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NZ vs England Test 2 2014

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George Smith (75)
Staff member
Really? Why?
More so than other countries' figures?
You would admit Australia has significantly more senior male rugby players than NZ? Or not?
There were big doubts raised about the way they collect their numbers, is all I am saying, although particularly at junior level I will admit. I have no idea how scrupulous any other national union is.
Relax, I'm sure a per capita calculation has NZ as the most awesomest of all time.
Isn't that what you wanted to hear? :D


Tim Horan (67)

SA has more 4 times the number of senior registered male rugby players in SA to NZ. Four times !!!
England has almost 5 times.
Australia (and I didn't realize this) has double the number of players NZ does.
I think Ullrich was referring to the way SA goverment is poking it's nose with quotas etc and not about player numbers Frank!!


Nev Cottrell (35)

SA has more 4 times the number of senior registered male rugby players in SA to NZ. Four times !!!
England has almost 5 times.
Australia (and I didn't realize this) has double the number of players NZ does.
I was not referring to playing numbers. Rather the political involvement and the mass exodus of players due to the weak currency which stymies any hope of establishing a central contracting system that would allow SA to put up consistent 90% winning records and above as NZ.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Tapatalk


Tim Horan (67)
As far as I am concerned, if you streak onto a pitch you've just told the world you don't care what happens to you.

Fucking sympathy for streakers, what is this pussy arse world coming too.

Agree wholeheartedly, loved the day Greg Chappell smacked a streaker around the arse with his cricket bat way back when in NZ, I dislike streakers even more than morons that start Mexican waves, you don't want to watch the game and let everyone else watch it don't f***ing go!!


Trevor Allan (34)
Annywayyy..... back on track. Here's my random thoughts:

Much better second half, but man it pisses me off that the final win was only by 1 - credit where it's due to rugby's cancer though (English media) as none of them are claiming that was reflective of the game. Which is nice, for once.

Ben Smith had a screamer, Dane Coles stepped it up, Richie missed a tackle, but if that's all you saw him do, then rugby's not your game. His work rate is totally off the charts, rumours of his demise have been somewhat exaggerated.

I think we would have lost if Ben Smith hadn't caught Tuilagi and turned the ball over. 17-3 at half time is very very different from 10-6.

I am fucking SICK of seeing opposition players in our backline. I'm not saying their offside or whinging at refs or anything, but every game this year I've seen NZ teams play, backline moves are eliminated as there is an opposition defender ready there for the intercept. We never seem to be able to take advantage of this by exploiting the holes that this naturally should create and it's pissing me off. In the first half, England backs get the ball, they would make 20-30 metres by spinning it due to our sliding defence. We'd make nothing as we'd have to rumble it up into forwards (Poms were committing so few people to rucks) as anytime we'd look to spin their would be a fucking white shirt in the way. NZ super teams & now the AB's need to learn how to exploit this.

I see some folks (including Keith Quinn) think NZ got rub of the green big time on the ref calls again. WTF ever. I don't care bout the held up try much, but the ruck before that was a fucking joke. Ball rolls out to nobody, AB's rush forward, ref calls no, hand from guy on the deck pulls it back in - all right in front of Peyper??? WTF??? The early team warning was what it was, but still not sure what Peyper saw for 2 of those penalties... If 2 guys charge forwards out of a maul clearing people out the way, shouldn't that be penalty to Black? Whitelocks was dubious at best. I get a headache trying to understand the rules these days.

Anyway, got the win and for 20 minutes we were back. I'll take it. No Conrad this week, so that could get bloody interesting of the Poms put Tuilagi back in his rightful spot. Although assume Fekitoa starts... this could be something special - in both meanings of the word.

Oh, and the streaker should have been tackled harder. If it hurt him, that's his problem.


Tim Horan (67)
Shit Conrad Smith got broken thumb,out for 6-8 weeks, so who will start, Fekitoa or Crotty?? Smith is huge loss!!


Trevor Allan (34)

"I have a big one."

You must love this stuff then



Ken Catchpole (46)
Security probably didn't need to smash him quite so hard - he was hardly threatening anyone out there, and I'm pretty sure no concealed weapon! ;)

Just being there is a threat. Well done to the (late arriving!!) security guy. Is there any update on the streaker's injury status....whiplash, nose broken hopefully?


Bill Watson (15)

SA has more 4 times the number of senior registered male rugby players in SA to NZ. Four times !!!
England has almost 5 times.
Australia (and I didn't realize this) has double the number of players NZ does.
Unfortunately SA does not have a handful of Islands to cherry pick from. What was that? Oh he has citizenship now?! The high school dark scouts of Mordor move fast...

