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Reds 2014

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Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
You're in for a treat. Going from free to air to Foxtel at the start of the S15 season is heaven for Rugby tragics. So. Much. Rugby. :D

EDIT: Oh and a word from the wise. If you have a significant other who has sensed the opportunity to record trashy reality shows, soapies and dancing/singing shows, whatever you do, don't let him/her discover the series link function. The HDD will be full before the weekend and all of your S15 games will fail to record. NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

Endorse @Scoeys advice and advise ALSO Watch out for some of the garbage the little folk (not so little now but still younger) will try to "record" to the HD as well using up valuable rugby viewing space.


Mark Ella (57)
You will find yourself at war with the lifestyle channel. The series link button will be your enmy as said above. Don't be surprised to see about four trashy women shows trying to be recorded at the same time conflicting the system. When you go to the tv and find something you tried to record failed, you will scream.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
...and once it's recorded,it's a capital punishment offence to delete anything unwatched!

Good point ILTW, Reminds me of the RWC 2011 "Rules" that were circulated by email (and rigidly enforced at Chez Jarse) around that time. I think there is a copy of these on these threads somewhere. Relevant for any Televised rugby.

Dear women,

1. From 9 September to 23 October, 2011, you should read the sports section of the newspaper so that you are aware of what is going on regarding the World Cup, and that way you will be able to join in the conversations. If you fail to do this, then you will be looked at in a bad way, or you will be totally ignored. DO NOT complain about not receiving any attention.
2. During the World Cup, the television is mine, the VCR and DVD are all mine, at all times, without any exceptions. If you even take a glimpse of the remote control, you will lose it.
3. If you have to pass by in front of the TV during a game, I don’t mind, as long as you do it crawling on the floor and without distracting me. If you decide to stand nude in front of the TV, make sure you put clothes on right after because if you catch a cold, I won’t have time to take you to the doctor or look after you during the World Cup month.
4. During the games I will be blind, deaf and mute, unless I require a refill of my drink or something to eat. You are out of your mind if you expect me to listen to you, open the door, answer the telephone, or pick up the baby that just fell from the second floor… it won’t happen.
5. It would be a good idea for you to keep at least two six packs in the fridge at all times, as well as plenty of things to nibble on, and please do not make any funny faces to my friends when they come over to watch the games. In return, you will be allowed to use the TV between 12pm and 3pm, unless they replay a good game that I missed during the day.
6. Please, please, please, if you see me upset because one of my teams is losing, DO NOT say ‘get over it, it’s only a game’, or ‘don’t worry, they’ll win next time’. If you say these things, you will only make me angrier and I will love you less. Remember, you will never ever know more about rugby than me and your so called ‘words of encouragement’ will only lead to a break up or divorce.
7. You are welcome to sit with me to watch one game and you can talk to me during halftime, but only when the commercials are on, and only if the halftime score is pleasing me. In addition, please note, I am saying ‘one’ game; hence do not use the World Cup as a nice cheesy excuse to ‘spend time together’.
8. The replays of the tries are very important. I don’t care if I have seen them or I haven’t seen them, I want to see them again. Many times, and record them.
9. Tell your friends NOT to have any babies, or any other child related parties or gatherings that requires my attendance because:
a. I will not go,
b. I will not go, and
c. I will not go.
10. But, if a friend of mine invites us to his house on a Sunday to watch a game, we will be there in a flash.
11. The daily World Cup highlights show on TV every night is just as important as the games themselves. Do not even think about saying, ‘But you have already seen this… why don’t you change the channel to something we can all watch?’
12. Please save your expressions such as, ‘Thank goodness the World Cup is only every four years’. I am immune to these words, because after this comes the reruns of the Rugby World Cup, etc, etc.
13. And finally, if you are female and your “man” likes rugby less than you, he is not a real man and shall be bound by these rules and additionally be referred to as “the bitch” for the duration of the World Cup.
Thank you for your cooperation.
Men of the world.

Edit: We digress. Back on topic.

The 2014 Reds backline will surprise many who have written them off based on 2013 form, rumour, perceptions. They will be more than a handful for any team that takes them lightly.

IMHO the Piggies may be where Team Red 2014 may be a little vulnerable, particularly when players graduate to Team Rehab.

Bit of talk above about Curtin Browning. I reckon he may be about 6 months shy of being ready to warm the pine for the Reds, but he will be one to look out for in 2015 and beyond. It would be a loss to Red if another franchise were to entice him out of BrisVegas next year or the year after.

