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NSW U16 Trial Games and Selections 2011

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Bill McLean (32)

Malaki Afele - Merrylands
Erickson Aukofolau - Liverpool City
Geoffrey Coffill - Wests
Benjamin Cotton - Dural
Jamieson Clark - Merrylands
Matthew Crafts - Coogee
Fred Fiala-Motu - Coogee
Connor Finn - Canterbury
Harry Jones - Newport
Christian Kagiassis - Canterbury
Nicholas Koutsoukis - Coogee
Vaka Maile - Canterbury
Matthew Matson - Hills
Jack McCalman - Beecroft-Cherrybrook
David Morris - Norths Pirates
Cameron Orr - Wests
Brandon Paenga-Amosa - Southern Barbarians
Jack Redden - Hunters Hill
Jacob Roberts - Merrylands
Junior Satiu - Merrylands
Mitchell Short - Hunters Hill
Brent Whicker - Hawkesbury Valley
Harrison Williams - Norths Pirates


Nev Cottrell (35)
Sydney Junior Rugby Union U16 Representative Team -Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Sydney Junior Rugby Union Under 16 Rep Team

Malaki Afele - Merrylands
Erickson Aukofolau - Liverpool City
Geoffrey Coffill - Wests
Benjamin Cotton - Dural
Jamieson Clark - Merrylands
Matthew Crafts - Coogee
Fred Fiala-Motu - Coogee
Connor Finn - Canterbury
Harry Jones - Newport
Christian Kagiassis - Canterbury
Nicholas Koutsoukis - Coogee
Vaka Maile - Canterbury
Matthew Matson - Hills
Jack McCalman - Beecroft-Cherrybrook
David Morris - Norths Pirates
Cameron Orr - Wests
Brandon Paenga-Amosa - Southern Barbarians
Jack Redden - Hunters Hill
Jacob Roberts - Merrylands
Junior Satiu - Merrylands
Mitchell Short - Hunters Hill
Brent Whicker - Hawkesbury Valley
Harrison Williams - Norths Pirates


Bill McLean (32)
Sydney team

Malaki Afele - Merrylands
Erickson Aukofolau - Liverpool City
Geoffrey Coffill - Wests
Benjamin Cotton - Dural
Jamieson Clark - Merrylands
Matthew Crafts - Coogee
Fred Fiala-Motu - Coogee
Connor Finn - Canterbury
Harry Jones - Newport
Christian Kagiassis - Canterbury
Nicholas Koutsoukis - Coogee
Vaka Maile - Canterbury
Matthew Matson - Hills
Jack McCalman - Beecroft-Cherrybrook
David Morris - Norths Pirates
Cameron Orr - Wests
Brandon Paenga-Amosa - Southern Barbarians
Jack Redden - Hunters Hill
Jacob Roberts - Merrylands
Junior Satiu - Merrylands
Mitchell Short - Hunters Hill
Brent Whicker - Hawkesbury Valley
Harrison Williams - Norths Pirates

Christian Kagiassis. I refrred to him earlier. Great player. Was captain for the Parramatta HMC team this year. He will shine in this team. Awesome team to look at!



Stunned that School's did not select Tulloch. Country will be no doubt happy though.

No Jones at 15 either - simply unbelievable given his perfromances at the School Champs. I assume that Sydney got him.

Schools has also picked up the cream of the available props. Will be interesting to see who Sydney end up with at 1 and 3.

Kellaway got selected but didn't play at the Schools Champs. Taan Milne in the same boat - guess there's rules for some and not others!

Some very deserving selections in the squad but there are still one or two who should consider themselves quite fortunate.

I think you'll find, As Milne (CHS 2's) and Kellaway (GPS 1's) were on opens duties, as they were, they are still eligable to play in the U16 Championship in September as they are both 16's players being lucky enough to be selected in their Respective Opens teams. Redden from Riverview is a surpirse not to be in there, i thought he would have a centre/wing stop for sure, great player, but looks like Sydney Juniors picked them up. Both NSW Schools and Sydney Juniors looking like strong sides, apprently there is 7 Trinity players and 5 Newington in the 2 teams.

Rugby Tragic

Chris McKivat (8)
Christian Kagiassis. I refrred to him earlier. Great player. Was captain for the Parramatta HMC team this year. He will shine in this team. Awesome team to look at!

HEADLINE: SJRU reward mediocrity.

CAS were the most totally under achieving side can't make it into schools so lets load them into the Sydney side!