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Unfortunately SA does not have a handful of Islands to cherry pick from. What was that? Oh he has citizenship now?! The high school dark scouts of Mordor move fast.

According to wiki NZ comprises 600+ Islands, but of the 1133 All Blacks to date roughly 95% were born on just 2, the unimaginatively-named North & South. In the early days a few came from the islands of Britain & Ireland, in more recent times there have been more from there (e.g. Jamie Salmon & John Gallagher) plus a few from Australia (more correctly a Continent than an island, but it is girt by sea so close enough IMO) such as Steve Devine, plus about 25 from the archipelagos to the north, sometimes referred to as The Islands, other times as Samoa (both the American & sovereign parts) Fiji & Tonga. Here endith the geography/ history lesson.


Unfortunately SA does not have a handful of Islands to cherry pick from. What was that? Oh he has citizenship now?! The high school dark scouts of Mordor move fast.

No, but they do have 40 million Africans to choose from. Never seen them as equals though.

And when they are forced to pick Africans they pick Beast Mtawarira, born Zimbabwe.


Trevor Allan (34)
Unfortunately SA does not have a handful of Islands to cherry pick from. What was that? Oh he has citizenship now?! The high school dark scouts of Mordor move fast.

Man I get peeved when I read idiots making dumb statements like this.
Before you reveal your ignorance any further, have a read of this excellent article here:


I am assuming you are just trolling and don't actually believe the tripe you are spouting. But in case you actually are as ignorant as you appear to be, I will paste the article below, because you will probably refuse to go to the effort to follow the link and be educated:

OPINION: Ignorance is the biggest factor in the myth that the All Blacks steal Polynesian players.
One of the strangest myths about the All Blacks is one held very dear by many in English rugby, that we pillage the Pacific Islands for our players.
During the week I had a discussion with a pleasant, intelligent, experienced English journalist, and when I suggested that the great bulk of our All Blacks with Pasifika heritage were born in New Zealand he was too polite to say "nonsense", but he couldn't hide a grimace of absolute disbelief.
So let's just get this straight.
Most of the players of Pacific Island descent in this All Black squad were born here.
Let me give names and places so there's no confusion.
Julian Savea, Ma' Nonu, and Victor Vito were born in Wellington. Charlie Faumuina, Steven Luatua, Patrick Tuipulotu were born in Auckland. Keven Mealamu was born in Tokoroa. Charles Piutau, who would almost certainly have been in the squad if he hadn't been injured, was born in Auckland.
For geographically challenged members of the northern media, Auckland, Wellington and Tokoroa are cities and a town in New Zealand, not Samoa or Tonga.
There are two members of the 2014 squad born outside New Zealand, Jerome Kaino, from American Samoa, and Malakai Fekitoa, from Tonga.
Kaino came to New Zealand with his family when he was four. Steve Hansen's not a bad talent scout, but there's no record of him scouring the maternity homes of Samoa for future rugby stars.
The brilliant Fekitoa is the only, let me say that again, the only, member of the squad for whom the largely false stereotype of New Zealand rugby stealing away the cream of Pacific talent holds true.
He was a teenage member of the Tongan sevens side, was spotted here, and offered a scholarship to St Stephen's College.
Why does the patent nonsense that, in a 21st century sporting version of 18th century English slave ships, New Zealand steals its talent from the Pacific?
I have my theories. Sheer ignorance seems to be a factor.
New Zealand is no longer little England. Auckland is the biggest Polynesian city in the world. Almost as many Samoans and Tongans live in Auckland as live in their home countries.
The huge wave of immigration in the 1960s means that many Pacific Islanders in New Zealand are now second and third generation Kiwis as well.
But the change in the ethnic makeup of New Zealand doesn't seem to have penetrated the mindset of the average London-based journo.

The other issue might be loosely described as butt covering. British club rugby is littered with Pacific Island players, and while some, like Manu Tuilagi and Billy Vunipola, made the move to England as children with their families, they were not born there.Just because you meet a Pasifika player who is shy, goes to church on Sunday, and speaks glowing of his mother, doesn't mean he grew up beside a sleepy lagoon on Savai'i. He's just as likely to have grown up in Glenfield or Glen Innes, but been brought up to respect family and tradition.

There have, in fact, been test matches in recent years when England has played the All Blacks with more players born outside England than the All Blacks had players born outside New Zealand.
We don't gripe about Pacific players making their living in Britain. Why doesn't the reverse hold true?
Footnote: In passing the one All Black everyone in Britain knows is Jonah Lomu. You guessed it, he was born in Auckland.
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