The cheetahs are proving to be a quality outfit. The reds are going to really have to weather the storm in this one.
The lack of decent recovery from last week's stoush before beginning their 40 hour transit ordeal will leave bodies and brains tired and loathsome. McKenzie's astute preparation of mind and body should negate this to some extent. Unfortunately the effects of jet lag and playing at altitude can not be dealt with in short spaces of time and so accoeding to Mckenzie are largely ignored.
Look for the reds to build into the game, establish a lead and then play smart rugby, keeping the ball away from the cheetahs and playing in the cheetah's half during the 2nd 40mins. The reds will definately not want to have to stage one their infamous defensive efforts late in the 2nd half this week.
The game plan, like Digby hairstyle, will have to meticulous.
Reds in a close one.