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Rebels 2014

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Greg Davis (50)
I'd usually say that Muggleton leaving is a bad thing, but seeing as our defense has been consistently non-existent maybe it's for the best.

James Buchanan

Trevor Allan (34)
Well, McGahan is is more of a defence coach and will probably have his own systems to put into place. Hopefully the Rebels have lined up a suitable attack coach to pair with him, Louden would be a good selection.


Geoff Shaw (53)
Well, McGahan is is more of a defence coach and will probably have his own systems to put into place. Hopefully the Rebels have lined up a suitable attack coach to pair with him, Louden would be a good selection.

McGahan has a good recond as a defense and backs coach, just not very impressive as a head coach or while he was Deans assistant.

Jimmy C

Allen Oxlade (6)
First time posting on the forums...so please be kind :)

Saw this tweet pop up last night from James King.

@Rebeljamesking: Will see how the ARU feels when they loose one of 1 best players in the world.... @JamesOConnor832

JOC (James O'Connor) off overseas maybe?


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
First time posting on the forums.so please be kind :)

Saw this tweet pop up last night from James King.

@Rebeljamesking: Will see how the ARU feels when they loose one of 1 best players in the world.. @JamesOConnor832

JOC (James O'Connor) off overseas maybe?


I think the ARU would be sad if JOC (James O'Connor) went overseas because he is an excellent player.

I don't think there'd be any inkling of guilt on the part of the ARU though. It's unfortunate that things have worked out the way they have (or not worked out as the case may be).

If there's a lesson to be learned for the ARU it is probably that they should take a harder line on problematic players earlier on. Pandering to troubled/troublesome stars has ended up with the situations getting worse, not better.

For JOC (James O'Connor), hopefully he realises that he isn't a one man show. He's part of a team and he needs his team behind him if he's going to really succeed. Being a star player that no one much likes isn't a long term success plan.
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Peter Sullivan (51)
First time posting on the forums.so please be kind :)

Saw this tweet pop up last night from James King.

@Rebeljamesking: Will see how the ARU feels when they loose one of 1 best players in the world.. @JamesOConnor832

JOC (James O'Connor) off overseas maybe?

of course as a professional JOC (James O'Connor) is free to ply his trade wherever he can get the best gig. but whoever is advising him (dad?) should perhaps suggest he take a long look at the comments from all over the country, which basically all say the same thing. great talent but great self centred twat and he needs to become a team player, in every sense. i hope he stays and as i have said previously lives up to his own hype and helps mould a winning wallabies dynasty. unfortunately not much evidence so far of the humility needed to do so.

Jimmy C

Allen Oxlade (6)

I think the ARU would be sad if JOC (James O'Connor) went overseas because he is an excellent player.

I don't think there'd be any inkling of guilt on the part of the ARU though. It's unfortunate that things have worked out the way they have (or not worked out as the case may be).

If there's a lesson to be learned for the ARU it is probably that they should take a harder line on problematic players earlier on. Pandering to troubled/troublesome stars has ended up with the situations getting worse, not better.

For JOC (James O'Connor), hopefully he realises that he isn't a one man show. He's part of a team and he needs his team behind him if he's going to really succeed. Being a star player that no one much likes isn't a long term success plan.

Agreed. As much as I think JOC (James O'Connor) is a great talent, he is also a professional sportsman. And with that comes the responsibility to behave like one. The ARU keep saying they want to improve the image and popularity of rugby. If this is the case, they can't allow personalities like JOC (James O'Connor)'s to be the poster child for the game. When our kids look up to these players, do we want them to see pride, loyalty, and professionalism? Or do we want them to see Justin Bieber?
Fingers crossed he sorts out his issues. Maybe a stint overseas will be good for him. Time will tell.


Trevor Allan (34)
but whoever is advising him (dad?) should perhaps suggest he take a long look at the comments from all over the country, which basically all say the same thing. great talent but great self centred twat and he needs to become a team player, in every sense.

