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QLD Premier Rugby 2014

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Nev Cottrell (35)
TrainerGB, I think you will find that the ARU are asking for LOTS of $$$ in order to gain a licence (I've heard as much as $500-700k but that may be exaggeration), as seen on the actual 3rd Tier forum where there are talks of many of the richer Sydney clubs having to form amalgamations. For this reason I find it very unlikely that any Brisbane based club will front the costs to enter this competition alone, even Sunnybank from what I've heard.

Franchising is the way to go, however, from what I've heard and I might be totally wrong, the QRU will not be initiating the process. It will be up to clubs to privately arrange and pool their resources to form sides.


Ward Prentice (10)
Agreed - franchising seems to be the only logical way this will work here in Brisbane, without destroying our brand (to steal a JOC (James O'Connor) line!)

What happens if no club from Brisbane wants to (or is more likely the case, cannot) be involved and front up with the $$$??

No QRU teams in the NCC?


Nev Cottrell (35)
Well logically you would think the QRU needs to step in and start organising things, maybe float some money to clubs if necessary. The fact i've heard they aren't involving themselves in the process at all does seem odd to me but then again, I heard from the start that the QRU and Brisbane based clubs in general were the organisations who doubted this new competition the most.


Ward Prentice (10)
If it doesn't work out for us, why don't we look at some sort of origin type games to finish the season off?? Northside, Central, Southside. Play each other home and away and finish with a final at Ballymore??

Norths GPS Brothers
Easts Uni Wests
Souths Sunnybank GC

Wouldn't take much to organise. "Try" to stay away from politics. 4 week comp. Just organise some kit (tournament sponsor etc) sort available venues and give it a crack.

Squads picked after regular season and then added to during finals and knock outs of normal season.

Before the KQPR kicks off, fill in that gap....

If QRU aren't involved in the NCC etc.

Just thinking out loud.... Quietly...

Sent from my mind......


Ward Prentice (10)

a 10s series??


A QRU 7s circuit. Each (or most) clubs host a 7s tournament.

Small entry fees to assist the clubs with the costs of running it. 12 team comps. Open to all 9 prem clubs plus a few others.

Just let the boys play!!


Sent from my mind......


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
if there are no Brisbane nominations in the EOI stage and the QRU don't get involved they are being negligent in my view. Their charter is to run and promote rugby in Qld. If they don't assist or manage a team, hopefully 2, in the NRC I think they would be going against this.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Couldn't we just have a National Competition, where the top 5 finishing teams of the Shute Shield and the Top 5 finishing teams of the Hospital Cup play each other. If it spilt into North and South Brisbane, I can guarantee there will be a shit fight.

I also think adding in another 'Tier' is unfair to the players trying to crack a Super XV debut.


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
I disagree Filth. The extra "tier" will allow the cream to rise to the top. I'd prefer for it to be hard for guys to make the next step up rather than trying to find guys to fill spots.

Also the top 5 model will create an unbalanced comp locally as all the players will be attracted to the top 5 clubs and the other teams will always be the wiping boys. I can't imagine you'd be for it if Brothers finished outside the top 5.


Charlie Fox (21)
Was told tonight that Sam Greene is seriously considering moving back to Brothers as he's very competitive & can't see Wests making the finals in the next 5 years.

I can feel that heat already but that's just what I've been told.

Does pose a serious concern for the Dogs if correct especially as their Colts have only won 1 game in 2 years.


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
Is that so, Breakdown? It might also have to do with the new Premier Grade coach, I think he was tied up with Grammar at some point.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Shame to lose Milne, good young player. Makes sense though, he hasnt played as much premier grade rugby as he'd like at GPS, he is fairly injury prone though. Good luck to him.

Tigers Tale

Shame to lose Milne, good young player. Makes sense though, he hasnt played as much premier grade rugby as he'd like at GPS, he is fairly injury prone though. Good luck to him.

Does he kick goals? Not like Zangary kicks @ the % that Smith the GPS #10 from a year or two back did. Happy NY all not long to kick off of QPR2014.

Tigers Tale

Does he kick goals? Not like Zangary kicks @ the % that Smith the GPS #10 from a year or two back did. Happy NY all not long to kick off of QPR2014.

Also for Bros sake Murphy was a pretty decent goal kicker as is Greene - leading points scorer QPR2013.


Nev Cottrell (35)
Does he kick goals? Not like Zangary kicks @ the % that Smith the GPS #10 from a year or two back did. Happy NY all not long to kick off of QPR2014.

He is fairly handy with the boot, I believe. Depending on who else bros get in Prem grade Milne would probably be first choice kicker.

