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Australia vs British and Irish Lions 2nd Test (Melbourne)

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Ron Walden (29)
Great post! My new sig. ;)
If he doesnt pick him he will look worse. You can't drop him after 1 test when his main target gets carried off in the first 30 secs then 3 more of his targets go down and he gets left throwing to an openside flanker,a 13 with a crook shoulder, an 11 with one arm etc etc. You may not agree with his selection but he needs another chance. Whether we win or lose you can be sure the backline play will be very different this weekend. Beale will start at 15 (or Mogg.) Tomane and Badger are similar so no biggy there.
Everytime I see Mogg I see Roffy....left winger with left boot chip over top......against the Lions...when we're 1 down in the series after losing in Brissie...he can take a good intercept too.....:)


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
My Wallaby team for the weekend (from the current squad)
It's not going to happen as Deans has a boner for Palu and Beale.

1. Robinson
2. Moore
3. Alexander
4. Douglas
5. Horwill
6. McMenimen
7. Smith
8. Mowen
9. Genia
10. O'Connor
11. Tomane
12. Leali'ifano
13. Ashley-Cooper
14. Cummins
15. Folau

16. Fainga'a
17. Kepu
18. Slipper
19. Simmons
20. Hooper
21. Phipps
22. Horne
23. Mogg

In regards to Cooper I don't want him anywhere near a squad that Deans coaches. They don't work together and it's issues from both parties (which have been discussed in every other thread here). It would have a negative impact on the rest of the squad and that is not something that should ever be an issue in a Wallaby squad.


David Codey (61)
I would support the pick of JOC (James O'Connor) again provided Beale is 15 and can come in to take the first receiver role of JOC (James O'Connor) isn't managing it (sounds like a familiar tactic though - does Deans have the guts to contradict himself again?).

However JOC (James O'Connor) isn't excused from a poor performance (or rather Deans inappropriate selection of him) because of the number injuries. There were plenty of times he was just hanging out the back and plenty of other times where he had the opportunity to use space out wider but choked it. The alignment of the backs wasn't the issue, it was the usage of them that was poor.


David Codey (61)
I know Cooper isn't in the squad, but if Deans didn't look at the narrowness of the Lions defense and see opportunities (even off the bench if chasing the game) in using his wide passing game, then he is just a little incompetent.

As an aside, see who missed tackles in the lead up to the Lions tries - McCabe, Barnes, JOC (James O'Connor). Beale was also average in defense and both he and JOC (James O'Connor) missed some attacking opportunities via hogging the pill that Cooper would never have.

We are making it too easy for the Lions to defend against us.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
My Wallaby team for the weekend (from the current squad)
It's not going to happen as Deans has a boner for Palu and Beale.

1. Robinson
2. Moore
3. Alexander
4. Douglas
5. Horwill
6. McMenimen
7. Smith
8. Mowen
9. Genia
10. O'Connor
11. Tomane
12. Leali'ifano
13. Ashley-Cooper
14. Cummins
15. Folau

16. Fainga'a
17. Kepu
18. Slipper
19. Simmons
20. Hooper
21. Phipps
22. Horne
23. Mogg

In regards to Cooper I don't want him anywhere near a squad that Deans coaches. They don't work together and it's issues from both parties (which have been discussed in every other thread here). It would have a negative impact on the rest of the squad and that is not something that should ever be an issue in a Wallaby squad.

Other than JOC (James O'Connor) at 10, I believe your starting side is about the best we could see. Beale imo is better value than JOC (James O'Connor) at 10, but would eventually like to see To'omua. On the reserves bench, I would have Kimlin in place of Simmons and Scott Sio in place of Kepu. 9 Brumbies in a squad of 23 appropriately reflects their position at the top of the Aust S15 conference.


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
Brumby Runner The Kimlin v Simmons spot was the biggest issue I had. Could have gone the other way easily.
Understand the Beale v JOC (James O'Connor) debate and I know both will be in the starting team. I just think Beale needs to be sorted out and it has nothing to do with the quality of rugby he is playing. Think the same about Digby to a degree after the issues yesterday.


