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Brumbies 2012

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Jeez that is some classic optimistic logic, I love it.

They have no established stars or internationals... so the opposition won't know what to expect!!

The best starting XV is very unclear... so there is heaps of competition for spots!!

They will be playing to low crowds at home... so they won't feel much pressure!!

They had only 3 Wallabies last season... which means the squad has been together all off season!!

Keep it coming MS, you are providing us all with some great entertainment.

Actually, what is wrong with that reasoning? It helped the Reds out a lot in their 2010 preseason.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I don't think anyone here has expressed any kind of ridiculous expectations from the Brumbies...

But I still think it's fair to say that on paper they're hardly the worst team in the competition, or in the Australian conference...


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
I don't think anyone here has expressed any kind of ridiculous expectations from the Brumbies...

Well I think MS's prediction of a 4-8 finish is wildly optimistic. Don't get me wrong I would love to see it happen, but it just can't see it. Maybe 8th I suppose. But that is with everything coming together and all the stars aligning.

There is nothing wrong with being optimistic about the prospects of your team. Nothing at all. God knows I get my hopes up about the Tahs around this time every year. But there is a limit to this optimism, and IMO MS has crossed it a bit.

Plus it doesn't help that both you Slim and MS seem to have this craving to slate other teams for their faults, whilst glossing over most of your own. The last thing the Brumbies need to be doing is worrying about the strengths and weaknesses of other Aussie sides- they were their own worst enemy last season, and talking about the Rebels defensive frailties doesn't change that.

BJ I have no doubt that Jake and the Brumbies aren't thinking like some on this thread. I'm sure they will approach the season in a very level-headed way, which is essential considering their green roster. I am looking forward to watching their progress, though I am not expecting much. Not this year anyway. But again I would love them to prove me wrong.


Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I've gone and listed the Brumbies strengths and weaknesses, but if people want to come into this thread just to put them down then I will defend them...

That is all...


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
So you are saying if someone comes onto this thread and offers constructive criticism of the Brumbies that you will defend them? Like they are your little sister?

There is a place for blind love, sure, but not when we are trying to have a serious, level-headed discussion.



Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Right back at you cowboy.

Now let's get back to the Brumbies. Does anyone want to have a crack at a potential starting team? Some questions I have:

- Will they play both Hooper and Fainga'a?
- Is Auelua (sp?) the real deal, or will Ita Vaea keep the 8 shirt?
- Where will Lilo play?
- Who will be the wingers?



Haha fair enough.

In all seriousness I think the Brumbies will be last in the Aussie conference and close to last overall. They just don't have the depth or experience to match it with most other sides, as well as lacking good quality players in key positions (especially in the backline). Basically I wonder how they are going to score tries.

I see this as a rebuilding year for the Brumbies, to build towards a top 10 performance in 2013 and finals in 2014 and 2015. I am looking forward to seeing the progress of Colby Fainga'a, Michael Hooper, Matt To'omua, Robbie Coleman etc. There is a lot of talent there, for sure. Just not enough for 2012 I think.

But I could be wrong, as I have been on countless ocassions before. And I hope I am, I want all Aussie sides to do well. But I just can't see it happening for the Brumbies this year.

That sounds like a nice geometric progression, but it's about inspiring as a fart. What kind of side actually thinks of a "top 10" performance as a step forward? Coming 10th is not a step forward. It amounts to about 6 wins out of 16 going by last year's results. To me a "rebuilding year" means nudging the finals cut off, like the Reds did in 2010 when they hit 5th. Or the Highlanders last year when they ran 8th.

If the Brumbies are aiming for anything less than the finals I'd be pretty surprised. I think their playing roster is just good enough for Laurie and Jake White to get them there.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
To me a "rebuilding year" means nudging the finals cut off, like the Reds did in 2010 when they hit 5th. Or the Highlanders last year when they ran 8th.

If the Brumbies are aiming for anything less than the finals I'd be pretty surprised. I think their playing roster is just good enough for Laurie and Jake White to get them there.

Maybe, but the examples you quote aren't teams that were 'rebuilding'. They were teams that entered the respective seasons with relatively settled lineups and a degree of experience as a unit, it's just they were coming off a prolonged period at the bottom of the table.

I'm sure they are aiming for the finals, all teams should be. But I don't think they will get there.


