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Argentina v Australia, Mendoza 4/10/14

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John Eales (66)
PS I cant seem to cut and paste when replying anyone have a link so I can find out how to do this please?

at the bottom right of every post you can see 'reply' just hit that and it will include it in your post..you can include more than one

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
My query more comes to how do you contest a kick. If you jump for a bomb knees up as normally players do and make contact with a player standing there on the ground is it an offence?

Depends what the ref makes of why your knees are up, how and when they come up etc. and then there's the question of the defender making contact with someone in the air and lo and behold we are back at one of Nige's more baffling efforts today.
To take this further we probably need to go to the refereeing decisions thread before cyclo explodes.
Depends what you mean by hitting - you can make contact with him if it was a tackle and not late otherwise you're touching or pushing someone who doesn't have the ball or its a "charge" - i.e. no arms


Nicholas Shehadie (39)
I watched one of the best games of the year, then waited around to watch one of the worst.

The boks and AB were a whole level ahead of the Wallabies. I hate bagging, but far out the wallabies can be boring - that's one thing that stood out amongst others.

I'm not going to go on, because I certainly don't have the answers. I'm just a wallabies tragic like many others who is becoming more impatient by the second.

Tough love is in order, but I still think we can put on a good performance against a wounded kiwi team, if we just stop playing like a useless, fucking rabble.


Colin Windon (37)
More and more we need a strategic kicking game to place pressure on the opposition by moving the play into their 22. No, i don't mean "select Jesse Mogg", I mean we need someone that can move the game into the red zone with well placed kicks.

Foley appears not to have the skills or intention. I think Ive seen To'omua do it before but not this year. It's part of Cooper's game, isn't it?

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
Define a good performance.
Are you predicting that after being unbeaten for 23 games,they are going to lose two on the trot?
The second,against what appears to be a rabble of busted bodies and/or minds.

Edit; I see rabble appears to be the new collective noun to describe the Wobblies.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
More and more we need a strategic kicking game to place pressure on the opposition by moving the play into their 22. No, i don't mean "select Jesse Mogg", I mean we need someone that can move the game into the red zone with well placed kicks.

Foley appears not to have the skills or intention. I think Ive seen To'omua do it before but not this year. It's part of Cooper's game, isn't it?

I think our kicking is shit but what are the possession stats for today? Are we going to kick away the little ball we get?
We had no faith in our line out last week and none in our scrum today.


John Eales (66)
More and more we need a strategic kicking game to place pressure on the opposition by moving the play into their 22. No, i don't mean "select Jesse Mogg", I mean we need someone that can move the game into the red zone with well placed kicks.

Foley appears not to have the skills or intention. I think Ive seen To'omua do it before but not this year. It's part of Cooper's game, isn't it?

pulling all the old timers out now..agree, we need an M Burke..


John Eales (66)
Lorenzo, a lot of the discussion here has strengthened the argument to move Folau back to the wing..it's not going to happen though until we find a player that just has to be at fullback..AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) at 15 was a Robbie Deans brain snap, not that he disgraced himself there, just not the answer..


Colin Windon (37)
I think our kicking is shit but what are the possession stats for today? Are we going to kick away the little ball we get?
We had no faith in our line out last week and none in our scrum today.

True, but we aren't any fucking good with the ball, so I figure we might as well play the game at their end.

This wallaby side should be focusing on winning tests (rather than extraneous stuff like which "style" they are playing), and the start needs to be giving away 0 points per match. One might want to do this by playing possession football but it never works. At least I've never seen it work and I wouldn't bet a dollar on this particular squad being able to pull it off. Too many errors.


Colin Windon (37)
Lorenzo, a lot of the discussion here has strengthened the argument to move Folau back to the wing..it's not going to happen though until we find a player that just has to be at fullback..AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) at 15 was a Robbie Deans brain snap, not that he disgraced himself there, just not the answer..

I think AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) was our most bolted-down back in 2008, personally.


Tim Horan (67)
On the Hooper YC, thought he was hard done by , but tend to think it was a result of number of penalties, actually though Skelton was very lucky to not get binned with the scrag tackle or clean out whatever it was, and so perhaps Owens just went next one is enough. I don't think Hooper deliberately hiw him or anything, just a very very poor execution of a charge down, which may have made it seem not to flash. And before anyone bites by poor I mean I don't think you charge down with your back turned to player, it much more effective face on so you can see ball!!

The Pirate

Herbert Moran (7)
JOC (James O'Connor) maybe?

