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Quade Cooper and Summer Digressions

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John Eales (66)
It's not often you see a coach so publically challenge a player like that, especially someone so outwardly calm as Deans. I'll be interested to see how Quade responds. I think this is make or break for him as a test footballer, I'm sad to say. It would be a shame for all that attacking potential to go to waste if he can't get his defence together.

Because we know what the alternative is: the horror of Gits at 10.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
And the pressure is also coming from his team mates with BB saying the bloke on the inside has to turn up.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to drop him for the test next week to give him some time to work on his technique.


John Thornett (49)
What's frustrating is that he doesn't need to become a world-class defender, just something better than a speedbump would be a step forward. All anyone is asking of Quade is that he be well and truly average in defense.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
And the pressure is also coming from his team mates with BB saying the bloke on the inside has to turn up.
It wouldn't be a bad idea to drop him for the test next week to give him some time to work on his technique.

Joe I think you will find that BB was not necessarily referring to the peaheart inside of him. More that when defending you should keep hustling after the ball has shuffled out so that there is no hole for the switch/inside runner.One of those we all must work off the ball type comments.

On a different matter I wonder if the g'friend is copping any grief from saffa supporters?I would not envy her if he gets dropped.We all know what the suggestions she will be receiving


John Eales (66)
How 'bout he just tries to tackle round the ankles? He tries to go the league style up top defence and it just doesn't work, he's not big enough to do that. Barnes, on the other hand, is an excellent tackler, with very good technique.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
BBs comments were general but it is only him and QC (Quade Cooper) who have played 5/8 on tour.
He is also sending a subtle message.
It's hard to understand that he would have an issue with his attitude, or as Deans states "his will", when he is playing at this level.


Peter Burge (5)
Where is his personal pride?

I am a mazed that a highly paid professional could allow themselves to be so poor in a major facet of their game for so long.

It is not rocket science!

He is big. Check!
He is strong. Check!
He is athletic. Check!
He has good co-ordination. Check!

All that is left is ATTITUDE.

If he can't be bothered maybe he should look for a job elsewhere.

Joe Mac

Arch Winning (36)
I have a feeling that after many years of coaching successfully Deans is a very good judge how to motivate the different personalities in a team.

With Giteau he prefers to massage his ego, to redevelop some confidence. With Cooper it was a reality check which was required, hence the strong words.

I don't think he has the slightest intention of dumping him at 10 but he is using all the tools at his disposal to correct the Wallaby problems.

I have a feeling that within a few weeks QC (Quade Cooper)'s defence will be a non-issue just as Beales is today. Beale obviously worked hared because he was the one on the ropes due to QC (Quade Cooper)'s amazing attacking play.

Next master coach RD needs to work out how the f*£k to create a Morne Steyn kicker out of one of them and injury forbid, the WB's will be back on track for the WC.


David Codey (61)
I've said a few times previously that generally QC (Quade Cooper) has an aversion to contact, particularly when he has time to think about it. His side on tackling is fine, but when someone is coming straight at him (either in defense or attack) he either a) uses his arms only to try and tackle or b) dishes a dodgy pass off to someone outside him.


John Thornett (49)
I have a feeling that after many years of coaching successfully Deans is a very good judge how to motivate the different personalities in a team.

With Giteau he prefers to massage his ego, to redevelop some confidence. With Cooper it was a reality check which was required, hence the strong words.

I don't think he has the slightest intention of dumping him at 10 but he is using all the tools at his disposal to correct the Wallaby problems.

I have a feeling that within a few weeks QC (Quade Cooper)'s defence will be a non-issue just as Beales is today. Beale obviously worked hared because he was the one on the ropes due to QC (Quade Cooper)'s amazing attacking play.

Next master coach RD needs to work out how the f*£k to create a Morne Steyn kicker out of one of them and injury forbid, the WB's will be back on track for the WC.

