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3rd Place Play Off - Wallabies v Wales.

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Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
You push our captain in the head after a try is scored in Hong Kong while he's getting up off the ground, you knee him in the head a few months later....what do you expect you're gonna get in front of his supporters??? Standing ovations?

Kiwis may have instigated but it wasn't without provocation and it seems that plenty of other supporters - including Aussie supporters - have been too eager to jump in as well. I've defended the guy on FB etc....from other Aussies.

I don't really like the booing either but the QC (Quade Cooper) and some Wallaby supporters (and other nations) hardly have clean hands themselves.

That's no excuse to act like a collective of petty precious ****s...


Scrum lottery...scrum goes down, toss a freaking coin.

Jeez i hate scrum penalties. Can't blame Barnes though...both teams are at fault for the scrum going down. Big collision + shoulders below hips = scrum down.


Peter Sullivan (51)
Blood, blood everywhere.

Personally enjoying this game (not the injuries) soak it up people this will be better than the final. My prediction of Aus by 3 from a Nathan Sharpe drop goal may not come to pass but I'm confident my NZ by 120 (3 tries to Duck coming on with 10 to go) will be pretty bang on.

And with that Hook puts it down.

HT Aus 7 Wales 3


Tim Horan (67)
This is shit, neither of these teams could possibly say they deserve to be in final on this rubbish. first rule of rugby TREASURE THE FUCKEN BALL!!!!!!


Chilla Wilson (44)
What has Salesi Maafu been eating...he looks so over weight...

Been waiting for this day with Cooper.... He put so much pressure on his knees..Im glad it was now and not through the REDS season....
And As being a host nation to more than enough Kiwis, its been pretty poor how he has been treated through out the WC, so im sure this injury has topped it off for them....

Come on Wob's


Greg Davis (50)
This is shit, neither of these teams could possibly say they deserve to be in final on this rubbish. first rule of rugby TREASURE THE FUCKEN BALL!!!!!!

The 3/4 is never played at the SA level intensity, just enjoy it for what it is. Both these teams had a shot and fell short, no need to argue about the final.

Major Spliff Biggins

Fred Wood (13)
You push our captain in the head after a try is scored in Hong Kong while he's getting up off the ground, you knee him in the head a few months later....what do you expect you're gonna get in front of his supporters??? Standing ovations?

Kiwis may have instigated but it wasn't without provocation and it seems that plenty of other supporters - including Aussie supporters - have been too eager to jump in as well. I've defended the guy on FB etc....from other Aussies.

I don't really like the booing either but the QC (Quade Cooper) and some Wallaby supporters (and other nations) hardly have clean hands themselves.

Didn't Jamie Heaslip knee Ritchie in the head at some point? I don't recall him receiving this vitriol...


Tim Horan (67)
The Kiwis don't have the maturity to host another RWC..... I have refrained from using basic language on this forum, however, sadly they are behaving like arseholes.... emiting nothing but shit! Let's all stop buying Kiwi products!
What a pathetic post, ok QC (Quade Cooper) shit pisses me off, but don'tr get so bloody precious, it's been an awesome WC.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
What has Salesi Maafu been eating...he looks so over weight...

Been waiting for this day with Cooper.... He put so much pressure on his knees..Im glad it was now and not through the REDS season....
And As being a host nation to more than enough Kiwis, its been pretty poor how he has been treated through out the WC, so im sure this injury has topped it off for them....

Come on Wob's

the injury is thought not to be related to pressure (assuming its an ACL) but to a loss of communication between the knee join and the brain - so your brain forgets what angle your knee is at: loss of proprioception. Its the reason the yanks do that stepping through the tyres drill.


Tim Horan (67)
The 3/4 is never played at the SA level intensity, just enjoy it for what it is. Both these teams had a shot and fell short, no need to argue about the final.
Yep WJ, perhaps I was expecting too much, but after all talk this week from Wallabies and Welsh camp, I was expecting both teams to at least do basics a bloody sight better than this. I sitting here having a beer waiting to see an enjoyable high paced and skilled game both teams have talked about, and it turns out to be just that AGAIN bloody talk.
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