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Reds 2014

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Chilla Wilson (44)
Not this week. IMO. But I have been known to be wrong in the past.

Chris Kuridrani is in the Reds EPS, so without a few injuries, ie. Shippers, Turner, CFS, Davies, Toua & Taulagi, I can't see him getting a run.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Not this week. IMO. But I have been known to be wrong in the past.

Chris Kuridrani is in the Reds EPS, so without a few injuries, ie. Shippers, Turner, CFS, Davies, Toua & Taulagi, I can't see him getting a run.

Thanks for that. Someone's earlier post I think intimated that he might be on the bench, but not without the injuries, as you say.


Quade back at training
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-AK (Andrew Kellaway)-ash3/t1/1904023_10152200936825236_1891627636_n.jpg

also acknowledge deficiences of Rods game BUT at least the bugger runs hard, irrespective of the contact - if he catches the ball he is dangerous - and I like THAT part of his game
Exactly, Rodney is a great finisher... The key word there is finisher, when the rest of the team is getting across the advantage line, bending the defensive line and leaving the opposition out of sorts then he will run amok and score tries. But if the rest of the team isn't getting that penetration or disrupting the defence, then Rodney looks really bad.. yes he has bombed a couple of tries, but he has also scored plenty of tries that few other players in Australian rugby would have been able to score.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Does anyone have a team list for the Australian Barbarians that are facing Reds A in the curtain Raiser?
Is this what you were looking for?

I'd imagine that we would be seeing most of these lads in the rebadged ARC at the end of the year.
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Billy Sheehan (19)
Is this what you were looking for?


I'd imagine that we would be seeing most of these lads in the rebadged ARC at the end of the year.

Thanks for that. Sorry if this is off topic but does anyone know who Marco Kotze is playing for this season? Watched him play a lot for Queanbeyan last year in the John I Dent. Is AJ Gilbert in Brisbane or are the rumors of him playing for Byron Bay real? Agree though that a lot will feature in the NRC, I like the look of Liam Winton as a player.

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
I have always like Davies in a game, he seems to have an x factor that moves me an inch closer to the edge of my seat every time he gets the ball. That being said I would struggle to find a spot for him in the team.

My ideal team would be this-
1 Daley
2 S Fainga'a
3 Slipper (VC)
4 Simmons
5 Horwill
6 Quirk (on the condition he cuts his hair from the Reds website!)
7 Gill
8 Shatz
9 Genia
10 Cooper (C)
11 Shipperly
12 Tapuai
13 A Fainga'a
14 CFS (I want him on the field with Anthony to teach him where to be in defence for the future)
15 Turner

16 Hanson
17 Anae
18 Holmes
19 Robinson
20 Lucas
21 Harris
22 O'Donoghue

I have always preferred S Fainga'a and Gill together and then Robinson and Hanson to replace then if required.

If it was up to me I would look at Cooper as captain, the responsibility worked with the Wallabies, so it might be even better with the Reds.


John Thornett (49)
Liquor box you should know by now that the flo' is clearly the source of Quirk's power..

He would make an excellent Lacrosse player with that fiery red flo.


Desmond Connor (43)
There has been a lot of conjecture over who will be the Reds pairing for the centres.
I think CFS has been groomed for the 13. You keep hearing about his potential, but I think the 'powers that be' have decided now is the time he delivered. Athletically he has the goods, and his being in the Wallabies European tour certainly hasn't done him any harm.
Harris has been doing the pre-season yards at 12. His training and play in the trials has been impressive.
The Ant will probably come on at 12 later off the pine, but he needs more fitness before he is on the run-on side.
Tapuai will be the second reserve back, covering both centre positions, as Harris can cover for both fly half or 15.
Don't worry, Cooper will play unless he falls off a ladder changing a light bulb (It's amazing how many rugby personnel damage themselves falling off ladders during the pre-season).


Mark Ella (57)
I have always like Davies in a game, he seems to have an x factor that moves me an inch closer to the edge of my seat every time he gets the ball. That being said I would struggle to find a spot for him in the team.

My ideal team would be this-
1 Daley
2 S Fainga'a
3 Slipper (VC)
4 Simmons
5 Horwill
6 Quirk (on the condition he cuts his hair from the Reds website!)
7 Gill
8 Shatz
9 Genia
10 Cooper (C)
11 Shipperly
12 Tapuai
13 A Fainga'a
14 CFS (I want him on the field with Anthony to teach him where to be in defence for the future)
15 Turner

16 Hanson
17 Anae
18 Holmes
19 Robinson
20 Lucas
21 Harris
22 O'Donoghue

I have always preferred S Fainga'a and Gill together and then Robinson and Hanson to replace then if required.

