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Rebels 2013

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Greg Davis (50)
I love the irony in Fittler talking about how young guys need good leaders and role models.

Anyone remember this one?

What about this one:
It is understood Tallis complained that several players, including fallen star Andrew Johns, repeatedly used illicit drugs on that tour in which the Kangaroos, captained by Brad Fittler, went on to win the Cup.
- http://www.couriermail.com.au/news/...-expose-drug-use/story-e6freoof-1111114320525

Or this one:

When police arrived, Fittler, 37, was still outside the woman's room, clad in only a pair of shorts.

Due to his intoxication Fittler had mistaken the 10th-floor room for his own, the Townsville Bulletin reports.


How Fittler can moan about taking a stand and not having strong leaders bewilders me when he couldn't even do it himself.


Geoff Shaw (53)
He probably thinks that him getting drunk and passing out inappropriately is different to clocking a team mate.

He's not right, but I for one can see his point.


Chilla Wilson (44)
This is a whole of society issue.

I am frankly sick to death of people being excused for behavioural issues by people medicalising it. 'Oh the poor dear he is ill, he is addicted to X '. It is an excuse and until the offender is forced to confront the fact that they have acted like a imbecile the behaviour will continue. No amount of treatment will change that. All these excuses do the perpetrator no good in the long run. I wonder what would have been the outcome if somebody had pulled various youths aside early in the piece and said, "that's it, these are the consequences of your behaviour on this occasion, no excuses, if there is a next time no amount of talent will save you, you will be gone."

Part of me agrees with you regarding behavioural issues being medicalised. I would just like to make one point - It doesn't matter if the issues are medicalised or not, consequences have to be faced. If 'medicalising' someone's issue means that they receive help & reform their ways then I am all for it. I get the shits when it is used as an excuse, and little or no consequences flow from it. I don't care if a player has an addiction, I care if he can control himself, play good rugby and behave in a socially aceptable manner.

I said last year after the 'Brisbane incident' that Kurtley (and Quade) needed to be stood down until the incident was dealt with. This did not happen & here we are now. Can someone at the ARU grab a pair of balls & say to Kurtley that he is suspended until further notice and that notice will only come when he shows a long term comitment to dealing with what ever demons he has. Be they addiction, medical. bad behaviour or just plain being a dickhead. If this means receiving some sort of treatment, which I believe it does, then so be it.

Consequences that is all we need. Then you will probably find that the rest of the 'bungy brothers' will also pull their heads in, or put their hands up and say 'Fuck we need some support & help with this as well'. It all comes hand in hand.

Scott Allen

Trevor Allan (34)
How has more not been made of Michael Lipman's comment:

I wonder if he's referring to the alleged (and denied) incident in Paris a couple of years ago or whether it's something he's seen first hand at the Rebels.

Either way, Lipman's comments, the latest incident with Delve/Vuna and the Brisbane bouncer incident do confirm a worrying pattern of behaviour.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Yeah Cat. And I am wondering if that is the reason he (Kurtley) has been sent home.

What worries me also is that Gerrard call the incident 'minor'. Really? If this is minor, WTF is major?

Sir Arthur Higgins

Alan Cameron (40)
How has more not been made of Michael Lipman's comment:

the original article this morning didn't say "but it's not the first time that Kurtley's been in fights with teammates..." it just said fighing on the training field is one thing and for him to hit delve...so i hadn't seen that part. very interesting regardless. looking forward to Adam Freier talking about this one.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
This is laughable. My experience is that SS clubs pour copious amounts of beer down their Colts throat as a form of bonding, whatever that means. Some of these kids aren't even old enough to drink. Is it any wonder some of them go off the rails.

It's well known if you lose the game you have to at least win the boat race, especially at home.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
How much SS has Kurtley actually played?

Having gone straight from School to professional athlete ranks, bypassing colts and grade apprenticeships, "Boat race" for him probably still means the annual HOTR carnival.


Arch Winning (36)
The issue I see that Lipman's comment has raised is that KB (Kurtley Beale) has seemingly punched his teammates before without apparent consequence; yet we've had people on these forums say that punching teammates should result in a contract torn up. Is the fact that it's never been made public the reason why there have never been (publicly known) consequences?

I'm not saying that Vuna was completely sober or completely in the right for putting it out there, but if it isn't the first time KB (Kurtley Beale) has decked a teammate, nor is it the first time he's been an inebriated pest (as his tweet implied) I can understand why he told Daz that people should know (or words to that effect). Doesn't make it right, but it does maybe put it in context.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
We've seen the twitter communications, Beale hit Delve, Vuna hit Beale if I recall correctly. Would be fascinated to read Delves take on the events, if Beale was being a grub as alleged, and Vuna tried to intervene and it resulted in a punch?????

I have enough trouble typing on an iPad sober, if Vuna typed away on a phone it suggests he was with it and pissed about what occurred.

Delves take, does he support someone who stood by him, and his ethical morals.


Geoff Shaw (53)
It's perfectly possible Vuna was looking for a fight or 'posturing' but the reality is he didn't hit anyone until after Beale did.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
Not sure how to, or if it is even an acceptable poll.
"If your team captain was punched by an alleged drunk would you;
Step in and intervene?
Sit back and see what eventuates?
Go and find the coach and dob?
It appears Vuna may have stepped in, what would you have done?
Does Vuna have a history of misdemeanours (I don't know)?

1 or maybe more may have been intoxicated, lets say it was 1, is there anything wrong going out on a team bus for a feed?
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