Having said that there are also some very good selections.

How will J Clark handle the Schools two run away freight trains running his channel? Few sleepless nights there i think!

Very disapointing SJRU and you had the chance to get it right.


Sydney Junior Rugby Union U16 Representative Team -Wednesday, 6 July 2011

Sydney Junior Rugby Union Under 16 Rep Team

Malaki Afele - Merrylands
Erickson Aukofolau - Liverpool City
Geoffrey Coffill - Wests
Benjamin Cotton - Dural
Jamieson Clark - Merrylands
Matthew Crafts - Coogee
Fred Fiala-Motu - Coogee
Connor Finn - Canterbury
Harry Jones - Newport
Christian Kagiassis - Canterbury
Nicholas Koutsoukis - Coogee
Vaka Maile - Canterbury
Matthew Matson - Hills
Jack McCalman - Beecroft-Cherrybrook
David Morris - Norths Pirates
Cameron Orr - Wests
Brandon Paenga-Amosa - Southern Barbarians
Jack Redden - Hunters Hill
Jacob Roberts - Merrylands
Junior Satiu - Merrylands
Mitchell Short - Hunters Hill
Brent Whicker - Hawkesbury Valley
Harrison Williams - Norths Pirates

One noteable ommition for me is Trent Winterstein. I had ranked 1 (winger) at the regionals but didn't see him at the schools championships. Anyone got more information on him please.


And from Norths. Trinity reasoning as Bressington one of their grounds.


Nev Cottrell (35)
One noteable ommition for me is Trent Winterstein. I had ranked 1 (winger) at the regionals but didn't see him at the schools championships. Anyone got more information on him please.

Absolutely agree...he really stood out last weekend especially in the game against MNZ.


Nev Cottrell (35)
I think you'll find, As Milne (CHS 2's) and Kellaway (GPS 1's) were on opens duties, as they were, they are still eligable to play in the U16 Championship in September as they are both 16's players being lucky enough to be selected in their Respective Opens teams. Redden from Riverview is a surpirse not to be in there, i thought he would have a centre/wing stop for sure, great player, but looks like Sydney Juniors picked them up.

Thanks TF5 for the info on Kellaway and Milne and their eligibility. (I've consequently edited my post)

Wallaby Bob

Do we need to change the system?

gps - 14
chs - 7
ccc- 1
isa - 1

Why do we go through the "selections" if it always ends up a GPS team? I saw plenty of other talented players at the Schools Champs.
Why has QLD won the last FIVE open championships? Do you think NSW need to start changing selection criteria for under 16s so we see winning outcomes in the OPENs?

kiwi playing in Oz

Allen Oxlade (6)
I'm somewhat disappointed only bcos my son wasn't selected lol but we had told him to be prepared not to b. Ad a parent we are extremely critical of his game but compared to other people who have been selected told him to keep trying. Mayb if his regional coach gave him more time to show what he is capable of doing instead of pushing the agenda of another player who didn't even play his position at state champs he may have had a better chance. Oh well selections are what they are. P


Nev Cottrell (35)
Why do we go through the "selections" if it always ends up a GPS team? I saw plenty of other talented players at the Schools Champs.
Why has QLD won the last FIVE open championships? Do you think NSW need to start changing selection criteria for under 16s so we see winning outcomes in the OPENs?

The Presidents (GPS) U16s were easily the best team at the Schools Champs despite the fact that the team was only selected the Monday before the Champs weekend and had only two training runs together whilst some of the other sides had longer preparations. I could open a real can of worms here - but is this reflective of the players' abilities? (ie is GPS a much stronger competition?) or their coaches ability? (ie to get a team playing great team rugby on a very limited preparation).

That said no doubt some very good players in other teams suffered as a consequence of their teams overall performances (eg CAS, ACIES) whilst equally a couple of players probably benefitted selection wise because of their teams very good performances.

If you go back to the very first post on this thread you'll see that the thread commenced because of a then ARU determination that there would no longer be NSW Schools, Sydney and Country teams at the U16 Nationals but rather NSW U16 I and II sides. The ARU ultimately relented because each of the NSWSRU, SJRU and NSW Country JRU indicated that they would not involve themselves in the selection process for the NSW I and II teams. Perhaps the ARU didn't want to become involved in soley determining who would be in the NSW I and II teams and the certain imbroglio that would have followed when these sides were announced.