Maybe, but the examples you quote aren't teams that were 'rebuilding'. They were teams that entered the respective seasons with relatively settled lineups and a degree of experience as a unit, it's just they were coming off a prolonged period at the bottom of the table.

I'm sure they are aiming for the finals, all teams should be. But I don't think they will get there.

Really? The Reds were a "settled lineup" at the start of 2010? They had just lost Barnes and McMeniman, two of their best. The leaguie fullback had gone. Guys like Daley, Ant Fainga'a, Rod Davies and Laurie Weeks had barely started a game for the team prior to that season.

If they'd aimed for your rebuilding milestone of 10th they'd still be on the shitheap. I think you're attempting to be cautious, barbarian, and forgetting the historical precedent: loads of untried talent and a strong new coaching staff are usually a very effective combination.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Really? The Reds were a "settled lineup" at the start of 2010? They had just lost Barnes and McMeniman, two of their best. The leaguie fullback had gone. Guys like Daley, Ant Fainga'a, Rod Davies and Laurie Weeks had barely started a game for the team prior to that season.

Look I am not going to debate the 2010 Reds lineup here with you. You raise a good point that maybe they were not as settled as I thought. And yes there are some similarities.

But I believe the level of talent in the Reds squad of 2010 is greater than that of the Brumbies now. The 2010 Reds had players clearly on the cusp of something great- Genia, Cooper, Horwill, Ioane, Slipper and Higgers even. I can't see any Brumbies quite on that level. Fainga'a, Hooper and To'omua are talented, sure, but not quite in that league yet.

If they'd aimed for your rebuilding milestone of 10th they'd still be on the shitheap.

It's not my target, just where I think they will end up. Again I am not coaching the fucking team.



Colin Windon (37)
I think you'll find Nic White will be rather comparable to a young Genia in skill and talent. He absolutely killed teams in the shute shield. He'll be a great help for To'omua with a good quick pass...

Kimlin, Mowen, Auelua, Power, Alexander, Moore, Palmer, Hooper, Hand, Faingga, Vaea, Fardy aren’t exactly a bunch of rookies... and Sam Carter would be one of the premier rookies locks in the game.

I think you’ll find Jake White will use their fitness and youth to their advantage and play a fast game. So I’m expecting a lot of changes during games to keep the pace high.

I wouldn't talk up the Reds that much without Quade Cooper... Really the brumbies have an overall stronger front row, comparable locks, and better loosies in Auelua, Hooper, Faingga, Mowen and Vaea.

The Brumbies don’t have a Digby but Speight was coming along nicely last season and Crawford had a cracker of a Shute Shield.

Furthermore.... You'd expect the players to be aiming for the semis and as a supporter I'm not going to say otherwise, I think they can, I believe in them... It may take a few matches to settle in but it will happen... I don’t think the other OZ teams are that strong and complete…


Colin Windon (37)
Right back at you cowboy.

Now let's get back to the Brumbies. Does anyone want to have a crack at a potential starting team? Some questions I have:

- Will they play both Hooper and Fainga'a?
- Is Auelua (sp?) the real deal, or will Ita Vaea keep the 8 shirt?
- Where will Lilo play?
- Who will be the wingers?


jeez... Bardarian you have to be a Tahs supporter your such a pessimist

He looks the real deal to me...

http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=Fotu Auelua&mid=A70351A4F1124A8CFE93A70351A4F1124A8CFE93&FORM=LKVR5#

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
He plays OK as I have said a few times. He is quite deft in the lineouts as an 8 usually and I've seen him start at both 12 and 13 in the 2010/11 season for Toulon . He looks great in highlights but his challenge in Super Rugby will be playing an 80 minute game in the fastest kind of rugby he has ever played in.

He has never been ripped and we will have to see how his condition is after 6 months of sushi. I expect that he will be played off the bench at first. Maybe he will stay there; maybe not.

This guy could be nothing much at all in Super Rugby or a standout. I have no idea at the minute which. Most likely it will be something in between. A good footie player if you know what I mean; can read the play and back up, amongst other things.


Shit this tread just hit a new low when Muddy announced the Brumbies locks are comparable to the Reds.

The second row is the weakest position in the Brumbies lineup.
Lets keep things in perspective, it's just getting silly now..
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