I don't watch any diveball, much less read about it or follow the vibe of things in that game.
Do they have an issue with laser pointers being used offensively against players in that game in South America and/or Argentina?
Yes they do. When they're used they generally target the away team's goalkeeper and players taking corners, penalties or free kicks. It's not just Argentina though, many European and South American countries have this problem in football.
I hope the IRB does something about it. I hear what people are saying about having kicks retaken etc. But I'm not too sure that the dickhead with the laser pointer isn't going to just keep doing it on the rekick. How many rekicks do you allow? Until the guy lands it? You can't just award the point because then they'll do it to the home goal kicker to guarantee the points.
If World Rugby (or the artist formally known as the IRB) want to send a message about this they could take a leaf out of FIFA book with how they deal with racist chants. Force the home team to play their next game in an empty stadium.
Hitting them where it really hurts, in the pocket, would really motivate the home union to stamp this out at their game. It would act as a great incentive to first make sure these don't get into the ground and second to quickly identify those in the crowd that are doing it and remove them from the stadium.
This would also change the fans reaction to such incidents. There had to be a number of people sitting close to the person shinning the laser who saw him do it. Some probably thought "that's not on, he shouldn't be doing it" but said nothing. A small minority probably thought it was OK and encouraged him.
A tough punishment would mean that the silent majority are less likely to be silent in the future when they see something like that happen.
Also many times when there are tough punishments handed down in football you see a photo of the crowd with the offending fan or fans circled. I'm sure photos of the guy with the laser pointer exist. A tough punishment would make the incident very news worthy and would give the news media a reason to go and find those photos. The fan could then be identified and banned like they do in football.
We've never had crowd trouble in rugby and good behaviour has always been expected and largely policed by the fans. We don't want to let behaviours from other sports to creep in and ruin what we've had for so long.
I hope World Rugby do something to stamp this out and do it fast.