Train Without a Station

Bit of talk above about Curtin Browning. I recokn he may be about 6 months shy of being ready to warm the pine for the Reds, but he will be one to look out for in 2015 and beyond. It would be a loss to Red if another franchise were to entice him out of BrisVegas next year of the year after.

HJ I tend to agree. Quirk debuted Round 1 2010. From there he was not able to cement himself as a regular match day member until 2013, and then still did struggle to maintain his form for the entirety of what was his first full season as a starter.

Scott Higginbotham debuted in the 92-3 disaster in 2007. It wasn't until 2010 that he cemented himself as the Reds best 6.

Gill debuted in 2011, yet it was really 2013 when he cemented himself.

If Browning is able to convert one or two short cameos into a full season of Super Rugby in 2014, he would be the best young forward prospect in the country.


Ken Catchpole (46)
As a trio, I really liked the way that Shatz, Gill and Quirk worked. Probably one of the tightest units I have seen in quite a long time. Collectively soooo much more than the sum of their parts.

I'm hoping that they continue on with that this season as it was such a joy to watch.


John Thornett (49)


Mark Ella (57)
IMO the Reds will use their forwards as a weapon nore than previous years. They are full of very good players, most with Wallaby experience. They are a year older, yet still very young and a very "tight" group.

Slipper (LHP/THP - makes no difference - workload huge)
Finger (run all day and pulls off tackles players hate to be on the end of)
Daley (that is the ??????)
Horwill - (very motivated to recapture previous form and try to get Wallaby captaincy back)
Simmo (huge work load appreciated by Reds and LINK's Wallabies)
Gill, Quirk & Shatz (tight trio full of workload)


John Thornett (49)
This is the 3rd offseason in a row where the newspaper has made a point about the shaggy/sandy haired No.6 back rower who is tipped to have a big season 2012 (Higgers) 2013 (Quirk) 2014 (Browning)

I just hope Curtis Browning has the skill set & we are not basing this assumption on how a man likes to grow his hair.

EDIT: Beau Robinson (2011) shaggy haired backrower tipped for a big year. (but he was an open side flanker)


As a trio, I really liked the way that Shatz, Gill and Quirk worked. Probably one of the tightest units I have seen in quite a long time. Collectively soooo much more than the sum of their parts.

I'm hoping that they continue on with that this season as it was such a joy to watch.

It has always been very curious that the three standout backrowers within a few short years all played different positions, and had different skillsets. The backrow was predicted years before it actually took shape by many, but few would have predicted they would be the starting 'loosies' in tandem so soon.

In saying all that, I think Curtis will give those guys a real run for their money as the season progresses. It might just be that our backrow becomes a four-man wrecking crew, with one bash brother waiting on the pine.


Mark Ella (57)
The young fella has had plenty of rapts on him seems like forever.

Consistent starts in Super 15 is a huge step up for the young bloke.

Just hope he is 'nurtured" properly. If so, he has the potential (as have soooooooooo many others) to progress allthe way to the top and for a very long time. However there are plenty of distractions along the road so being mentored properly and being focussed over a number of years is the key

As always time will tell

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
It's early days for him but if you don't want him send him down to Sydney; we'll have a Volvo waiting at the border.

Browning turned 20 last October; so people should not be too critical of him, after all, he was the Australian Under 20 player of the year in 2013.

I saw him in 2009 at the Opens Oz Schools Championships when he was 15 (which I didn't know until the end of the week, and ditto for CFS) and you could notice his combativeness and joy of contact. There's a bit of Schalk in him.

Normally you can't pick junior forwards to do well as senior players but because of those attributes you knew he would go OK when he was older.

Don't judge him yet.


Yep i think the hats are a bit lame, i just palm them off to my nephews anyway...


Squad sizes are how big, 50? Lol

Ive seen another photo of this minus the players sitting in the front rank who are all the Wider Training Squad players, and left remaining were 32 players, the 29 full contracted and 3 EPS squad players listed on the Reds website.

So that means the Reds still have one position left available in the main squad and two positions in the EPS.... I wonder why they have gone into the season with 3 contracted positions left vacant? They must have a lot of faith in the Wider Training Squad.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
May well be a $$$$ thing. Happy to start with (and pay for) 29 players. If someone gets injured they can then look at who they bring in and worry about money then. The 30 is a maximum figure and there's a salary cap to consider too.
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