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Rebels 2013

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George Smith (75)
Staff member
To be fair to Kurtley, I certainly know that myself and many others on the forum would be considered as having a problem with alcohol if we were professional athletes.

Instead we're just well hydrated and often vocal fans.
So, is there a rough chance you're gonna try to deck me next time we have a couple of schooners at the Rugby Club, mate? Umm, thought not.
Can't see the analogy, myself. ;)

Scott Allen

Trevor Allan (34)
While I understand what you are saying Scott, part of the rugby life is touring the world and experiencing different cultures. This includes sampling the nightlife. While they didn't execute on the rugby field on Saturday they also need to get away from a rugby focused environment for a while and I'm sure this is part of the thinking that the senior players had. It has backfired in this case, by all reports the action of one player. It would be disappointing for rugby to use the international travel as a lure for players only to keep them in hotel bars and transit lounges, the most soulless places on earth.

As for Vuna being sent home I have to say I agree. Team issues shouldn't be aired in public the way that he did it. It was a selfish action in my eyes and something, I'm sure, that goes against the values the team is trying to establish.

Jets, if they'd had a win or at least been competitive and lost I would have no problem with them proceeding to go out - there is nothing wrong with going out after a game in normal circumstances.

But that game was an epic fail and in my opinion, they should not have proceeded as though all was normal.

This is where I think the culture has failed within the team - having played so poorly you would hope someone would step up and say, time to draw a line in the sand and make sure this never happens again - let's can the bar tonight and reflect privately, get to bed early and start again in the morning.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
So, is there a rough chance you're gonna try to deck me next time we have a couple of schooners at the Rugby Club, mate? Umm, thought not.
Can't see the analogy, myself. ;)

Depends cyclopath. If you don't put your shirt back on if G&GR Captain Gagger asks you nicely .......

There are plenty of workplaces where there is zero tolerance for alcohol and drugs in the workplace, with compulsory random Drug and Alcohol testing regimes in place. Construction and Railways spring to mind. I am sure that there are plenty of others. Politics should have a zero tolerance policy.

If you want to drive a train or drive a piece of plant on a construction site in NSW then you have to limit your drinking to your off duty hours, and also make sure that it has gone from your system before you next front up to work.

Should be no different to the Professional Sports Industry.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Hugh Jarse I agree, under the influence IN the work place is not on. But we are talking about whether having a few beers off duty is a problem per se, and I would say no, versus having a few beers off duty and punching on. That is a problem. Most people manage the former.


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Jets, if they'd had a win or at least been competitive and lost I would have no problem with them proceeding to go out - there is nothing wrong with going out after a game in normal circumstances.

But that game was an epic fail and in my opinion, they should not have proceeded as though all was normal.

This is where I think the culture has failed within the team - having played so poorly you would hope someone would step up and say, time to draw a line in the sand and make sure this never happens again - let's can the bar tonight and reflect privately, get to bed early and start again in the morning.
If you had a bad day at work in your 20's a trip to the bar wasn't an option? Especially when you're overseas. I think people have unrealistic expectations of professional rugby players.


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Hugh Jarse I agree, under the influence IN the work place is not on. But we are talking about whether having a few beers off duty is a problem per se, and I would say no, versus having a few beers off duty and punching on. That is a problem. Most people manage the former.

The issue is when are they and when are they not on duty while on tour.


Geoff Shaw (53)
When you are recovering from surgery why are you drinking? Most people I know and including myself who have had different types of operations are on medications that recommend not consuming alcohol as the effects are greater for the first few weeks.

It's a important year in Australian Rugby and your drinking with a busted hand, and than punching your team mates. Shouldn't Beale have been worrying about getting back on the pitch ASAP rather than a night out.

As for getting annoyed at being told to put your shirt on. Your representing a rugby club and going into a respectable hotel so grow the F*CK UP and act like a adult.


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
When you are recovering from hand surgery why are you drinking punching a mate in the head? Most people I know and including myself who have had different types of operations are on medications that recommend not consuming alcohol as the effects are greater for the first few weeks.

It's a important year in Australian Rugby and your drinking with a busted hand, and than punching your team mates. Shouldn't Beale have been worrying about getting back on the pitch ASAP rather than a night out.

As for getting annoyed at being told to put your shirt on. Your representing a rugby club and going into a respectable hotel so grow the F*CK UP and act like a adult.
Fixed it for you.

Scott Allen

Trevor Allan (34)
If you had a bad day at work in your 20's a trip to the bar wasn't an option? Especially when you're overseas. I think people have unrealistic expectations of professional rugby players.

