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QC (Quade Cooper) cited for knee on McCaw

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Phil Hardcastle (33)
I can't work out whether the pleasure of seeing all the upset, panicking kiwi trolls is worth the annoyance and clutter.


Andrew Slack (58)
Kev did this, Ali did that, Richie did that.

That has no bearing on the judiciary process. They don't sit there going "oh well there were lots of other cheap shots in the game so let's overlook this."

Knee to the head. End of story.

If the Wallabies took exception to Kev punching Elsom they would have raised it as a citing. But they don't. We all except the odd biff, but if you think it's the same as a knee to the head you possibly need a solid knock to the head yourself. :)


Andrew Slack (58)
If you had a clue about rugby youd know the number 7 is most likely position to be getting pinged due to the nature of this role.

He gets pinged his fair share so stop being such a whiny little bitch.

Welcome Matt.

I lay 5:1 you won't make ten posts.


Larry Dwyer (12)
Kev did this, Ali did that, Richie did that.

That has no bearing on the judiciary process. They don't sit there going "oh well there were lots of other cheap shots in the game so let's overlook this."

Knee to the head. End of story.

If the Wallabies took exception to Kev punching Elsom they would have raised it as a citing. But they don't. We all except the odd biff, but if you think it's the same as a knee to the head you possibly need a solid knock to the head yourself. :)

This post is confusing at best, nevertheless I'd like to know who suggested Kev's action a) should have any bearing on the judiciary process; and b) was an equivalent vice to Cooper's knee to the head?


George Smith (75)
Staff member
A note to any other offensive trolls who feel the need to apply.
Itchy trigger finger today.


TOCC, kneeing a player on the ground in the head is not tough, it's not part of the game. It's fucking low, and imagine the reaction if it had happened to Genia, Horwill, Pocock? Completely unnecessary.

Please Cyclopath, i said nothing about Quades actions been 'tough', my comments were directly aimed at some of the reactions on here, whinging about knees to the head, Ali crossing over the 10m line, pushes in backplay... FFS soon we will be calling for the banning of players who tackle too hard.

It constantly bemuses me how people will celebrate the likes of Vickerman potentilly causing injuries to the opposition through his shoulder barging ruck clearances but get upset about something like a possibly unintentional knee to the head which had the force of slapping a babys ass.


Cooper is a complete doos! there is no disputing this.

He may be reasonably talented but you can tell as a person he is complete numpty
In my humble opinion hes not fit to tie McCaws boots and the other players in the Wallabies show far more respect to MccAw because they are older and mature and they know McCaws record speaks for itself.

What makes matters worse is Cooper has no guts for anything other than cheapshots and would not stand toe to toe against McCaw or anyone else im sure.
Just like his tackling (or lack of it) and his constant offload to avoid being tackled, hes a sook.

Our bakkies gets our O's in trouble but this little punk needs a stern word by your older players


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Fair enough, TOCC, if it looked accidental, I would completely agree. But it really didn't. And the previous agenda Quade seems to have for getting up McCaw's nose doesn't help the impression. Hard clean outs, hard tackles, push and shove happen. The force of the knee is not the issue; it's like the spear tackle - the end result is not the point, the intent is. I just wish he wouldn't do it.
Apologies for misconstruing your words - I'm sure you didn't think it was tough either.


Can we put it down to getting warmed up for League? Last thing we need is a brain snap in a RWC final that costs us a man.

If he wants to lay cheapies, he should learn to tackle and defend at 10.


The rest of the guys on the team play hard and fair but this guy is acting like a fool


similar to league i think rugby is persuing the nanny-state approach by being over zealous about every misdemeanour...
10years ago we were more concerned with eye gouging, late tackles and rucking off the ball or climbing the staircase....

i cringe at the thought we will soon start outlawing the grass-cutter tackle or introducing 'chicken-wing' tackle bans.


Alex Ross (28)
According to the ABC QC (Quade Cooper) has been cleared. I hope some of the senior players get in his ear (and some of the other players) and tell him to pull his head-in. He is too good and talented a player (and I think he is still developing) to do that stuff and be remembered for it.


Bored, so I uploaded the clip to youtube. Looks much worse from the first camera angle (the touchline side) than the other.


Thanks for putting that up, cruiser. If you have time could you do me a favour, please? Look back about three minutes before that and see what happened to Dan Vickerman. I think he was on the ground after a ruck on NZ's side of halfway and a black ran past and kneed him in the head or neck.
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