Nice theory, except for the part where Gits has been shit for at least 18 months now despite the endless ego massaging. And clearly there are massive motivation problems generally within the Wallabies. What other explanation is there for soft performance after soft performance?


Vay Wilson (31)
It's gotta suck for the guys either side of him in defense. There they are with the opposition running at them, thinking "yep, good spacing, we've got this guy covered. wait...oh fuck! that's Quade 'The Camouflaged Overlap' Cooper next to me! I have to cover for him too!" Then you have defenders whose minds are half on their job and half on Quade's job.


John Hipwell (52)
It's gotta suck for the guys either side of him in defense. There they are with the opposition running at them, thinking "yep, good spacing, we've got this guy covered. wait...oh fuck! that's Quade 'The Camouflaged Overlap' Cooper next to me! I have to cover for him too!" Then you have defenders whose minds are half on their job and half on Quade's job.

But he's got a beautiful long flat pass that no-one else can apparently deliver so that makes up for everything :D

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Wow - coming from Deans that was the equivalent of some other coach screaming and jumping up and down and giving him the white feather.

"He offers us a lot and he's been a big point of difference for us, but you've got to look at the game in its totality." I said much the same thing last week but said he would be a net gain for us. However I will beg leave to retreat from that position if he keeps defending like that.

Deans often used Mehrtens at fullback defensively at the Crusaders and the All Blacks did occasionally also. Maybe that's the way to go with Cooper for a while, especially at set pieces. KB (Kurtley Beale) can slot into 10 when the other side has the ball and at fullback there will be fewer front on tackles for Cooper to deal with.


Mark Ella (57)
That is what the Reds did but with Hynes instead. Just make him make his taclkes or drop him.


Trevor Allan (34)
Interesting - guess it was a matter of time before he got a public dressing down as his defensive deficiencies are well known.

I think that game might be the best thign to happen to QC (Quade Cooper). I followed him on twitter for a while, but I ditched it as I was sick of him just sending out every article which called him a god - I didn't feel the need to massage his ego any further. Now to be fair, he's young, he's got a lot of journo's clambering over him & he is undoubtedly a special talent (going forwards), perhaps something like this will bring him down to earth. I was quite impressed with his first few games this year & even more so against us in HK. However, as indicated by his decison to start a personal "fued" with Richie (and subsequently most residents of his country of birth, NZ) it seemed to me that his ego might be getting too large & slightly out of control.

Wise move this one by Deans, one that will serve QC (Quade Cooper) well in the long run I reckon.


John Eales (66)
But he's got a beautiful long flat pass that no-one else can apparently deliver so that makes up for everything :D

Most of the time it does mate. As MR and others have pointed out, this might be a good thing for him. He has now been challenged to sort out the most deficient part of his game. It will be interesting to see how he responds to this. A good test of his character.


Quade can't takle well at the present, but I would rather the challenge of teaching Him to tackle, than trying to instill some instict and ball handling skill into someone who just doesn't have it.

What Dingo has done will work better than most ways in My opinion, Quade is a young bloke like Me. If You made him look like a pussy in the pub infront of His missus, I am sure He would get a bit worked up.
Deans has called Him out infront of more people than just His missus.

I am not the worlds greatest tackler, but get Me worked up with a bit of dodgy play at the start of the game, I tackle alot better. Clearly what works for Me doesn't work for Him after Richie worked Him up, so maybe Dingo is onto something by leaving the ball in His court.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
I've said a few times previously that generally QC (Quade Cooper) has an aversion to contact, particularly when he has time to think about it. His side on tackling is fine, but when someone is coming straight at him (either in defense or attack) he either a) uses his arms only to try and tackle or b) dishes a dodgy pass off to someone outside him.
I suspect that you're right - but for a guy with an aversion to contact, he's sure got a lot of aggro going on.
He also tries to strip in every. single. tackle.
And after (almost inevitably) failing to strip, he then tries to get back into the line too fast. I'd like to see him finishing tackles first.
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