I wonder if some of these club officials are starting to get a bit more info about the NRC. For example if amalgamation teams are happening there may be a rule where each club gets minimum X amount of players in the side. Could influence some of these borderline players at strong clubs to look elsewhere with a chance of getting selected and i'm sure coaches will using that to their advantage.

Tigers Tale

I wonder if some of these club officials are starting to get a bit more info about the NRC. For example if amalgamation teams are happening there may be a rule where each club gets minimum X amount of players in the side. Could influence some of these borderline players at strong clubs to look elsewhere with a chance of getting selected and i'm sure coaches will using that to their advantage.

Big Dog at the end of the day there aren't going to be many spots in the Bne North & South sides after you put the Reds squad players in for example if the South side consists of Sunnybank, Easts, South & Gold Coast there certainly is not going to be many Breakers in the side unless you enforce an apartheid like quota system which they just won't/can't implement.

Reds that will make up the core of the South Brisbane side:

1 Greg Holmes (SNB)
2 Albert Anae (SNB)
3 Phil Daley (GC)
4 Blake Enever (E)
5 ??
6 Ed Quirk(E)
7 Beau Robinson (S)
8 Jake Schatz (SNB)
9 Ben Lucas (SNB)
10 UJ Sueteni (E)
12 Ben Tapuai (SNB)
13 Chris F-Sautia (S)
14 Jonah Placid (E)
15 Aidan Toua (E)

If Lachlan Turner turns out for one of the southside clubs then he would be at 14/15, and Shannon Walker (E) could take the 11.

This just demonstrates that there just isn't going to be a hell of a lot of starting opportunities for the Premier grade players.

And the North Bne side will equally be dominated by reds squad players:

2 James Hanson - U
3 Jono Owen - U
4 Ed O'Donoghue - W
5 David McDurling - U
6 Curtis Browning - U
9 Nick Frisby - GPS
10 Mike Harris - U
11 Dom Shipperley - Bros
13 Samuela Kerevi - GPS
14 Kris Kuridrani - GPS
15 JJ Taulagi - U

Also in this team would need to be Rod Davies(Uni) & Lachlan Turner (GPS ??)

As you will note that means of the 2013 grand final sides only Enever, Placid & Sueteni from Easts make the South side (Toua & Quirk did not play in the GF) and likewise only 3 GPS players in Frisby, Kerevi & Kuridrani will make the North side, and there simply won't be representation or minimal representation from the likes of Brothers, Norths, Gold Coast, Souths & Wests, with the North side predominately Uni players and the South side - Sunnybank.

I hope NRC (aka ARC#2) works but I just can't see why the boards, players and supporters from the clubs other than Uni or Sunnybank will buy in and support the two Brisbane sides.

To me it would be better if they just ran a comp between the 5 Australian Super Rugby Franchises with what was left of their squads after the Wallabies. They could use the tournament to trial younger players.

Quite simply if you think that a Cox(E), Mullins(E), Ferguson(GPS), Zangari (GPS), Veresa Mataitini (N), Bond (Bros), Campbell (Bros), Lespierre (S), Muirhead (S), La Motta (N), Evans (GC), Ruoutledge (SNB), Ah Wong (SNB), etc will play more than a handful of NRC games then you are kidding yourself.

Why would a club like Wests, Breakers, or North be prepared to contribute financially to the joint venture sides?

I am sure that the Sydney joint venture sides will experience the same issues.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I agree, with how it stands there won't be many spaces available for non-contracted players, there may even be a handful of players from the Force and Rebels returning to brissy club sides depending if they are released or not which further fills roster spots. However, these teams will obviously need larger squads of say 25-30 players to cover injury etc. I guess one way of looking at it would be that some of those weaker clubs get a few players in the side who will at least gain some semi-professional training experience and background to take back to their clubs.

Tigers Tale

I agree, with how it stands there won't be many spaces available for non-contracted players, there may even be a handful of players from the Force and Rebels returning to brissy club sides depending if they are released or not which further fills roster spots. However, these teams will obviously need larger squads of say 25-30 players to cover injury etc. I guess one way of looking at it would be that some of those weaker clubs get a few players in the side who will at least gain some semi-professional training experience and background to take back to their clubs.

I agree Big Dog but at the end of the day there will be some clubs who have little or no representation - that's life but why would those clubs agree to contribute financially? Their supporters will have no interest in the joint venture sides either.

I think that the board of Easts with its one club (seniors & juniors) charter - likewise GPS - will have difficulty justifying contributing financially into the JV side when their first priority is to run the senior & junior clubs.

The more I think of it - the joint venture sides didn't work in ARC#1, because there were quite simply too many competing interests and I can't see it being any different this time around. There is enough politics in one club let alone bring together 4/5 clubs.
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