I am going to be quite interested to see how Karmichael Hunt goes in super rugby next year assuming the reds play him at 15 . Not that i have given up on Izzy at 15 by any means as i feel that unless we have somone who can bring something approaching his ability under the high ball to the table, we have to accept the weakness of his kicking game. Having said that , if Hunt can make a good transition , he could turn out to be a very useful utility back for the Wallabies

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
I come back to the reffing of the breakdown - our first 2 tries we got clean quick ball. Once it became like the Somme we had nothing and could not shift to a different style.
We just do not have the imposing ball running 4, 5, 6 and/or 8 who can start trucking up field in close to get the opposition on their heels. Read, McCaw, Retallick, Whitelock and even Messam would have gone to this 15 minutes in to establish the font foot ball.
Its old fashioned and its ugly but once it starts working the backline get a bit of space.
We never do this we keep throwing longish passes to Slipper or Kepu running at 30-45 degrees across field who are relatively soft targets for the defence.

Have to say though that Higgers did a mountain of hard work today.


Mark Ella (57)
for someone who was poached to play AFL he is surprisingly poor with his kicking..which is probably why he doesn't do much of it..very unusual for a fullback.

Interesting though in Aussie rules you are specifically trained to find a human target. That doesn't bode well for what is required of a rugby player.


Arch Winning (36)
Depressing game after last night's sublime rugby. We are a very distant third, realistically 4th after England.

In essence we were a rabble. Lots of good individual effort hidden within a mire of disorganisation and fatigue. We can never hope to exert ourselves over the opposition when we don't exert over ourselves.

I'm all for running rugby, we saw two teams demonstrate it to perfection last night. What we play under pressure is desperation lob the ball and hope a crack opens. It isn't a new problem.

On the ref, yes some tough calls, but he refs to a style, made it crystal what he expected, and was practically itching to use those cards he was so frustrated by half time. That frustration is on us.

On the captain. My pref is Pocock, Moore, Horwill. Hooper is learning and has it in him, he is just too green.

On Pocock Hooper. Our brains trust is going to have to find places for both of them. One of these players must forge a new position or we will keep trying to shoehorn.

On players out of position. Please no more players rotating the five-eighth role. How hard is it to see it is a specialist role ffs. Wing/fb sure. Ic vs oc sure.

On centres, specifically ic. This continues to be an issue, but we are at least finally settling on a combo, and it is a good combo. Yes Toomoua and Kuridrani. FFS can we please ensure these players are playing there during the SXV. If Toumoua is a specialist 10 fine. Then Horne to 12 and we move on. Which means Horne at 12 in the SXV.

On Beale. The boy is a fullback. He is a bloody fantastic fullback. Move Folau to wing, there is lots of ways to make sure he is still brought into play. For example the way we sought to use Diggers. But again, that means Beale at fb in the SXV. Assuming he is still playing for us, which he should be. And I say that as a Rebels fan who is still seriously pissed off the rat punched his very highly regarded Captain.

On the coach. He is a good coach. Is he better than Deans? Who cares, Deans isn't the coach and won't be ever again. Maybe Chieka in a few years, who knows he is still pretty mercurial. Ewen is easily our best option until post RWC, move on.

Iñaki Zubizarreta

Herbert Moran (7)
it's the humbleness of people like you that make it worthwhile to lose to the underdogs sometimes..well done buddy

disagree re the laser though, that was costly..that shit has no place in our sport and has to go..

Thank you, man. We needed this win.

Yes, I totally agree. Those things like the laser or whistling the opponent penalty, for instance, are not acceptable. They copy that from european soccer, it has nothing to do with rugby. I'm not excusing that shit, just letting you know that is one person or a few that craps it. Again, I'm sorry.


Mark Ella (57)
I come back to the reffing of the breakdown - our first 2 tries we got clean quick ball. Once it became like the Somme we had nothing and could not shift to a different style.
We just do not have the imposing ball running 4, 5, 6 and/or 8 who can start trucking up field in close to get the opposition on their heels. Read, McCaw, Retallick, Whitelock and even Messam would have gone to this 15 minutes in to establish the font foot ball.
Its old fashioned and its ugly but once it starts working the backline get a bit of space.
We never do this we keep throwing longish passes to Slipper or Kepu running at 30-45 degrees across field who are relatively soft targets for the defence.

Have to say though that Higgers did a mountain of hard work today.

I think it is more about how we do it rather than the cattle. As you say, we just pass from the base of the ruck to a one out runner who is in a static position. We don't look prepared for meaningful contact. When the Blacks use the same tactic, it is most often Retallick but he takes the ball with a head of steam and is ready for meaningful contact with good body height and powerful leg drive. They also don't stuff around with slow ball and just go straight for the pick and go, Always someone up the arse of the ball carrier and a close supporting runner prepared for any chance of an off load.
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