Japanese Food
People wank on and on and on about how awesome Japanese food is.
I'm not fucken having it.
Most of it is deeply unhealthy and often just flat-out fucken revolting.
Let's Review;
Disgusting. A tasteless white slab of wobbly snot. Not fucken eating this.
Miso soup.
AKA Snot Soup. Fuck off with this shit. It's not food, it's just a puddle of wet brown bullshit.
An impossibly sour shrivelled plum gonad. Some sort of punishment from the samurai days, fucked if I know. Not food.
Sushi is fine and a big fuck yeah. Fuck off with the Snot Soup and get the sushi on.
A fucking joke of a food. A tiny piece of pumpkin or some shit that is deep fried in a massive casing of crusty batter. It's just 90% solidified cooking oil. This shit will kill you. Healthy food my bulbous arse.
Revolting tasteless spaghetti. No taste.
Revolting tasteless spaghetti. No taste.
Boiled eggs and radish floating about in a puddle of tasteless hot water. Fucking terrible. Not eating this shit.
Nabe = Pot. Yep, just any rando shit thrown in a pot with hot water. Fuck this floaty bullshit.
Rotten beans. Obviously not food. It's gone rotten you stupid pricks. Throw it out.
Deep-fried pork on rice. Japanese food is so healthy. This shit will kill you.
Sugared rice that's been kneaded into the consistency of a melted eraser. Inedible. This is the shit that old gits choke on and die from every New Years. LOL.
Pizza sized pancake of half-raw flour covered in dead squid and mayonnaise. Hmmmm, delicious. Get fucked.
Skewered and grilled chicken bits. Can work if the fucking thing is not 86% gristle. TL/DR, it's always 86% gristle. I reckon I could make this way better than some of the insulting shit on a stick they dish up at restaurants.
Half-raw flour dough balls with a tiny piece of fucking octopus inside. Hmm, what a treat. You may was well eat raw flour and a microwaved eraser. Fuck this shit.
The wank about ramen is off the charts. After eating this with its oil and bullshit your guts will feel crook as fuck. There's a reason most Japanese people are somehow fat and skinny at the same time and I reckon it's this rubbish.
Fried chicken. No hot water, no floaty shit, no half-raw flour. Congratulations Japan on not fucking up fried chicken. FFS.
Here we fucken go again, another pot of hot water with floating fucking vegetables. You can't taste a thing except for fucken hot water. Plus it has that see-through spaghetti bullshit that everyone avoids as they make a beeline for the salvageable bits of meat that, too late, have already been stripped of all meat taste by the stupid fucking hot water. Fuck this nonsense.