If it was up to me I would look at Cooper as captain, the responsibility worked with the Wallabies, so it might be even better with the Reds.
Interesting re C and VC - think Horwill and Genia wouldn't like thsat too much.

Also no room for Browning ????


Ward Prentice (10)
23 players required - minimum of 3 front rowers on the bench.
Bench make up will more than likely be:
1 hooker
2 props
1 lock
1 back rower
1 halfback
1 midfield
1 outside back

Will be interesting to see what sort of impact these new scrum laws will have in relation to the make up of the bench and how it is used.
More mobility vs power??
Can see the body shape of the modern day rugby player changing, particularly front rowers, over the next 24 months.
Fitness will be key I think.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Not sure if body shape will change but the emphasis on transfer of weight in the scrum etc could open the door to lighter props being given a better crack if their technique is good. I think if there is one position where there might be changes it is the hooker. With the new laws, having a heavyset hooker who is able to contribute his weight into a scrum will be key as there has already been talk of hookers feeling underpowered by the pre-bind and stability. Hope Hanson and Saia have been eating their pies ;)


Mark Ella (57)
I have always like Davies in a game, he seems to have an x factor that moves me an inch closer to the edge of my seat every time he gets the ball. That being said I would struggle to find a spot for him in the team.

My ideal team would be this-
1 Daley
2 S Fainga'a
3 Slipper (VC)
4 Simmons
5 Horwill
6 Quirk (on the condition he cuts his hair from the Reds website!)
7 Gill
8 Shatz
9 Genia
10 Cooper (C)
11 Shipperly
12 Tapuai
13 A Fainga'a
14 CFS (I want him on the field with Anthony to teach him where to be in defence for the future)
15 Turner

16 Hanson
17 Anae
18 Holmes
19 Robinson
20 Lucas
21 Harris
22 O'Donoghue

I have always preferred S Fainga'a and Gill together and then Robinson and Hanson to replace then if required.

If it was up to me I would look at Cooper as captain, the responsibility worked with the Wallabies, so it might be even better with the Reds.
1. Slipper
2. Saia
3. Holmes
4/ Simmo
5. Horwill
6. Quirk
7. Gill.
8. Shatzy
9. Genia.
10 Cooper
11/14 Ships / Turner
12 Taps
13. Ant
15. Toua

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
Not sure if body shape will change but the emphasis on transfer of weight in the scrum etc could open the door to lighter props being given a better crack if their technique is good. I think if there is one position where there might be changes it is the hooker. With the new laws, having a heavyset hooker who is able to contribute his weight into a scrum will be key as there has already been talk of hookers feeling underpowered by the pre-bind and stability. Hope Hanson and Saia have been eating their pies ;)
I am sure when the new laws came in Link said that Anae would be great in the scrums because his build an high muscle mass would be a huge advantage.
I think Anae will be a starter by the end of the season


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I am sure when the new laws came in Link said that Anae would be great in the scrums because his build an high muscle mass would be a huge advantage.
I think Anae will be a starter by the end of the season

He also thought Benn Robinson would be poor under the new laws and didn't pick him. That wasn't correct.

That said, Anae could be a starting prop for the Reds by the end of the season. They need someone to improve beyond Daley and Holmes' ability if they want to really have a strong scrum.

liquor box

Peter Sullivan (51)
Interesting re C and VC - think Horwill and Genia wouldn't like thsat too much.

Also no room for Browning ????

I fell for the team that Horwill will perform well without the captaincy and that Coopers game is better with responsibility so to benefit the team as a whole I would prefer Cooper.

As for Genia, he is awesome as a player but I think being captain took his mind off doing what he needs to do, deliver good quick clean ball. If you are busy trying to work out what to complain to the referee about next then you are not delivering the ball


Chilla Wilson (44)
1. Slipper
2. Saia
3. Holmes
4/ Simmo
5. Horwill
6. Quirk
7. Gill.
8. Shatzy
9. Genia.
10 Cooper
11/14 Ships / Turner
12 Taps
13. Ant
15. Toua

Like this, except for 12 & 13.

Doubt Ant will be starting for a few weeks and Mikey, I think, has performed well enough in the trials to have stitched up the 12 jersey. The question then is do you move Taps to 13 or start with CFS? I would start with Taps at 13 along side Mikey with Ant & CFS on the bench.
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