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National Rugby Championship 2014

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Alfred Walker (16)
Actually, LG, so do I. You may have detected that my post was to some extent tongue-in-cheek, but the more I have reflected on it the more I think it would really work for each of the reasons highlighted.

You have the combination of two clubs whose roots trace back to colonial times, so both of the historical links, to the first European settlement and to 19th Century English and Australian vernacular, are apposite. Then there is the idea of "Coves" as a coinage, a word which would have no actual meaning to most people but which is simple, memorable and distinctive.

The name would certainly be well in front of the cringe-worthy "Stars".
I am a rusted on Uni supporter. Have been for 30 years. We had our tough times. I admire what the Club has done and the success of the last ten years or so and also understand the haters. So why feed the hate? THE STARS!!?? palm to forehead. Really? Why not cut straight to it and call yourselves the Wankers?
I vote for Coves.
But I will be supporting Country NSW


Desmond Connor (43)
I get the feeling that Brisbane might be getting the bad rub in this set up.
Our rugby strength compared to other centres says we should be consisting of two teams.
Sydney has been awarded 3, and we are on an equal footing with Canberra, Melbourne, and Perth. all getting 1 each. In each case a lot of their players are from Brisbane.
The only reason I can think of as to why there is only one team is lack of organisation/sponsorship for a second.
The down side is it will limit our younger players opportunities, possibly to interstate (other than NSW).
But I am disappointed - we are better than that:mad:
In fact combined with the treatment the Reds got on the weekend, I'm really pissed off :mad::mad:


David Codey (61)
I get the feeling that Brisbane might be getting the bad rub in this set up.
Our rugby strength compared to other centres says we should be consisting of two teams.
Sydney has been awarded 3, and we are on an equal footing with Canberra, Melbourne, and Perth. all getting 1 each. In each case a lot of their players are from Brisbane.
The only reason I can think of as to why there is only one team is lack of organisation/sponsorship for a second.
The down side is it will limit our younger players opportunities, possibly to interstate (other than NSW).
But I am disappointed - we are better than that:mad:
In fact combined with the treatment the Reds got on the weekend, I'm really pissed off :mad::mad:

The QRU decided to only enter two bids as none of the clubs chose to do so.


Desmond Connor (43)
The QRU decided to only enter two bids as none of the clubs chose to do so.

So then, my assumption,
The only reason I can think of as to why there is only one team is lack of organisation/sponsorship for a second.
is the reason. Very short sighted in the longer term.

Is it that the QRU is trying to recoup some money for the cost of Ballymore by having the one Brisbane team?


Rocky Elsom (76)
Staff member
Is it that the QRU is trying to recoup some money for the cost of Ballymore by having the one Brisbane team?

the potential revenue from having more games at Ballymore will appeal to them. I just hope they make it affordable.

Remembering the QRU will soak up a lot of the expense of these teams too.


Steve Williams (59)
We need to see this competition off the ground and financially secure. It's going to start modestly but can build.

I think the two teams for Queensland is right—at this stage. If anything, it's Sydney that is being spread thin at the start, but there was a need to accommodate Shute clubs so it's the the way to go.

All going well down the track, Brisbane can tender for another team. Adelaide can bid again as well.


Lord Logo
Perhaps just Sydney Cove along similar lines to the last manifestation's Sydney Fleet.

have an old fashioned marine or sailor as the mascot too.

re: two teams in queensland.

They were playing it safe I think for now. There has been an implied leaning towards expansion once the competition is more established, understood and commercially viable. Adelaide, more queensland even randwick as south sydney would be good options once that is achieved.


My opinion:

-Rule out any expansion bids for at least 3 years, i actually expect there will be some form of natural attrition which will see this competition shrink to 8 teams before there is an expansion.
-Consolidate the competition at 8 teams, allow a few years for the competition to mature, build a supporter base, allow systems to be established and long term plans to be set in place at the newly formed club.

Given that Foxtel have only agreed to broadcast one match a weekend there is absolutely zero financial incentive to expand currently, the broadcast agreement stays the same whether there is 6 teams of 16 teams.


John Eales (66)
One of the key differences with the old ARC in 2007 is the use of social media and forums like this in discussing the NRC within the rugby community. Hopefully this alone will mean the NRC makes a bigger splash than the ARC did, at least among the rugby community. I'm more excited for the NRC than I was for the ARC because I'm hearing more people talk it up and explain how it will work, etc, etc. I really love the idea of a national comp to call our own. The one game a week may have even just tipped me over to get Fox.

I think what will also help will be the fact that it won't be staged while the RWC is on. I think that sucked a lot of the oxygen out of the ARC.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)

Better there than CBUS (Formerly Skilled Park) at Robina. I'm also kinda encouraged by the fact the Bond guy said "Townsville" rather than 1300Smiles (no shit, that's what they're calling Dairy Farmers these days) & made specific mention of marquees, suggesting they may be looking at Saturday & Sunday arvo family days out rather than yet more Friday & Saturday night stadium-based footy. Here's hoping - Toowoomba here we come.