Every selection process in any junior sport is imperfect. Bias, nepotism, poor judgement, limited opportunity (game time) etc, etc all play a role and it will never ever change. Don't forget also that there were some very good players who didn't even get to play in the Schools Champs or Regionals Carnival due to injury or being overseas etc. Despite these barriers ultimately it depends how much the young player wants it -there are plenty of players who have made Schools, Sydney and Country U16's sides in the past who have not progressed further in rep or senior rugby for a variety of reasons.

Phil Gould summed it up well when writing about Darren Lockyer in last Sunday's Herald:

"Sporting champions are the ones who fall in love with their sport at first sight. Champions just work harder, practice longer; they are tougher, more resilient and more focused than the average performers; and they are relentless in pursuing their dreams."

Ageing Parent

Why has QLD won the last FIVE open championships? Do you think NSW need to start changing selection criteria for under 16s so we see winning outcomes in the OPENs?[/QUOTE]

An astute question, WB ………..when one looks at the Qld “model” of selecting only 2 teams to represent the State – Qld 1 & Qld 2. Perhaps this is their way of eliminating the potential for “discrepancies” when trying to serve too many masters ??

In addition, utilizing such a model may also go some way to recognizing what Kim Garling mentioned in his recent report into junior (club) rugby in Sydney – that there are way too many layers of interference ( Haven’t seen SJRU’s response to this yet, have we……has it been tabled or are they still trying to work out who would lose his / her no doubt very prestigious & valuable spray jacket, if many of Mr Garling’s suggestions were implemented ?)

Previous posts on this and other threads have highlighted the number of matches / amount of rugby union / rugby league some of these boys are actually playing – and whether “early burn out” becomes an issue. Would eliminating some of the trial processes assist in minimizing this ??

Unfortunately, with so many groups in play – and obviously unwilling to relinquish their seats at the table
(and possibly quite rightly so – to ensure that their stakeholders continue to get a fair shake at the selection table) – to force change upon the system may cause a distinct shake up amongst the incumbents. I can’t see Country JRU, SJRU or Schools wishing to lose their voice without a fight…but then the 16’s carnival is actually run by the ARU, is it not ??

(BTW…Was this not something that NSWRU / ARU tried to implement earlier this year – albeit in perhaps a very clumsy fashion – and were howled down by the stakeholders representatives ??)

The end point being, it seems that until all concerned start rowing the boat in the same direction – NSW are going to continue to play second fiddle to Qld in Opens rugby for some time to come, much as WB has pointed out. For whatever reason, and I don’t profess to have intimate details of how they go about their selections or the policies therein the Banana-benders seem to get it right at the Opens level, and perhaps NSW needs to learn from this ( as much as it hurts me to say it !)

There will no doubt be interesting times ahead if people are really serious about affecting change !

kiwi playing in Oz

Allen Oxlade (6)
Every selection process in any junior sport is imperfect. Bias, nepotism, poor judgement, limited opportunity (game time) etc, etc all play a role and it will never ever change. Don't forget also that there were some very good players who didn't even get to play in the Schools Champs or Regional Carnival due to injury or being overseas etc.Despite these barriers ultimately it depends how much the young player wants it -there are plenty of players who have made Schools, Sydney and Country U16's sides in the past who have not progressed further in rep or senior rugby for a variety of reasons.

Phil Gould summed it up well when writing about Darren Lockyer in last Sunday's Herald:

"Sporting champions are the ones who fall in love with their sport at first sight. Champions just work harder, practice longer; they are tougher, more resilient and more focused than the average performers; and they are relentless in pursuing their dreams."[/QUOTE]

thanks probably needed to read that!

Rugby Tragic

Chris McKivat (8)
Food for thought, 8 of the selections either play in the 2nd or 3rd division Sunday village club competition, so is SJRU telling us that they could'nt find 8 players more talented or worthy in the first division comp. As i can rattle off at least 7 without to much problem: Wolfgramm, Winterstein, Angeloni, Taiki, Taufu, Korac, Ulu and the list goes on. I'm not for a minute saying that those selected are not talented, but would of thought those boys playing in the hardest division week in and week out would also be a bit more battle hardened.

Man on the hill

Alex Ross (28)

With that said I have made no secret of my support for Morgan and firmly believe he will be in the mix. Of all selected he is the best at breaking the first tackle and off-loading (he did this on numerous occassions at Schools)! ...

All I am saying is that there is more than meets the eye with this lad so dont discount him!


First time i saw him was at Yr 6 PSSA trials - absolute class!
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