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National Rugby Championship 2014

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Phil Hardcastle (33)
So, just to speculate 16 players not with the Wallabies:


1. JP Smith
2. Siliva
3. R Smith
4. Power
5. Carter
6. Smiler
7. Butler
8. Auelua
9. Hoffman
10. Cronje
11. Coleman
12. Tatekawa
13. A Smith
14. Rathbone
15. Mogg

16. ?

Tim Cree will def be in this squad aswell - from Vikings

I think the Vikings side will be one of the front runners in the comp...

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
In today's Tele Ian Payten references the marquee players. To avoid any media spin what is meant by;
Is David Mortimer saying Uni have invested in Folau? If so what sort of investment?
He said Folau chose to go there 2 years ago, did the above investment influence that choice?

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
In a strongly worded response, however, Sydney University president David Mortimer said it would be outrageous for the ARU to send Folau elsewhere.


“Israel chose to come to the club two years ago, and to have him dispatched to another club who have not paid any attention to him, is very much the wrong thing to do. Same with all the players."



Will Genia (78)
Staff member
5. as medium term strategy put foot down. if fta broadcasters want wallabies. fine. but from here on they need to also show 1 game per week Super Rugby and 1 game per week nrc. end of story. no surrender.

How do you achieve this?

If FTA struggle getting a reasonable audience for Wallaby games (which are required to be shown on FTA), what makes you think there'll be any interest in Super Rugby or the NRC?

The ARU doesn't have the money to be paying to have their content shown on FTA which is probably what would be required.

If you were looking at simulcasting Foxtel's best Super Rugby game on FTA (Saturday night) it would equate to a massive dilution in Foxtel's overall value of owning the Super Rugby rights in Australia.

I don't think there is any simple answer to this.

I absolutely think that the only way to make inroads into FTA is for the Wallabies to increase their popularity substantially. The Wallaby tests are not ratings winners at this stage which they need to be when generally shown at prime time on a Saturday night.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Tim Cree will def be in this squad aswell - from Vikings

I think the Vikings side will be one of the front runners in the comp.

With a total squad of 30 (?) there will be 14 local players involved. Definitely Cree and Iona, Hawke, Predaud, Staniforth, Vikings No 10. Who else?

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
How do you achieve this?

If FTA struggle getting a reasonable audience for Wallaby games (which are required to be shown on FTA), what makes you think there'll be any interest in Super Rugby or the NRC?

The ARU doesn't have the money to be paying to have their content shown on FTA which is probably what would be required.

If you were looking at simulcasting Foxtel's best Super Rugby game on FTA (Saturday night) it would equate to a massive dilution in Foxtel's overall value of owning the Super Rugby rights in Australia.

I don't think there is any simple answer to this.

I absolutely think that the only way to make inroads into FTA is for the Wallabies to increase their popularity substantially. The Wallaby tests are not ratings winners at this stage which they need to be when generally shown at prime time on a Saturday night.

Maybe the answer is to insist on one Super game and one NRC game to be telecast live as part of the package. If FTA decline, then Fox get the Tests and all fans can then take out a Fox subscription and help the value to grow. If FTA take up the package, well and good.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Maybe the answer is to insist on one Super game and one NRC game to be telecast live as part of the package. If FTA decline, then Fox get the Tests and all fans can then take out a Fox subscription and help the value to grow. If FTA take up the package, well and good.

FTA can and probably will just say, we'll take the test matches but we're not interested in anything else.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
FTA can and probably will just say, we'll take the test matches but we're not interested in anything else.

Maybe the answer is to insist on one Super game and one NRC game to be telecast live as part of the package. If FTA decline, then Fox get the Tests and all fans can then take out a Fox subscription and help the value to grow. If FTA take up the package, well and good.

I thought going to the games with kids and family would be better for the game, and the kids. The bonus you get a 2nd game to watch on the box.

By going to the games the kids get to run around with their mates, they'll watch a bit, kick the ball a bit, and think they are cool giving the players a high 5 etc. Staying at home - who knows what the kids will do.

It is not Foxtel that is going to rebuild the game, it is us and the kids.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
It is not Foxtel that is going to rebuild the game, it is us and the kids.

I think you are talking about such a miniscule part of the fanbase (albeit a very important part).

