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QC (Quade Cooper) cited for knee on McCaw

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No way that's an everyday clear out & even better was Richie just happens to be entering from the side so if he had entered the ruck correctly Quade wouldn't of been able to smash him out the way so Richie is in the wrong on two counts.

Firstly, McCaw's in the ruck already so you can't tell from that video where he entered it from.

Secondly, you're not allowed to tackle with no arms in general play and you're not allowed to clear someone out without arms either.

Whichever way you look at it, Quade starts the niggle.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Firstly, McCaw's in the ruck already so you can't tell from that video where he entered it from.

Secondly, you're not allowed to tackle with no arms in general play and you're not allowed to clear someone out without arms either.

Whichever way you look at it, Quade starts the niggle.

Quade used his arm & I clearly saw Richie enter from the side, the ref even pinged him for it.


I'm sure you've never said a bad word about anyone on the internet TOCC? ever? ever?

Louie i was highlighting the irony of your post, for the record i criticise all the time, but im not about to call someone a "spineless git"


Quade used his arm & I clearly saw Richie enter from the side, the ref even pinged him for it.

You might be right about the side entry, having looked at a longer video.

But Cooper doesn't use his arms - you gotta be kidding.


Mark Loane (55)
I'm torn.

I like the fact that QC (Quade Cooper) niggles Sir Richard every chance he gets, but the knee in the face was a step too far.

Take your lucky break QC (Quade Cooper) and keep up the niggle, just be a bit smarter about it.


Chilla Wilson (44)
Ok I take back that I saw him enter from the side but he's been pinged by the ref so I can only assume he's entered from the side.

The clear out is good it's actually a little to good to be Quade.


Ok I take back that I saw him enter from the side but he's been pinged by the ref so I can only assume he's entered from the side.

The clear out is good it's actually a little to good to be Quade.

Ok, and with that I'm gonna have to bow out of that discussion cause there's not much point continuing.


Cooper was lucky to get off but again, the most he was ever going to get was 1, maybe 2 weeks. Stupid rather than malicious.

If Cooper put as much effort into his tackling as he does trying to play the tough guy, he'd be an awesome defender.


Mark Ella (57)
Not my place to say wether it was deliberate or not though it didn't look good. Both Bledisloe games this year have enfoced how you can go hard at somebody fair without cheap and reckless shit. Just stick to the game me thinks.

This spat between McCaw and Quade is just childish. I would expect this shit in a game of Soccer, not Rugby.

Victorian Reds Fan

Bob Loudon (25)
Ok - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TkDTkXuxr7Q - I see Cooper with a no-arms shoulder clear out then an attempt at a tough guy stand-over.

Also, I've never been that convinced that the kick isn't partly provoked. Cooper, in following through, has pinned McCaw's leg so that it's fully bent which is fairly uncomfortable. McCaw no doubt attempts to kick out with a bit of force, but I'd say Quade is the initial instigator.

I've also often suspected that Cooper's reaction at the end was just as much to this.... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fnYUuVYqU0&feature=related#t=04m29s

Richie should stop entering the ruck from the side and should release the tackled player. Cooper just cleared him out.

Top Bloke

Ward Prentice (10)
Get your head out of the sand and look at the games in years past. AB's have been sledging and cheap shotting at every game, as do a lot of teams. Quade is Quade so get off his band wagon. Sounds like tall poppy syndrome to me. You want him to win but you shoot him down whenever you can. Richie was off his game. You want the backs to stand up and contest, well they did, including Quade. You take the ugly with the good. Don't even get me started but if you want lets begin with Gerry Collins and his citing for the very cheap shot on Kefu - oh thats right, there wasn't one! There were so many headhighs by the AB's last night I lost count. Go the Wallabies.
Pal - you need to open your eyes - We aren't talking about years past we are talking about a cheap shot by a chicken-shit called Cooper. It's blatant and obvious. If you can find ANY instance of RMc doing something similar ever, then I'll eat my hat


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
I liked the quote from Robbie Deans in SMH this morning.

A relieved Deans said Cooper had to be careful. ''There's a next generation of kids watching that game and it's important that the way we play the game is something we're proud of,'' Deans said.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
I liked the quote from Robbie Deans in SMH this morning.

A relieved Deans said Cooper had to be careful. ''There's a next generation of kids watching that game and it's important that the way we play the game is something we're proud of,'' Deans said.
What he said.


I liked the quote from Robbie Deans in SMH this morning.

A relieved Deans said Cooper had to be careful. ''There's a next generation of kids watching that game and it's important that the way we play the game is something we're proud of,'' Deans said.

I disturbingly watched a report on Sunrise this morning which said this is perfectly normal in rugby and is expected.

Sir Arthur Higgins

Alan Cameron (40)
Good quote by Robbie. I'd think he would have given Quade a talking to about respect and manning up. No cheap shots unless you can back it up and as we've seen time and time again quade doesn't like getting taken to the deck and as we saw yet again, he doesn't like tackling (as mentioned before that "attempt" on nonu was laughable). some had said his tackling is better. I don't see that. he sticks one hand out and reaches for the jersey grab.
When richie picked up the blocked kick and charged at him. quade 'tackled' him up right with an arm extended to hold onto this jersey. if that whislte hasn't gone to call the play back, richie would have bowled him over a la Hong Kong and been through for a try.
as great a player on offense as he is. he is horrid in defense and just increasingly looks like a tip rat in his actions.
so sick of his unnecessary offloads.


I see the problem...

You watched Sunrise.

Unfortunately I've lost the battle for which channel is watched in the morning. I see your point though.

It was just disappointing to hear those sorts of comments about rugby which are simply not true, particularly when compared to some of the shenanigans that play out during a league game.
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