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Reds 2014

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Train Without a Station

tranquillity, were you at all a part of the administration that lead us to the brink of collapse the first time around?


Tony Shaw (54)
No surprise he has predicted the Tahs to top the conference.

Fuck you Grumbles.

He doesn't do this because he is a die-hard Tahs fan. He does it for self-justification. If the Tahs go well he calls himself a hero. If they go badly, then he will begin to spew out the vitriol around round five. And he's a past master at spewing vitriol. Altogether, not a very nice person.


Michael Lynagh (62)
I think this year we will see just how much Link brought to QLD.

He had a remarkable skill and making okay players into a quality team.


Did he just have this skill at the Reds, or did he also have it at the Tahs?


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member

Did he just have this skill at the Reds, or did he also have it at the Tahs?

there are ok players who are prepared to do the hard yards and then there are ok players who believe they are better than ok and think that's enough.


Darby Loudon (17)

Did he just have this skill at the Reds, or did he also have it at the Tahs?

Given he finished top 3 in 3 out of 5 years there including 2 GFs, and no one in the years before or since has a comparable record (with arguably better teams), I'd say he had that skill set at both clubs.

I think his impact will be noticeably missed but not because of the players being only 'ok'. Stiles did an excellent job with the Force pack last year, but since RGs days with Bath we have yet to see anything that really locks him down as a top level coach.

I think the Reds are far better now than they were when they won, Higgers being the only positional downgrade, so time will tell.


I think the Red have more depth this season, across forwards and backs than ever before. When you factor in experience as well to players such as Gill, Quirk, Shatz, Shipperley etc we are really quite an experienced side despite being a very young side. More confident that I was last season, that's for certain.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)

Did he just have this skill at the Reds, or did he also have it at the Tahs?
At the Tahs as well, we were stupid and let him go the same year we got to the go.
In no way was I being critical of the reds, I'm a fan of the rugby they play! !!!


Michael Lynagh (62)
I actually don't mind the League theory of having a very strong "spine" in your team, preferably stars. In League, this might mean the hooker, halfback, fullback plus a couple of other stars. Then you have the role players. Examples are Melbourne Storm and Manly.

I reckon the Reds had this in 2011, with Genia, Cooper and Horwill acting as the "spine" of the team, along with the odd star like Digby. They then had guys like the Finger Twins, Lance, Daley, Beaue, etc "role players" feeding off the spine.

Simply put, you can't have a team of all stars. A good coach will take the stars and put the players around them that not will only allow the stars to succeed, but also allow the stars to make those players look good.

The Tahs under Link were always a good 10 from winning the comp.

I didn't know if you were have a subtle dig at the Reds or not, hence my reply. Thought "OK" is a bit harsh on the other players though; they are all good players in their own right.

I watched every Reds game live in seats just on halfway a few rows back (travelling up from Sydney), bar the finals series, in 2011, and the marked difference for me was the physicality of the Reds pack. Even my old father, who is a diehard league fan and attended half the games with me, described the Reds as "tackling like league players". The final thing that set the Reds apart to me in 2011 was their physicality, the only game I saw it matched was the 2011 Bledisloe in Brisbane. Even Daley, who was pilloried for his average scrummaging, brought something to the team that you could only appreciate fully when watching the game live.


Michael Lynagh (62)
Incidentally, I am not confident for the Reds this year. Lots of stuff has me nervous. I hope we don't go into the first game with that trial team we selected against the Rebels, it just doesn't look right to me. Particularly Holmes at THP, I wouldn't be surprised to hear reports that Toby Smith got well over him at scrum time.

Hope to eat my words at the end of the season.


Darby Loudon (17)
Shit, cooper being stretched off. Looks like a neck issues
Didn't look good

We should all be ecstatic that in their infinite wisdom decided to leave the most important player in the franchise on the field as long as they did in a TRIAL match.


Steve Williams (59)
Cooper is probably gonna be okay:


Rebels are going to be a threat this year with a much better scrum.


Desmond Connor (43)
So the trial games are finished with.
Not taking anything away from the Rebels on the night, but I think it was more important for them to win this game, than it was for the Reds.
The Reds know they have two massive games coming up to start the season, and probably held a little back in reserve, whether consciously or subconsciously is unknown.
But it would have been hard to go out and bust their pfuffle vowels in a game that will be forgotten by the end of the week.
Probably similiar to the NZ Super15 sides in their trials.
Although from what I heard the amount of handling errors is inexplanable. Maybe they just weren't ready for the 'in your face' defence of the Rebels. Which can only be a good thing; it will give them more to think about for next week. It's all been too easy up til now.


From the two trials it sounds to me like the back-line will look something like this.

Turner, Taps, Sautia, Shipperley, Toua

Sounds as if Anthony is short of a gallop. Rodney is as brainless as ever.

From listening to the call last night it sounded as if Kuridrani was very dangerous. Will be very interesting to see if he is named in the 23 next week.


Who's Rodney?

A loss like this in pre-season is a good thing and should be a it of a reality check.
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