I don't think the rusted on fans who go to club rugby and will go to NRC games are really where ground can be made. Obviously they are crucially important and will be the ones making sure junior teams still have players etc.

As a professional sport trying to compete for dollars and eyeballs with the other major codes, we need casual fans to show interest in a much bigger way. How to achieve that is a massive mystery to everyone.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
Super rugby is too hard for FTA to program, the NRL works because they have a game each Friday, every Friday for months. Watching it has become a habit.

Home test rugby has to be promoted as a special event, no issue for a Bled or Bok game, but the rest must be tough.

Fox is contributing cash for the NRC, it, like Super rugby won't be anywhere else


Phil Kearns (64)
Maybe the answer is to insist on one Super game and one NRC game to be telecast live as part of the package. If FTA decline, then Fox get the Tests and all fans can then take out a Fox subscription and help the value to grow. If FTA take up the package, well and good.

I am flabbergasted that people still think that, somehow, we are able to "insist on one Super game to be telecast on FTA". For starters, to whom do we insist? SANZAR? Foxtel?

For seconds, any FTA channel needs to know exactly what is being offered, and it would have to be on at the same time on the same day of the week.

By definition, that is virtually impossible. Even for Australian home games (which is all that could possibly fit into a regular schedule) are spread across three time zones for part of the season, and two for the rest.

Then, any contractual requirement that might diminish the value of the overall SANZAR package would have to be approved by our partners. Why would they allow it? Why would they want to cooperate, fiddling with the season's schedule, just to accommodate our needs.

Answer: they wouldn't.

Finally, whilever there are Federal anti-siphoning laws, we are bound by them. International matches have to be offered first to FTA, without any strings attached to show other matches as well.

1 out of 10 for initiative.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
I think you are talking about such a miniscule part of the fanbase (albeit a very important part).

I don't think the rusted on fans who go to club rugby and will go to NRC games are really where ground can be made. Obviously they are crucially important and will be the ones making sure junior teams still have players etc.

As a professional sport trying to compete for dollars and eyeballs with the other major codes, we need casual fans to show interest in a much bigger way. How to achieve that is a massive mystery to everyone.

Agree with you, but kids multiply in numbers when they are having fun and as they multiply they may change codes, and also may start dragging there parents along.

Train Without a Station


I think NRL has shown that the strength of the game is not tied to attendance, it's tied to broadcast viewers.

Though the AFL has shown the strength of the clubs is.

Strong attendance at the expense of broadcast viewings may help the teams, but ultimately will not help the ARU, who are heavily funding the teams from broadcast money.

Broadcasting rights driven by advertising and subscription demand created is what will make the game wealthy.

You've also got to consider from a crowd point of view, NRC only caters to the diehards. The Super Rugby attendances for teams would like be fractured amongst the teams, plus the more casual supporters will fritter away, and I doubt the people who attend these games, that don't attend Super Rugby games will be anywhere near that.

Perhaps in pockets of Sydney there may be a few, though I doubt it would be many. In Brisbane I think you would struggle to find one additional supporter who doesn't already attend Super Rugby games at Suncorp. Then you take out those the Brisbane team doesn't cater to, then you take out those not interested in a lower level, then take out those who are only casual fans going because the Reds game is the place to be and I think you find those 20,000+ crowds would be lucky to be 5000.

To his credit Pulver has stated that they are not relying on gate takings and only forecast modest attendances. I'm just saying this isn't going to sustain the comp and why it isn't.

ISA Follower

Frank Nicholson (4)

I have included an excerpt from Iain Paynten's article in the Daily Telegraph today.

“We ..(Greater Sydney Rams) ....are saying (to the ARU), recognising that Greater Sydney represents about 10 per cent of the population of Australia, if we are going to reach that properly and have an impact on the Wanderers and the rugby league and GWS, we need in the first place some marquee players allocated under the Wallabies program who connect to our market. And secondly we need to be given a chance to put a competitive team on the paddock as well.”