Sydney Middleton (9)
If he doesnt pick him he will look worse. You can't drop him after 1 test when his main target gets carried off in the first 30 secs then 3 more of his targets go down and he gets left throwing to an openside flanker,a 13 with a crook shoulder, an 11 with one arm etc etc. You may not agree with his selection but he needs another chance. Whether we win or lose you can be sure the backline play will be very different this weekend. Beale will start at 15 (or Mogg.) Tomane and Badger are similar so no biggy there.
Everytime I see Mogg I see Roffy..left winger with left boot chip over top..against the Lions.when we're 1 down in the series after losing in Brissie.he can take a good intercept too...:)

As I've already stated in other threads, while the loss of Lilo would have had an impact on JOC (James O'Connor), it wouldn't have been that great. JOC (James O'Connor) was rarely at first receiver and looked like he was hiding most of the game. Not to mention the number of times that he chose to keep the ball or give a short ball to a forward runner when there was something on out wide (see Scott Allen's analysis). Having said this, I think Deans will stick with JOC (James O'Connor), to the Wallabies' detriment.


Sydney Middleton (9)
The thought of Mogg playing for the Wallabies makes me nervous. I'm a Brumbies supporter and think he's a great player who is deserving of higher honours, but I would prefer to see him blooded in a Spring Tour. I'm worried that he is a little too small to play against a Lions backline of this size (he is often held up in tackles and stripped while playing for the Brumbies). He is also a bit of a streaky player that can let pressure get the best of him; if he puts a kick out on the full once then he will get angry and start to do it more often.

Having said this, we don't have many fullback options so as long as he's on the bench it shouldn't be too bad.

Sir Arthur Higgins

Dick Tooth (41)
Can’t see the team being anything other than this:

Benn Robbo
Mowen (MMM)
Palu (Mowen)
JOC (James O'Connor)
AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) (Taps)


with G smith on the bench.


Ron Walden (29)
As I've already stated in other threads, while the loss of Lilo would have had an impact on JOC (James O'Connor), it wouldn't have been that great. JOC (James O'Connor) was rarely at first receiver and looked like he was hiding most of the game. Not to mention the number of times that he chose to keep the ball or give a short ball to a forward runner when there was something on out wide (see Scott Allen's analysis). Having said this, I think Deans will stick with JOC (James O'Connor), to the Wallabies' detriment.
Agree with you.......... but my point is if Robbie chose him for the first test there at 10 he's not going to move him after what happened. He will switch with Beale and Lilo ....he ran off Beale quite effectively on Sat. at times. The new right seems to be to ignore the number on your back at times and speed up the game by rotating first receiver.


Tony Shaw (54)
Speaking personally, I find it highly reassuring that JO'C has today declared that "........it's back to the drawing board......." for the Wallabies' and his own planning for Test 2 in Melbourne.


Firstly, one always wants to know that a top professional team has that drawing board on hand and, secondly, is so ready to re-draw all their strategies and plans after an early phase of experimentation to ascertain what works and what doesn't.

Best news I've had today.


John Thornett (49)
RH, it's not like you to take talk from the Wallabies on faith like that. Are you okay?


Sydney Middleton (9)
Agree with you.... but my point is if Robbie chose him for the first test there at 10 he's not going to move him after what happened. He will switch with Beale and Lilo ..he ran off Beale quite effectively on Sat. at times. The new right seems to be to ignore the number on your back at times and speed up the game by rotating first receiver.

I agree that that's what we're seeing from the Wallabies, but I really hate seeing it. Maybe I'm expecting too much but my test 5/8 (Super 15 is different) is literally the only person who receives a pass from the half-back except when rumbling the forwards close to the line or slow ball options. There is most definitely no other back that should receive a pass from the half back unless he is the clearing kicker. Your 5/8 should organise forward hit-ups, centre crash balls and most definitely sending it wide. JOC (James O'Connor) touched the ball 4 times in attack in the first half, which is abhorrent in my opinion. He may as well not have been there. Over 80 minutes he kicked the ball once, to Sexton's 11. If I was a coach who had Israel Folau on one of my wings I would tell my 5/8 that I wanted to see no fewer than 3 crossfield kicks inside the opposition half. I'm not sure whether the issue is Deans or JOC (James O'Connor), but something has to change or we're going to lose this series in a whitewash.


Jim Lenehan (48)
I reckon we're gonna take this one. O'Connell out. George Smith coming off the bench. Lilo and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) fit.

