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Quade telling it how it is

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Mark Loane (55)
I remember hearing the numbers these "boxers" make from the Foxtel Pay per view. I was quitely astounded at how much it was. He won't be doing it for glory.

Either way, Quade Cooper is now in my books a mercenary. A very poorly advised one, but albeit still a mercenary.

The last but most important consideration in the equation is now the Reds. They are now screwed if Cooper doesn't play for them. Their depth at 10 is non existant. If he comes back a week before S15 and signs, kills it for the Reds then that is the best outcome for everyone. But I hope the ARU hold the hardline and he can quit at the end of every year and go boxing if he wants and then come back if he is still wanted, but the ARU should never legitimately offer him a sabbatical to box. He hasn't come into these negotiations in good faith and should as such be treated as a mercenary, used as required by Australian rugby. Treat him the way he treats Australian rugby.


John Hipwell (52)
The Reds are getting the raw end here. If he really wanted what was best for them he would give them some certainty. I just can't see him in a Red jersey next year. This option makes him some money and buys them time to find a contract overseas. It's all about him. On your bike son.

The best thing for the Reds is to make it clear that he signs or the contract is torn up so they can search for a replacement and give them as much preseason as possible. It would be a massive gamble to take him at his word that he will sign after the fight. Too much too ask of any side.


Peter Johnson (47)
I remember hearing the numbers these "boxers" make from the Foxtel Pay per view. I was quitely astounded at how much it was. He won't be doing it for glory.

Either way, Quade Cooper is now in my books a mercenary. A very poorly advised one, but albeit still a mercenary.

The last but most important consideration in the equation is now the Reds. They are now screwed if Cooper doesn't play for them. Their depth at 10 is non existant. If he comes back a week before S15 and signs, kills it for the Reds then that is the best outcome for everyone. But I hope the ARU hold the hardline and he can quit at the end of every year and go boxing if he wants and then come back if he is still wanted, but the ARU should never legitimately offer him a sabbatical to box. He hasn't come into these negotiations in good faith and should as such be treated as a mercenary, used as required by Australian rugby. Treat him the way he treats Australian rugby.

I think that provided he is not being paid peanuts it is reasonable for the ARU and reds to dictate that rugby is king and boxing is not on. But at the same time, when you look at the NZRU, they have started handing out sabbatical contracts to their key players:

  • Dan Carter has a sabatical up his sleeve which I reckon he might use next season in france.
  • McCaw is using his sabatical to take a break from rugby,
  • Conrad Smith went backpacking on his sabatical after the WC and missed the whole pre season
  • Ma'a Nonu played a season in japan
  • SBW boxed all through his rugby career in NZ, and personally I reckon he will be back in NZ after his season in league

It's just that the kiwis go about negotiations in a different way. It is all done behind closed doors, and probably also in better faith. I guess it helps that the all blacks are winning games the whole time keeping everyone pretty chipper.

Maybe this is just the way it is going to be in the future?


Saw someone say this on twitter thought it was apt; Quade never congratulates or wishes good luck to the Wallabies/his teammates when he's not playing on twitter. I know it sounds like a none issue but surely someone so conversed in the twitter-sphere would be all over various tweets about the Wallabies when a game is on? He probably doesn't even watch the game and just plays FIFA or something, I think it tells a lot about his passion for the Wallabies.

Yet he quite literally tweeted on Saturday night that he was going to pause Fifa to watch the Wallabies play...

He could be texting them on their mobile phones, we don't know..

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
  • SBW boxed all through his rugby career in NZ, and personally I reckon he will be back in NZ after his season in league
Based on his past performances I don't see why he'd wait until the end of the season to go back.
I just don't see how Cooper is a boxer - a boxing 5/8 would not have shirked his defensive responsibilities or avoided heavy contact.
Also 31.12.2012 to 8.2.2013 is not nearly enough time to seriously train for a pro boxing bout - is it?


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I think that provided he is not being paid peanuts it is reasonable for the ARU and reds to dictate that rugby is king and boxing is not on. But at the same time, when you look at the NZRU, they have started handing out sabbatical contracts to their key players:

I think this is the crucial point. After being injured for a year, Quade Cooper is not one of our key players.

He is not in a position to be asking for a deal that goes outside the regular contract conditions.

If he had led us to RWC victory in 2011, then maybe he'd have a case to ask for some unusual conditions in his contract this year. We didn't win the RWC, QC (Quade Cooper) played poorly, got injured and missed most of 2012.

Anyone with half a brain would have realised that they had no bargaining chips at that point and taken the first offer they were given.


Why should players who are worth more only be entitled to thinks like sabbaticals or other careers like boxing?

I would almost argue it should be the other way around, save money on guys like Quade by allowing this to happen and divert it to some of the more critical players.. If Quade isn't needed in the Wallaby set-up then let him have his fights.


Tony Shaw (54)
The Reds are getting the raw end here. If he really wanted what was best for them he would give them some certainty.

The only thing I am certain of in all of this is that we all have very little information. I would find it very hard to believe that an organisation like the Reds of the last couple of years either, a) hasn't got a well advanced contingency plan for a Quadeless 2013; or b) hasn't received some sort of assurance that Quade will play for them in 2013.

Like I said, we really have no idea what is going on behind the scenes.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Why should players who are worth more only be entitled to thinks like sabbaticals or other careers like boxing?

I would almost argue it should be the other way around, save money on guys like Quade by allowing this to happen and divert it to some of the more critical players.. If Quade isn't needed in the Wallaby set-up then let him have his fights.

He was still being offered $400k per year to play for the Reds.

The idea of sabbaticals should only be for key players after long periods of service.

When the ARU is guaranteeing a large salary they shouldn't offer someone an opportunity to do something else that has a strong chance of them getting injured.


Colin Windon (37)
Quades stuck at the Reds... IF he walks its likely too late to play rugby in 2013 in France or Japan on a good contract... He'll have no form to chase the cash... So did anyone ask him what teh beat was about...
Crystle ball... So what happens now... QC (Quade Cooper) boxes gets injured cant talk and only text to communicate...

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
So Quade Boxes, plays for the Reds, then ..... my guess somewhere in France.
How is he going to play for the Reds?
His press conference was all about what pricks the ARU have been,and how they have made it impossible for Quade to honour his Reds contract.
After his fight he still needs to come to terms with the ARU before he can play for the Reds.
And today was not about building bridges.
He is gone to Aust Rugby for the foreseeable future IMO.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
How is he going to play for the Reds?
His press conference was all about what pricks the ARU have been,and how they have made it impossible for Quade to honour his Reds contract.
After his fight he still needs to come to terms with the ARU before he can play for the Reds.
And today was not about building bridges.
He is gone to Aust Rugby for the foreseeable future IMO.


New deal for the season only, with or without ARU top up


Colin Windon (37)
the likelihood of him getting injured is high... he doesn't have the skill and is going up against a past Olympic boxer? jeez I figure if he tackles like a girl he'll sure a hell box like one...

Or its all show and Nasser has fixed the match so he doesn't get hurt...

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Does anyone think that the ARU should put its cards on the table?
I suppose they cant tell us what the contract was that they offered him but maybe they could outline the major features and give us a ballpark - i.e. what players are on similar money, without saying how much: I dont see why they cant indicate whether the boxing was stumbling block to agreement. It reeks of only having been thought of very recently - QC (Quade Cooper)'s description of how it came to him that boxing was the way, the truth and the light was unconvincing, I thought.
The ARU does need to get on the font foot if they are without fault or are less at fault than QC (Quade Cooper) because they risk alienating some Reds fans and a lot of Qld if they continue to allow him to hog the limelight.
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