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Brumbies 2013

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Alexander could potentially sit on the bench. Depends on how Sio pulled up.


Desmond Connor (43)
According to Alan Gaffney Rugby is just turning up, putting the jumper on and running around a bit.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Well, any team could catch up, but if they really want to win, they don't aim to be their equals, they aim to be their betters. They have us in Sydney in front of (I'll guess) 14000, they have a new coach, a new play style, fans to play for - and the aim is to match us? No, they want to out do us.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
How does Gaffney say all last season that they were playing running Rugby and here are the stats to prove it.
but this year he is saying the players were shackled for the past few years,and they have to re program them?
When the next coach arrives, I'm sure he'll be saying, we need to play with structure first before we run.In the past few years the players would run at every opportunity, even when there were better options....We need to re program them....


Trevor Allan (34)
Tah's fall short of expectations simply because they rely on their individual abilities in stead of creating constructive synergy by merging their talents with the rest of the group like the Brumbies do


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Tah's fall short of expectations simply because they rely on their individual abilities in stead of creating constructive synergy by merging their talents with the rest of the group like the Brumbies do

How is that anything more than just another sporting idiom?

Almost to a man the Brumbies are making far better credentialled footballers from the Waratahs, Reds and now Sharks look average.

The Brumbies are executing skills at a far higher level than any of these teams as well as showing superior physicality, fitness and concentration.

I think it has nothing to do with relying on individual abilities.


Trevor Allan (34)
How is that anything more than just another sporting idiom?

Almost to a man the Brumbies are making far better credentialled footballers from the Waratahs, Reds and now Sharks look average.

The Brumbies are executing skills at a far higher level than any of these teams as well as showing superior physicality, fitness and concentration.

I think it has nothing to do with relying on individual abilities.

So you are saying team work have nothing to do with it? Look at the Sharks good team fell short to less skilled opponents in the CC final of 2011 and 2012. Why? Simple too many individuals not enough team work. Don't think you realize the critical importance of attaining unity when working as a group. You see a lot these days when underdog comes out on top. Through simple team work.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
So you are saying team work have nothing to do with it? Look at the Sharks good team fell short to less skilled opponents in the CC final of 2011 and 2012. Why? Simple too many individuals not enough team work. Don't think you realize the critical importance of attaining unity when working as a group. You see a lot these days when underdog comes out on top. Through simple team work.

Teamwork is one thing but the Brumbies are all executing skills at a far higher level than seasoned Wallabies/Springboks in other teams.

Teamwork has nothing to do with making accurate passes, not dropping balls, making tackles etc.

In the Sharks vs Brumbies game, Ben Mowen smashed a ruck in the final minute of the game to clear out a couple of Sharks and win the turnover. These are the sort of skills/physicality the Brumbies are executing for 80 minutes that are making them such a great team this year.

It is stuff like the try Lealiifano scored from the Jesse Mogg grubber when nothing was on against the Tahs. Mogg was being tackled and he executed a deft grubber that went precisely the right distance in the right line for Lilo to score an easy try.

I agree that their teamwork is also first rate, but the Brumbies both individually and as a team overall are showing themselves to be more skilled than their opposition.


Trevor Allan (34)
Teamwork is one thing but the Brumbies are all executing skills at a far higher level than seasoned Wallabies/Springboks in other teams.

Teamwork has nothing to do with making accurate passes, not dropping balls, making tackles etc.

In the Sharks vs Brumbies game, Ben Mowen smashed a ruck in the final minute of the game to clear out a couple of Sharks and win the turnover. These are the sort of skills/physicality the Brumbies are executing for 80 minutes that are making them such a great team this year.

It is stuff like the try Lealiifano scored from the Jesse Mogg grubber when nothing was on against the Tahs. Mogg was being tackled and he executed a deft grubber that went precisely the right distance in the right line for Lilo to score an easy try.

I agree that their teamwork is also first rate, but the Brumbies both individually and as a team overall are showing themselves to be more skilled than their opposition.

I think you misunderstood me. The Brumbies use their skills and use it in a unified group everyone playing for each other. Giving a 110 percent for each other and doing everything as best they could. Where teams like the Reds and Tah's have brilliant players themselves but you will see the occasional flashes of brilliance hence rather than use every skill set and and use it together in a group there is too many individuals trying something. Occasionally they will get it right but thats the flashes of brilliance. Reds when they won Super Rugby they did it as a team. Look at them now closely. Genia or Cooper don't perform they look bad as a bunch of high school boys.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Why do you think this is mate? These are seasoned Wallabies as you say.

I think it is a hard thing to quantify. They're obviously very well coached and have trained really hard.

I think the biggest element is focus. At any level of sport (and from personal experience I'm talking about playing park cricket) where the general mood and form of the team is infectious. Enough people start doing things well and all of a sudden everyone is doing amazing things and not making mistakes.

On the flipside, I think that the situation can completely reverse for no foreseeable reason. Sometimes everything just goes perfectly to plan and sometimes it doesn't.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Called it, Sio and Palmer starting. I don't think White could consider benching Sio after his game. Let's hope he keeps it up.
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