Chilla Wilson (44)
I feel a costume is in order once I start attending games.


I will be the High Wizard of Rugby.


How about this for mode or transportation to games (can be both home and away)?


Allen Oxlade (6)
Can you tell me which FTA network is willing to fork out for rugby what 7 is for AFL and 9 is for NRL?

slim man, where you been? damn fine question.

right now just wrapped to see nrc off the ground. i'm so excited i've changed my avatar as well as my underpants.:eek:

to your question. i think life is about sharing and caring.


i can't speak squirrel so can't translate. but if the food is rugby. the squirrel is 30% of australian's who have access to foxtel. the birds are the 70% who only ever watch free to air. rugby needs another strategy to make game accessible to 70%.


i'm glad slim we are already at step 2-4. depending on your point of view. so how do i do it? it won't be easy. but there is a simple way to start. a few simple rules.

1. recognise a key driver of millions in future rugby profits is accessibility to 100% of australian households. excluded 70% not good for rugby or foxtel.

2. don't sign exclusive broadcasts with fta or with foxtel. the only exception to this was the current nrc contract and we are now off the bottom step.

3. use the power of non-exclusive broadcast contracts.

4. over next decade work towards hybrid fta-foxtel broadcast like the nrl-afl-aleague have done successfully. again sharing is caring.

5. as medium term strategy put foot down. if fta broadcasters want wallabies. fine. but from here on they need to also show 1 game per week Super Rugby and 1 game per week nrc. end of story. no surrender.

6. return loyalty to foxtel. Super Rugby and nrc both continue on foxtel. but this time, foxtel has an edge. they are growing the brands of the products they broadcast. they maintain the majority of games.

7. keep moving up the ladder until Super Rugby, nrc end up at the top. wallabies already on top.

anyway. nrc is looking solid. resurrection on. arc mark II here we come.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Big concern: Competition starts in August. Subbies finals are on. Potential audience issues.

Solution: Sunday games, or night games.

East Coast Aces

Johnnie Wallace (23)
The latest article I read said the Qld Country team will be based and backed by Bond Uni. This sounds like the exact same failure as the ARC. South Brisbane supporters will have no geographical or branding connection with a team or with the players from thier clubs.

This looks to me to be happening because of what has been considered a strength of QLD rugby. The lack of disfunction, bickering and lobbying between and by Brisbane clubs.

Gold Coast cannot support a professional rugby team. They struggle to even produce a competitive Premier Rugby Team. I can't see one of the Bond Uni players being good enough for the NRC. So where the other 15 squad members outside of the Reds or returning Rebels and Force players come from will be very interesting. It's a long way to travel for training down the M1 in peak hour each eveing for training.

I would prefer a North Brisbane and South Brisbane split and tolerate a country team based in Brisbane that takes Rugby on a road show of carnival weekends around the state supported by QLD reds development/promo people running clinics and fun games for kids with giveaways.

But a team based on the GC playing all or most home games there will be the same mistake made in the ARC.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
The latest article I read said the Qld Country team will be based and backed by Bond Uni. This sounds like the exact same failure as the ARC. South Brisbane supporters will have no geographical or branding connection with a team or with the players from thier clubs.

This looks to me to be happening because of what has been considered a strength of QLD rugby. The lack of disfunction, bickering and lobbying between and by Brisbane clubs.

Gold Coast cannot support a professional rugby team. They struggle to even produce a competitive Premier Rugby Team. I can't see one of the Bond Uni players being good enough for the NRC. So where the other 15 squad members outside of the Reds or returning Rebels and Force players come from will be very interesting. It's a long way to travel for training down the M1 in peak hour each eveing for training.

I would prefer a North Brisbane and South Brisbane split and tolerate a country team based in Brisbane that takes Rugby on a road show of carnival weekends around the state supported by QLD reds development/promo people running clinics and fun games for kids with giveaways.

But a team based on the GC playing all or most home games there will be the same mistake made in the ARC.

Agree with pretty much all of that but QRU have made the call so we have to accept it & hope for the best. Also, if/when the flaws in the QC (Quade Cooper)-GC option become apparent the South Brisbane option will still be there; likewise if QC (Quade Cooper)-GC proves us wrong & is still there when having a 3rd Queensland side becomes a viable option.

What to call QC (Quade Cooper)-GC? Uncharitably I came up with The GC Front (I.e. there's nothing much behind it), The GC Breeze (doesn't turn into anything substantial)
& The GC Flash (in the pan). All a bit negative I know but I'm sure the marketing whizzes will come up with something memorable & we can get over bitching about the team's home base & get on with getting behind the comp.
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