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Rebels 2013

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Ted Fahey (11)
Fine Beale the worth of his contract so far this year and cut him loose. If he wants to drink and fight all the time he can go play league


David Wilson (68)
The All Black theory of player quality. It's not what you do as an individual that measures your performance, but the score.
Stupidest comment so far Groucho, you obviously have never read the ethos of Hansen/Henry/Smith for All Blacks, that is still used, it is and I quote "Better people make better players".
I am stunned that team was in nightclub after the drubbing the team were at a night club obviously sanctioned by management, as they had team bus. I worry that Beale will get a slap on wrist , and be allowed to keep doing the same damage he is to Aus rugby. Because everyone involved in League,AFL, and soccer will be saying a quiet thanks Kurtley.


Ted Thorn (20)
How are the rebels making all the same mistakes the Force did?

Teammates punching each other, poor team culture, recruiting superstar players with questionable social agendas.

Thank fuck you don't have any quokkas on Phillip island.

However if I was a fairy penguin I'd be getting nervous if the Rebels team bus turned up down there.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I knew it was a bad idea for the Rebels to stay in (Tana) Umhlanga. That was always likely to cause some sort of throwing of handbags incident.


Geoff Shaw (53)
Despite protestations to the contrary on this very thread. Sounds like the club is unravelling.

The media will report literally anything, even if it's just a regularly quoted rumour. There has been no reports that the Rebels are going bust. Even if the VRU are being given a higher share it still doesn't reflect that the club is falling apart.

The Rebels will make around what the Storm made this year, a fair bit less that nothing but that's how 90% of professional sport works and your backers pay the rest.


There is a bit of talk around the culture of the Rebels, as if the entire squad are merrily tripping around the place bombed out of their skulls 24/7.

I do not believe for a second that is the case. I firmly believe that Hill, Delve and others have very strict ideas and rules around what is and isn't acceptable.

However, there are guys in the squad that are not only pushing the boundaries, but are making a clear decision to cross the lines around team ethics, and the 5 star culture.

Case in point, how many of the Rebels are going on twitter bagging team-mates, or just generally being a dick? How many are turning up late to training? How many are walking outside the team expectations? How many are repeat offenders?

Not very many, I would say.

The team got flogged on the weekend, and there were two ways to deal with that. One is to flog them to death on the paddock with extra training, and the other is to say that perhaps it should just be put into the background as an abberation and maintain morale and team cohesion with a bit of social bonding. There is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

As far as we know, 99% of the team behaved the way they were expected to behave.

The few, as always, are tarnishing the many.

Like many of the Rebels fans on these boards, I have spent time talking to most of the players. I defy anyone to say that they are not (mostly) humble, decent, hard working guys. Most of them give their all, day in and day out. Remember, there is a big difference between ability and effort. Are the results there? Are the guys playing well? No. Hell no. That just means they are a bottom ranked team, not a team full of pretenders and arseholes.

There is poison in the ranks. Without a doubt. But lance that boil cleanly and quickly before the poison spreads. Do that, and the external noise will stop.

Then we can focus on the on-field performances and the coaching staff, as is right and proper for a professional sporting team.

Scott Allen

Trevor Allan (34)
Daz, I reckon all of that makes sense apart form the social bonding bit.

Despite the fact that the trip out would have been pre-planned, I would expect the leaders within the group to have spoken to the guys in the dressing room and called off a public social event in favour of going back to the hotel for a private social event. If not the leaders within the team, I'm surprised the management wouldn't have intervened to cancel the bar trip.

The fact is that someone will always report / tweet they saw the team out and even if they all went out and behaved impeccably after such a loss it was never going to be a good look if they were at a bar enjoying themselves - the sponsors and fans pay the bills and how they might view a night out after that loss should have been kept in mind.

Do it back in the hotel and no-one (externally) would say boo about it. Of course some of the more social players may not have liked the idea of not going out to enjoy the Durban nightlife!

Sir Arthur Higgins

Alan Cameron (40)
my reading of hill's comments is that he and the coaching staff stated they didn't think going out was the best thing, but left the ultimate decision to the players.
a bad call by the players. fair enough for hill to assume the players don't need babysitting, as they shouldn't. but it's clear that at least one of the players is less than professional.
i am happy for the club and players to deal with it themselves to a certain extent, however, that level of insubordination and disrespect really go beyond the normal.

I suspect the ARU will step in and try to work out an arrangement that ensured beale goes to the Waratahs, if they want him. if they don't and beale is so keen to return to sydney, then i suspect he's off to league.
and if that is the way it is, then that is the way it is. australian rugby will move on and depth is building in the 10 and 15 jerseys.

it would be a blow for the rebels, but hopefully woodward and roberts can step up.

barring a total turnaround in the next game, i suspect hill is gone.
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