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Rebels 2018

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Fair call, and normally I would agree with you.

However, we are talking about the wooden spoon team; As much time as possible at the coalface would be much needed, methinks!

i hear ya and remember thinking the same last year, i think it was Sept before we confirmed Wessels. So 1, lets not rush a decision but make the right decision, 2, NRC could be used as an idea of who/ interview
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Mr Wobbly

Alan Cameron (40)

Guys, I know the season has barely finished for most of us, but does anyone think it odd that there has been nothing in the media, out of the Rebels, or even rumours and sniffing about potential HC candidates and the search status? Even we have not really explored options to any great extent.

The only thing I can recall hearing at all is that the common assumption is that Dave W (from the team that cannot be named) would likely take over IF that team folded.

Given not a single other name has been associated with the Rebels, (and note that normally the interwebby-thingy would be in meltdown over predicting who/what/when for a HC spot), it is odd to say the least.

There is no tin-hat conspiracy being floated here, so everyone take a deep breath. But I will say, assuming Dave W has a gig at his current club next year, who are WE chasing? Anyone heard anything?

EDIT: This is not a post lookijng for a shitfight, so anyone who responds along the lines of "The Rebels are clearly toast", or "the Force are clearly gone", or "Dave W has made a secret deal with the ARU to go to the Rebels", or anything that includes the names Twiggy or Cox will be deleted.
This is a genuine question with zero malice.
I've been wondering for a while if:

Plan A - The person that you didn't mention

Plan B - "Shit, we need to find someone - quick"

Plan C - Morgan Turinui


i think it was Sept before we confirmed Wessels.

Look, I'll make you a deal. Clearly you are likely to have Davey boy next year.

But, could you at least clone him and send us one?

Actually, that isn't a deal so much as outright begging.



Greg Davis (50)
Can someone with a good gossip radar speculate as to why/how Totality Tony continues to get high profile coaching gigs?


Steve Williams (59)
There are still a few good coaching prospects in Australia. Rebels, should they survive, could do worse than take a look at someone like Darren Coleman, IMO.

Dunno whether he wants such a job, but Coleman does tend to get value out of the hands he is dealt and teams play a pretty good style of rugby.


Jim Lenehan (48)
I think (using the old Brian Lara cricket style, failed to purchase naming rights method) we will get Steve kessells from the western fort if they aren't in the mega rugby competition for next year.

I did notice the advertised head coach position was taken down on sportspeople.com about a week ago. Something for the conspiracy theorist to look into.

Still a fan on getting Matty Taylor in. Maybe larkham in at defense coach (seems to be good at stopping tries) and grey in as attacking coach (great at have points scored). In all seriousness Morgs as attacking coach and Taylor for head coach/defensive coach


Tony Shaw (54)
Staff member
I did notice the advertised head coach position was taken down on sportspeople.com about a week ago. Something for the conspiracy theorist to look into.

Probably because the ad was time-boxed, so after a 4-week period it was automagically taken down. Sorry, that answer is probably too logical for the internet. Perhaps they already have someone, just not announcing it yet.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Probably because the ad was time-boxed, so after a 4-week period it was automagically taken down. Sorry, that answer is probably too logical for the internet. Perhaps they already have someone, just not announcing it yet.
You only put the ad up for a short time when you don't actually intend recruiting from it.


Can someone with a good gossip radar speculate as to why/how Totality Tony continues to get high profile coaching gigs?

Ok. Look, I don't know Tony, and I am less than qualified to determine his abilities.

But Tony had the Rebels on a upwards trend for most of his time. Yes, it was a painfully slow upwards trend, but we really did see year on year improvement in one form or another.

I have no interest in judging Tony on 2017. The S&C team crocked our boys before a ball was even kicked in season 2017, and we had something like 17-20 odd players off-line and injured for every fucking game of the season.

This year was completely ruined due to injury to key players, and our depth was found wanting. Incidentally, that lack of depth and Super Rugby-ready players is what convinced me we have 1 team too many in Oz.

Additionally, while it is clear the ARU didn't help matters, I can't really justify that as a reason for the Rebels poor season. The trouble with that is, the Force turned uncertainty and frustration into anger and a "fuck you" mentality. The Rebels turned it into an excuse to curl up and cry. In line with the injury list, that is why 2017 sucked the big one, if we are truly honest with each other.

Anyway, I think that without doubt, Tony had run his race with the Rebels and a change was/is due, but I am not willing to write him off. He did good things with us, and I am sure he will do good things in the future.


Greg Davis (50)
Ok. Look, I don't know Tony, and I am less than qualified to determine his abilities.

But Tony had the Rebels on a upwards trend for most of his time. Yes, it was a painfully slow upwards trend, but we really did see year on year improvement in one form or another.