In a strongly worded response, however, Sydney University president David Mortimer said it would be outrageous for the ARU to send Folau elsewhere.
“Israel is one of our players, he is a member of the (Sydney Uni) club,” Mortimer said.
“We don’t expect him to play because he’ll be with the Wallabies, but we expect him, as we expect all of our Waratahs players, to be part of our consortium.
“To put it mildly, we would very disappointed if he or Kurtley, or any other of those big names already associated with a club, are distributed willy-nilly to other parties, who haven’t invested in them.
“The only reason I can think that anyone would be induced to another place would be financial, or by some sort of dictatorship, if you like, for no value.
“Israel chose to come to the club two years ago, and to have him dispatched to another club who have not paid any attention to him, is very much the wrong thing to do. Same with all the players.
“The Wallabies who play for our club don’t want to play anywhere else, it’s a simple fact.
“It would seem wrong for a player who is a member of one club to be promoting another club. It doesn’t make a lot of sense.”

A couple of points I would like to make:

I expect the CEO of a rugby consortium entered in the NRC to argue in the own team's interest. As a follower of a certain team I would expect no less. However, I further expect that the ARU, as promoters/hosts of the NRC, to make decisions in the best interestof the competition and Australian Rugby. The interest of the competition and Australian rugby would be best served by Israel Folau going to GWS.

Is David Mortimer the President of Sydney University rugby or is he the President of the Sydney Stars? My ignorance is genuine. My point is that Sydney University are not a team in the NRC, Sydney Stars are. Israel Folau has a relationship (however tenuous and shortlived to date) with Sydney Uni, the Waratahs and the ARU, not with the Sydney Stars.

Sydney University is an entrant in the Shute Shield, not the NRC. Which hat is David Mortimer wearing?


For seconds, any FTA channel needs to know exactly what is being offered, and it would have to be on at the same time on the same day of the week.

By definition, that is virtually impossible. Even for Australian home games (which is all that could possibly fit into a regular schedule) are spread across three time zones for part of the season, and two for the rest.

I looked at this earlier in the year, and from memory there is an Australian team playing in the Sat 7:30pm time-slot every round of the 2014 season.

In terms of Australian timezones, it's not actually that difficult, Perth games are at the mercy of the east coast time slot, it's one of the reasons they were initially favoured over Melbourne, because it can provide a seamless transition of rugby following the 7:30 (EADT) match, or alternatively it can slide forward and fill that 7:30 time-slot when needed.

Brisbane wouldn't change, it has for many years grown accustomed to watching prime time games at 8:30pm.

There is the opportunity to lock in 1 game a round at the same time-slot every weekend, bit more difficult to lock in two games and that will also depend on how the new draw is arranged.

That been said, any insistence of a super rugby game been broadcast on FTA would be at the detriment of the value of the foxtel broadcast rights. Especially the Sat 7:30 match which is equally as valuable to Foxtel given it's consistency each weekend and times lot.

Train Without a Station

Exactly right TOCC, the only regular viable timeslot would be Fox Sports best rater. It would be likely be very financially detrimental to insist it is shown on FTA.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Interesting can of worms with Folau.

We all know he didn't come without a fairly hefty price tag.

We continually hear that Uni do not pay their players. This may be a fact but through their network and other third parties, are they able to "assemble" packages for players - accommodation assistance, job assistance, sponsorship opportunities, individuals and company "boosters" supplementing the players income, cars, etc., etc., etc..

Most clubs who claim that they don't pay players indulge in one or more of the above to recruit and retain talent.

At the risk of drawing some anti-Uni flak, there may be some basis to Mortimer's concern if Sydney Uni Rugby Club (or associates) were genuinely assisting the Waratahs and ARU with paying for Izzy to join, remain in the code.

Altruism is fine provided it doesn't cost you anything. IF Uni have a financial stake in Izzy, then they should have some say how their investment is used. The bigger the stake, the more say they should have.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
I'm looking forward to the improvement in our match officials that will come from this exposure to higher level footy.

It is not good form when one of our own is chopped from the SANZAR panel. Hard to whinge about the poor standard of referees elsewhere from inside our own glass house.

We have produced some excellent world class whistle whielders in the past, but our roster is a little thin at the moment.

Hopefully NRC will help provide those opportunities and experiences needed to bridge the gap between Premier Rugby and World Class rugby for our Referees, and referee coaches.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Fuck off Uni.
There is zero chance of Izzy playing one minute in this new comp.
Complain about something that is likely to happen,or even something that might possibly happen.
Complaining about this,is just being a nob.
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