of the backrow and second row. Those areas have proven key this year.
4) Between 2007-2012 I was hyper critical of the Tahs, regarding coaching and upper management. In so many cases the same arguments were used to negate or belittle the points I was making. Along comes Chieka and his hardnosed approach, and a breaking of the political input from management and the results have been outstanding in terms of how they play the game.
5) Robbie Deans. I was happy when he was courted as Wallabies coach because of his outstanding record. I was less happy with the way he was appointed to the role because of the same reasoning behind point 2, however due to that outstanding record this could be rationalised. When core skills did not improve over successive years I and others called for his head and were met with the same arguments again.

Well third time is the charm. The results and the manner of those results have been predicted, on the macro (season long performance & results and fan engagement results) and micro (individual player performance, tactics and game facet analysis) scales.

RG will be coach next year, I think that is a given. I think it is sad though that Carmichael through this poor management decision will ride the ship back into the trough that he piloted it out of. How deep it will go is the question, and again the financial and overall performance of Australian Rugby will have an effect on this as well.


Mark Ella (57)
Well that's not very helpful, is it?

I want more, dammit! Was there a bust-up - contract torn up? Gimme details!


Maybe he wants to develop his rugby so that he can be an international front rower? How many players can you say are better at the Reds this year than they were last? Slipper - possibly but I think it more a case that he is fully fit. Simmons. Hanson has certainly regressed.


Mark Ella (57)
All the best to Anae. When Slipper was shifted to LHP on a regular basis, this basically left Anea in the cold. We can talk the virtues of depth but he has himself to consider and the clock is ticking on his career. He is to good to be second fiddle on a regular basis. Good luck to the bloke is all I can say.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Anyone listen to the "Coaches Message" in the weekly email the Reds just sent out? He mentioned a number of premier league players I haven't heard of (I'm not in Brissy), so I wonder if any of you local guys have any insight to those names RG sprouted.

Brad Wilkin is an open side for Easts. Perhaps a shoolboy last year or the year before?

Phil Kite is a big prop from GPS and their premier skipper. Still young and a fantastic talent.

Pat james I am not sure of

Jack Tuttle I think is still a colt at GPS. Scrum half or flyhalf.

Kite the one closest to Red squad selection in my eyes.


Not a personal attack at all. If you hand out condescending advice as to the worth of another person's post, you may risking copping something back, is all. Mirror, look.

RH on numerous occasions you have labelled those who maintain an optimistic view to Queensland Rugby as naive or wilfully blind, just because myself or any other number of forumer's refuse to take the melodramatic approach to posting on this forum doesn't give you the right to criticise them personally, everyone is entitled to an opinion, if that contradicts with your own then so be it. You can disagree with an opinion but there are no needs for personal attacks purely to further your own argument.

And, further, I stand by my other point: the notion that somehow a state of affairs such that the Reds permit a continuing flow of their best developing young talent to (say) the Rebels is somehow ultimately positive for Australian rugby is reckless and ill-advised in that the NSWRU and QRU simply MUST produce commercially viable, crowd-winning, financially strong franchises in the next 2-3 years or the whole of Aus rugby will likely be insolvent by that time. In that scenario or close, the Rebels and Force will be the first to fold, and probably forever, sadly.

No one on this forum actually believes its a positive for Australian rugby for all of the best young talent to head to the Rebels, Placid is a loss, McMahon was a loss..

However, suggesting that the QRU are on track to return to the pre-2010 heap in barely 2 years is ignoring an incredible amount of factors.


Ken Catchpole (46)
the notion that somehow a state of affairs such that the Reds permit a continuing flow of their best developing young talent to (say) the Rebels is somehow ultimately positive for Australian rugby is reckless and ill-advised
If you are referring to my post, it was really just a thinly veiled "Richard Graham is not much of a coach" post actually, more than a "good on the rebels for a great signing" post.

I couldn't figure out which emoticon to adequately elucidate the sentiment, sorry.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Brad Wilkin is an open side for Easts. Perhaps a shoolboy last year or the year before?

Phil Kite is a big prop from GPS and their premier skipper. Still young and a fantastic talent.

Pat james I am not sure of

Jack Tuttle I think is still a colt at GPS. Scrum half or flyhalf.

Kite the one closest to Red squad selection in my eyes.

Kite and Paraka are good prospects, but they are relatively inexperienced. I am worried if we are losing Anae and Owen and relying on young, inexperienced guys - especially when our other prop is a noted non-scrummager in Daley.


Tony Shaw (54)
Those who are reacting badly to the criticism of the QRU and Link regarding the appointment of RG, should consider a few points.
We have considered them. Over and over and over again ad nauseum.
We all know Reds happy is a fanatical reds supporter.
We all know reds happy's position on RG and his appointment.
We all know all of it because every post is pretty much the same. In this thread, in the other reds thread, hell even in the wallabies match thread.
I don't think the issue is even one of other forum members disagreeing with his content but more the repeated melodramatic, sky is falling posts that you quite rightly have pointed out that he has been posting since 2012. For almost 2 years, he's been posting pretty much the same thing and I don't know why. His point has been made. Long ago it was made. But yet the posts continue.

So in summing up my weird rant, thanks for the post Gnostic but it probably wasn't needed.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Train Without a Station

As noted, this "lack of competitive process" is a naive statement that does not at all factor in the nature of these appointments. If RG was the best candidate he would never have been appointed by it as he was already contracted.


John Thornett (49)
Do other people have an issue stopping him from going forward? Can he line up a shoulder and hit someone?

Within these questions, your answer lies.
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