I have no interest in judging Tony on 2017. The S&C team crocked our boys before a ball was even kicked in season 2017, and we had something like 17-20 odd players off-line and injured for every fucking game of the season.

This year was completely ruined due to injury to key players, and our depth was found wanting. Incidentally, that lack of depth and Super Rugby-ready players is what convinced me we have 1 team too many in Oz.

Additionally, while it is clear the ARU didn't help matters, I can't really justify that as a reason for the Rebels poor season. The trouble with that is, the Force turned uncertainty and frustration into anger and a "fuck you" mentality. The Rebels turned it into an excuse to curl up and cry. In line with the injury list, that is why 2017 sucked the big one, if we are truly honest with each other.

Anyway, I think that without doubt, Tony had run his race with the Rebels and a change was/is due, but I am not willing to write him off. He did good things with us, and I am sure he will do good things in the future.

Fair points, but there were whispers circulating about his move from ARU high performance to the Rebels, and since parting ways finds himself ensconced with the Reds. Maybe he's better suited, like Laurie Fisher, to the detail work of assistant coaching roles rather than the sweeping responsibilities that come with being the head honcho in a cash-starved outfit.

My 2c: continue with the commitment to a proper rebuild, focus on evolution and recruit -- and back to the hilt -- a young coach with some success under their belt.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Or, on a secret part of the website that only certain people can access. Seriously, I've seen this happen in Government.
An organisation I wor- know of advertises on either the internal intranet, externally or both, depending on who you are targeting.


Cyril Towers (30)
Maybe you could start by looking at other young coaches that Jake White employs/ed. He seems to have a successful coaching method/ culture.
D Wessels was brought to Aus by Jake. S Larkham seems to have players who play for him. Even Jones seems to have the respect of his players?

As an aside what a mistake, in retrospect, of hiring Cheika instead of Jake.

Edit: another ARU f/up, didn't they secretly promise Jake the job and then shaft him?


Bill McLean (32)
Ok. Look, I don't know Tony, and I am less than qualified to determine his abilities.

But Tony had the Rebels on a upwards trend for most of his time. Yes, it was a painfully slow upwards trend, but we really did see year on year improvement in one form or another.

I have no interest in judging Tony on 2017. The S&C team crocked our boys before a ball was even kicked in season 2017, and we had something like 17-20 odd players off-line and injured for every fucking game of the season.

Nah you're too nice Daz. The same could be said for Damien Hill towards the end of his tenure.

You're right that there is a massive issue with strength and conditioning, and if I were Baden that'd be the first place I'd go hunting for scalps. However, Tony is still responsible for the overall preparation and strategy for the team and on this measure, in both preseason and before each game, he repeatedly failed. There would be small improvements in particular areas but often at the expense of other parts of the field.

We still don't have, or seek, a defining attitude or style of play after six years. Something that educates our overall strategy and even down to the tactics from week to week.

In my opinion, it's a big part of the reason why we don't have a plan B, or why we tend to just get smacked when we go down early. There's no high-level attitude that they can at least improvise to.

That's what the new coach needs to sort out, should they get the chance to.


Peter Sullivan (51)
The trouble with that is, the Force turned uncertainty and frustration into anger and a "fuck you" mentality. The Rebels turned it into an excuse to curl up and cry. .

this is what has pissed me off the most. really they showed so little spirit and fight for most of the time. in the end they seemed happy to get close to the Force and Jags, close losses equated to good performances. to me trhey have looked leaderless all year, i think that comes from all the way at the top.


Nah you're too nice Daz.

We still don't have, or seek, a defining attitude or style of play after six years. Something that educates our overall strategy and even down to the tactics from week to week.

I AM nice! Thanks for noticing Stu! :D

And I disagree with your assessment that the Rebels have no defining style. We do, and it goes like this:

1. Run the ball in attack with a look of determination. Prior to contact, the running player MUST choose to either kick the ball away with a senseless grubber, or hold the ball but cough it up when tackled. Either is acceptable, however, if you choose the grubber, you must look very frustrated that it didn't work out when the opposition scoops it up and returns for a try. Practice that look in the mirror until perfect.

2. At the break down, if you are the designated Rebels 9, immediately go for the box kick. DO NOT stop to consider your options. The box kick must also be significantly ineffectual. A well executed box kick is returned via the opposition team scoring a try after running through multiple defenders.

3. At an attacking lineout, it cannot be stressed enough that the throw must either be a) not straight, or b) ignore the lineout call and pass directly to the opposition jumpers. In the unlikely event that the attacking lineout results in us retaining the ball, we must knock-on at the first contact.

4. When a try is scored, it is critical that the opposition scores in return within a 5 minute period. A perfectly executed opposition try would include 6-7 missed tackles by the defenders. Extra ice-cream after the game if you can also look like the keystone cops (or the chase scene in any Benny Hill show) whilst letting them through.
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