Inside Shoulder
Nathan Sharpe (72)
^^^ Different time periods constraining the samples.
Most of his data sets are 1973 - 2008 but he has 12.5% of schoolboys making Wallaby Caps. My data is 1973 - 2009 and it has 13% and in so far as any statistics* are concerned that is close enough as sh!t is to swearing for this little black duck.
"Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics". B Disraeli.
Yep I see that now.
The conversion rate is going up.
I fear it is because the pathway is becoming a self fulfilling prophecy. We did better at senior level when the pathway was unpaved track and everyone slummed it irrespective of schoolboy achievements.
There is no doubt that ASRU selectors are not engaged in predicting the next cohort of wobblies and that the discrepancy is not due to poor selection at that level.
But, and it is a big but, we should not lose sight of the fact that the best kid in a position at 18 may well not be the long term best in that position. hence we need to be sure we keep everyone in the game for as long as possible.