Plus we are due a bit of luck after the last game.

My only concern is the fact that Melbourne will be 95% Lions fans.


Ron Walden (29)
I agree that that's what we're seeing from the Wallabies, but I really hate seeing it. Maybe I'm expecting too much but my test 5/8 (Super 15 is different) is literally the only person who receives a pass from the half-back except when rumbling the forwards close to the line or slow ball options. There is most definitely no other back that should receive a pass from the half back unless he is the clearing kicker. Your 5/8 should organise forward hit-ups, centre crash balls and most definitely sending it wide. JOC (James O'Connor) touched the ball 4 times in attack in the first half, which is abhorrent in my opinion. He may as well not have been there. Over 80 minutes he kicked the ball once, to Sexton's 11. If I was a coach who had Israel Folau on one of my wings I would tell my 5/8 that I wanted to see no fewer than 3 crossfield kicks inside the opposition half. I'm not sure whether the issue is Deans or JOC (James O'Connor), but something has to change or we're going to lose this series in a whitewash.
Thats why I think he has Lilo and O'connor the wrong way around..Lilo picking out O'Connor or AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) flat with Izzy and Beale from depth would be a nightmare to defend against and if the defence is up too quick then yes yes yes kick short or at an angle but not down Halfpenny's or North's throats from somewhere between fullback and 10. Thats me dreaming though JOC (James O'Connor) will be 10.

ACT Crusader

Jim Lenehan (48)
I agree that that's what we're seeing from the Wallabies, but I really hate seeing it. Maybe I'm expecting too much but my test 5/8 (Super 15 is different) is literally the only person who receives a pass from the half-back except when rumbling the forwards close to the line or slow ball options. There is most definitely no other back that should receive a pass from the half back unless he is the clearing kicker. Your 5/8 should organise forward hit-ups, centre crash balls and most definitely sending it wide. JOC (James O'Connor) touched the ball 4 times in attack in the first half, which is abhorrent in my opinion. He may as well not have been there. Over 80 minutes he kicked the ball once, to Sexton's 11. If I was a coach who had Israel Folau on one of my wings I would tell my 5/8 that I wanted to see no fewer than 3 crossfield kicks inside the opposition half. I'm not sure whether the issue is Deans or JOC (James O'Connor), but something has to change or we're going to lose this series in a whitewash.

Not really Cassius. The ABs when they first played Cruden and even Donald due to Carter either being injured or on a sabbatical, used Nonu extensively as first receiver in general play. The other two weren't stuck at the bottom of rucks either. It was part of the plan to use Nonu's superior wide passing game.


Sydney Middleton (9)
Not really Cassius. The ABs when they first played Cruden and even Donald due to Carter either being injured or on a sabbatical, used Nonu extensively as first receiver in general play. The other two weren't stuck at the bottom of rucks either. It was part of the plan to use Nonu's superior wide passing game.

You've hit the nail on the head there; NZ's first-choice fly half wasn't available. I'm saying that our first choice fly half needs to have the passing/running/kicking game that he doesn't need to rely on other people to do his job. This is the reason I prefer a ball running second five; because your fly half should be able to get all the other stuff done. It's also the reason I prefer Barrett to Cruden. I think he has a more complete game and wouldn't need a second five to help him out.


Greg Davis (50)
I reckon we're gonna take this one. O'Connell out. George Smith coming off the bench. Lilo and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) fit.

Plus we are due a bit of luck after the last game.

My only concern is the fact that Melbourne will be 95% Lions fans.

Going on the scarce history we have with Lions matches down here I'd say the 2001 test set the precedent for vocal Wallaby support. Weren't we 'ambushed' in Brisbane before regaining the balance in Melbourne and Sydney?

Never fear, there's a very healthy rugby community in Melbourne and a general population who love top-tier sport. It's going to be a ripping crowd in the dome.


Sydney Middleton (9)
I can't be the only one who really wants to see Madness McMM come off the bench for the last 20min and just fuck shit up!!

While I like MMM I think that Kimlin offers a similar level of physicality, but also has a levelheadedness and, surprisingly, quite nice ball skills (offloads) to go with it. He was also a standout in the Brumbies win against the Lions last week.
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