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NZ vs England Test 2 2014

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waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Anyhoo, that's 18 on the trot, yes? Assuming we manage to not fuck it up next week that means 20 & the record goes on the line in Bledisloe 1 @ Sydney?


Tim Horan (67)
Geez it wasn't even close!!!;)
Truthfully thought it a bloody good test, am comfortable with ref decisions, try may or may not have been one, but when Peyper tried to change it GA said it was English arm under ball so he could allow it, don't know if it right or wrong but thats the decision so thats it, the more interesting one is why the ABs weren't allowed to pick up the ball that seemed clearly out of ruck!! Poms are playing bloody good rugby, certainly pushing the onside rule, but thats how the refs let them play so good on them!!


Tim Horan (67)
I tried telling people.. England are a very good team and certainties to win the World Cup next year.
Yep you also told people last week that Poms would definitely win this test too!:p
Though actually, I do agree with you they look like the team to beat in WC next year!!

Dismal Pillock

David Codey (61)
yep, once those short passes in traffic started sticking Eng were at sixes and sevens SPEAKING OF WHICH The Redoubtable Rt Hon R.J.B.J Mccaw



Holding up the huge C.Lawes and hauling him backwards in 80th minute. IRON WILL. IRON COCK.

Aaron Smith's laborious wind-up on his box kicks was a wFt work-on

I.Dagg oh dear youre in the shit now son. B.Smith has staked his claim (UNDROPPABLE) and C.Piutau coming up fast in the rear vision too.

Peyper shat the bed on the Brown held-up call, that plus the consolation try, I'm penciling "28-13" into my Little Black Book.


"I have a big one."

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Did I? It's tough to beat NZ under a roof, they will probably win next week if it's raining.

In with a shout if it's fine, too.

@Dismal, I think you're a bit quick to dump on Izzy, when the shit hits the fan next year which we all know it will, he's the guy with the 155mm howitzer boot that'll get us out've trouble more so than Smith's 105. As for the other Smith, he's trying to emulate Willy G: worlds best HB one minute, nek minit not so much. With any luck Arkansas takes him out the back of the team hotel & re-educates him in the ways of AllBlack HalfBackness.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I love NZ but damn England please beat them in game three (wouldn't say this any other time). I have you for WC favourites anyway so I don't care what it may do to your confidence haha. SA needs NZs streak to be broken.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
I love NZ but damn England please beat them in game three (wouldn't say this any other time). I have you for WC favourites anyway so I don't care what it may do to your confidence haha. SA needs NZs streak to be broken.

Wouldn't you rather the 'boks did it? Surely you wouldn't want the Poms to have bragging rights?


Nev Cottrell (35)
Wouldn't you rather the 'boks did it? Surely you wouldn't want the Poms to have bragging rights?
At the moment the All Blacks are so ominous that I just want their streak to end so that SA may contest the remarkable winning run you have had. Would love SA to end the streak, but am thinking mathematically here. Our chances are very slim of ever getting near our 17 game winning streak given the rugby landscape in SA.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Bad idea to streak at an NZ home game, you can assume all the security guards have grown up playing rugby!


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Security probably didn't need to smash him quite so hard - he was hardly threatening anyone out there, and I'm pretty sure no concealed weapon! ;)
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