I spoke about JOC (James O'Connor) to one of his old coaches a few years ago, he would've been about 18-19 at the time, and he was saying exactly the same thing. Hugely talented kid but knew it and was always pushing the limit on what he could get away with on tours and game days.
He said he would carry this into his adult career unless it was curbed pretty quickly.

Sir Arthur Higgins

Dick Tooth (41)
he's an immensely talented player. but everything i have heard is that much of his rebels teammates and wallabies teammmates don't like his attitude and feel that whilst he's an incredibly hard trainer and worker, he's not a team player.
i think the ARU would be very disappointed and most people would be as well. he could be superb on the wing or maybe even at 12 or 13. but he's not now and his stock is quade cooper post 2011esque - very low.
i don't think its the end of the world for the ARU, particularly if they lock up Folau. you can see already that folau is the new poster boy. exciting player, good bloke, well behaved. he's got what rugby wants to show off. I think we'll see higginbotham, pocock, folau, genia, lealiifano, and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) as the ARU poster boys going forward. beale and JOC (James O'Connor) are no longer necessities and mckenzie can easily afford to not select them and replace them with mogg, morahan, folau, tomane, speight etc.


Geoff Shaw (53)
First time posting on the forums.so please be kind :)

Saw this tweet pop up last night from James King.

@Rebeljamesking: Will see how the ARU feels when they loose one of 1 best players in the world.. @JamesOConnor832

JOC (James O'Connor) off overseas maybe?

Seems James King has deleted a few of his tweets from the last few days. Had noticed him defending JOC (James O'Connor) a few times and they are all gone now.

He is JOC (James O'Connor)'s housemate so not to surprised that they get along really well. Any way King is gone so not to worried if he is the only player defending JOC (James O'Connor).

When Higgers is willing to officially say it was the right call for the club to make it is really saying something about brand O'Connor. (Really hating the fact this Muppet shares my surname)


Arch Winning (36)
Don't suppose there is any chance of convincing Izzy to move South as marquee down here? Tahs are going to struggle to fit Beale and Izzy under cap and still hold on to the depth they want, and of course he has lived down here before. Pipe dream but you never know...


Greg Davis (50)
As much as JOC (James O'Connor) irritates me, I don’t wish him ill. It must be a tough thing to have your house of cards blown over as suddenly as they have this week. While he comes across as a twat of the highest order, I think it’s important to try to appreciate what he’s going through:

  • Sees himself as Australia’s first-choice 10 and is comprehensively shown up on the biggest stage
  • Isn’t even offered a contract by the third worst provincial team in the SANZAR region, who instead favour a league convert and a young bloke not long out of high school
  • Is flatly refused by three other Aus provincial teams, many publically citing his behaviour and attitude as reasons for their non-interest
  • Has a senior member of the only Australian team willing to sign him publically set the record straight about behaviour expectations
  • Has a number of senior commentators call for his immediate sacking from the Wallabies setup, all for character/behaviour reasons
  • Sees his best mate KB (Kurtley Beale) offered a contract, despite consistently messing around off the field, something JOC (James O'Connor) hasn't really had a problem with
That’s a pretty brutal and public damnation. Not the nicest thing to have to suffer without any recourse for defense or comment. (Not that i'm too sympathetic.)

I wouldn’t be surprised if JOC (James O'Connor) sees himself as the victim in all of this, and that being the case, it wouldn’t be too far-fetched to see him up tools and leave for foreign pastures. Egos the size of his aren’t pretty, but they’re even uglier when their carefully constructed BS is publically called and stripped bare.


Greg Davis (50)
Interesting. I'd guessed that they were placing their eggs in his basket by cutting O'Connor, implying JOC (James O'Connor) was the bad influence on the group.

Hopefully they both pick up contracts elsewhere.


Arch Winning (36)
Interesting that Rebels continue to make all these public. You would expect that all those other contract offers will more than likely drop significantly. No need to pay through the nose if there's no one else in the hunt.
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