I don't see how that analogy has any relevance - I didn't have thousands of fans and club members I was representing that I had let down nor external sponsors paying millions of dollars to sponsor me and my workmates. Nor was it likely that someone would recognise me in my work uniform and post a story or picture on social media telling the world what I was doing.

The players get well paid to play sport and one of the things that goes with that job is that there are on and off field responsibilities that the average person does not have in their workplace (although as has been pointed out many workplaces do).

I also think there's a difference between a bad day and a disgraceful day - and they should be responded to completely differently - and surely this was a disgraceful day for the Rebels players before they even got on the bus to go out.


Billy Sheehan (19)
Vuna should definitely be punished. He turned a(nother) moment of idiocy from one player into an iternational news story, with major ramifications for both the Rebels and the code in Australia.

He didn't "just walk away", he merely decided to use social media as his revenge rather than psyhically responding. Is that any less damaging? I do not think so, in fact I would suggest that he has absolutely destroyed Beale publicly, forced the Rebels and the ARU into massive damage control, and degraded the game significantly.

He has turned an internal affair (for which Beale should be sacked) into a farce. Bringing the game into disrespute I believe should be the charge.

He didn't walk away, he knowingly exacted maximum revenge.


Alan Cameron (40)
Vuna should definitely be punished. He turned a(nother) moment of idiocy from one player into an iternational news story, with major ramifications for both the Rebels and the code in Australia.

He didn't "just walk away", he merely decided to use social media as his revenge rather than psyhically responding. Is that any less damaging? I do not think so, in fact I would suggest that he has absolutely destroyed Beale publicly, forced the Rebels and the ARU into massive damage control, and degraded the game significantly.

He has turned an internal affair (for which Beale should be sacked) into a farce. Bringing the game into disrespute I believe should be the charge.

He didn't walk away, he knowingly exacted maximum revenge.

Just to follow on from your logic. Is Vuna throwing a tantrum or is he feeling that this is his best option to get some positive cultural change happening at the Rebs. Smarting after getting smashed by the shorks, he could have just been pissed off enough to blow the whistle.


Sent from my GT-P5100 using Tapatalk 2

Pete King

Phil Hardcastle (33)
Vuna should definitely be punished. He turned a(nother) moment of idiocy from one player into an iternational news story, with major ramifications for both the Rebels and the code in Australia.

He didn't "just walk away", he merely decided to use social media as his revenge rather than psyhically responding. Is that any less damaging? I do not think so, in fact I would suggest that he has absolutely destroyed Beale publicly, forced the Rebels and the ARU into massive damage control, and degraded the game significantly.

He has turned an internal affair (for which Beale should be sacked) into a farce. Bringing the game into disrespute I believe should be the charge.

He didn't walk away, he knowingly exacted maximum revenge.
1000 % agree


John Hipwell (52)
If you had a bad day at work in your 20's a trip to the bar wasn't an option? Especially when you're overseas. I think people have unrealistic expectations of professional rugby players.

ExpectIons are very high and I can understand some players pushing the line occasionally. In this case, Beale takes the line, and snorts it up his nose.


Bill McLean (32)
Vuna should definitely be punished. He turned a(nother) moment of idiocy from one player into an iternational news story, with major ramifications for both the Rebels and the code in Australia.

He didn't "just walk away", he merely decided to use social media as his revenge rather than psyhically responding. Is that any less damaging? I do not think so, in fact I would suggest that he has absolutely destroyed Beale publicly, forced the Rebels and the ARU into massive damage control, and degraded the game significantly.

If what he is alleging is true, I fully support Cooper's actions. He obviously had little faith that existing channels would provide a noticeable change. He blew the whistle and forced the club into action. If that action ends Beale's union career, then so be it. A man who assaults his teammates has no place as a Rebel or a Wallaby.

He will be punished for failing to follow team guidelines for conflict resolution, and Beale's mates might give him the cold shoulder for a while, but perhaps the crime is worth the time.

Of course, if what he is alleging is false, then it's a whole other story.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
If you had a bad day at work in your 20's a trip to the bar wasn't an option? Especially when you're overseas. I think people have unrealistic expectations of professional rugby players.
Jets, seriously that behaviour is in acceptable. Bad day or not, you don't need a beer to take your shirt off and be an idiot.
Not the first time either


Peter Johnson (47)
I dont think he should have taken to twitter but I can understand why he did it.

Beale needs to pull his fucking head in and stop pissing away his talent. If he had the work ethic of pocock he'd be an all time great rather than an average wallaby.
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