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Reds 2014

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Train Without a Station

Hate to nitpick Reg (I don't actually), but it was against France at 13.

Train Without a Station

I have that impression too Scoey, that Taps cut his teeth having to play 13 originally.


Chilla Wilson (44)
It seems that RG is looking at Taps as a 13 which has also been Fainga'a's best spot. This has me wondering where CFS fits as it also seems that Harris will have first go at 12. There is already a lot of outside backs but maybe CFS will be looked at as a 11 with Davies, Shipperley, Turner and Toua fighting out other spots. Given the depth there I am not sure that is the best use of his skill. Is there a chance he may be able to switch to 12? It would add some starch and go forward close to Quade and the thought of him close to the tryline in the 10/12 channel has me imagining Folau lite, he'd be damn hard to stop and has good hands.

But from all reports CFS played very well at O/C, and that he will probably carry that position into the first S15 game


Chilla Wilson (44)
He did. CFS at 13 that is. And did not bad. Just get the feeling that he might get badly caught out in a full on game though. Happy to be proved wrong.


Tony Shaw (54)
I guess at the end of the day we shouldn't put too much weight on positions and combos in the trials. While they are a good indicator, it's the likely time that slightly off centre ideas will be given some room to play out.

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I could be wrong but for the most part when both were fit, Ant played 12 and Taps @ 13 in 2011.

Taps had to cut his teeth at 13, but he was woeful and it made him look as if he was lost at that level. Swapped with Ant, and then looked like a world beater.

I'm not saying he can't play at 13, he just isn't very good there. He is not that 'fast', except for his explosive first few steps. He doesn't run particularly threatening lines and it limits is ability to ball play.

Taps is a playmaker that is built like a German tank, who can square up the opposition backline and thus create space wider for the men who can actually exploit it. He has a good left peg, good footwork in traffic and is a very competent defender.

It doesn't make sense to play him at 13, and I'm sure everyone at the Reds understands this. It is just that we don't have a genuine 13. Other than Chris.

Now, many will say he is not ready. But maybe he is, and that is why he is being trialled.


Mark Ella (57)
Big question fellas is what do the reds want in a 12 this year. This is relavent in that Cooper has become a more rounded 10 in the last 12 months.

If Ant plays 13, I would not be opposed to trying Lucas at 12 at some point. He has demonstrated a good attacking instinct, a solid defense and that could open up options at times to use Cooper in attack a bit wider. How we use Cooper will be a big factor. He is naturally going to be the marked man and I have no doubt he can handle that but we could put extra doubt in our opponents by mixing it up a bit.

We have some bloody good depth at 12 at the end of the day.


There are any number of combinations you could ultimately select and it couldn't really be considered wrong..

But I don't think you can look at the centre pairing in isolation, given the way the Reds play I think who is selected at the back 3 is equally as important to the conversation .


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Pretty handy for the Reds to have 4 Wallaby capped centres at their disposal.

It will be interesting to see how Graham approaches the selection of his centre pairing, and whether he goes for Harris/Tapuai/FTA at 12, and CFS/FTA at 13.

I hope Taps pushes on and exceeds his 2012 form, because I really rate him.


Tony Shaw (54)
I would like nothing more than to see Taps regain the form and confidence that had him pegged as the next big thing to pull on a Wallabies jersey. From what everyone's saying, he's looking fit and sharp which can only be good!

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Andrew Slack (58)
You are allowed to nit pick. Yes he finished his schooling here. There was a large number of supporters in the crowd that knew exactly who he was & where he was the whole time. He still had every right to be nervous. :)
And, the reality is that if he had stayed in Rockhampton he would realistically have been likely to have only made it in league. I'm actually not overly familiar with Jonah's background but, as I understand it he was an early success of the Junior Gold program. I know another Rocky junior this year is making the move (to Brisbane this time) due, again as I understand it, to his involvement in the junior gold program. Given how many kids from Rockhampton finish school with a league contract I am glad to see union start to pick some up. If that means that Toowoomba or Brisbane claim them as their own I can live with that.


John Thornett (49)
Well either way, Ant Fainga'a has to be starting!

I actually prefer him at 13 simply because I think that's where he is best utilized defensively. He reads the game very well and makes important tackles in that wider attacking channel.

In attack however, much better at 12 as a straight ball runner/decoy.

Didn't the Reds (or Wallabies) have him starting at 13, but switching with Tapuai in attack at one point? I wouldn't be against that idea being trialled.


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
The other thing with Ant at 13 is that he has a great ability to steal the ball at the breakdown (all Fainga'a's are 7's anyway). It allows for the outside backs to get the ball against a disorganised defence. If we have Toua, Turner, CFS, Shipperly and Davies getting that ball then I'm a happy man.


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Ant really does lead the backline in defense. You watch him. He's constantly yelling at his team mates (particularly when we are defending close to the line) and ensuring they are moving forward and getting off the line.

I have no answer. CFS is a bloody talent, but I think it may end up being:

15 Toua
14 Turner
13 Fainga'a
12 Tapuai
11 Shipperly.

Shipps probably the most under pressure for his spot but I just think when he's in form (which he wasn't last year) he's a bloody asset. Fast and strong (still learning to use his body), very good defender, and likes to get involved. CFS impact from the bench.

In the end the key will be that the Reds want runners in motion to give QC (Quade Cooper) and Will options. Thankfully we have the players to do that.
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