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Where to for Super Rugby?

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Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
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David Codey (61)
Oh. So if only the ARU had done a better job, rugby would now be the number 4 winter code in Australia, would it?

For some reason, I am hearing "The Who" in my head. On repeat. "We won't get fooled again..."
You can't possibly contend that the current clusterfuck, is a job well done,can you?

They have planned this so well, it would appear that their only way out is to default on an agreement with one of three parties, that will surely lead to a legal case they are very long odds to win.

It screams incompetence!

please tell me the bit I don't understand, that demonstrates that their cunning plan,is in fact a master stroke that we plebs just can't see.


Tony Shaw (54)
With a...

Nah - it'll be marked at that juncture in 2022 with our 15th straight win over the ABs with their NZ media saying: 'fuck, wish we'd buried those bastards forever in 2018 but the Aussies always find a way to reinvent themselves and come back harder, stronger.....'.


Ron Walden (29)
I'm not convinced that Cox withdrew from negotiations with the ARU, I have a feeling that the Victorian Government put a lot of pressure on the ARU, (as per the letter in the press this week) and they have withdrawn their offer. But it sure sounds a hell of a lot better if Cox says he won't sell to them, (cos they won't buy from him) and now the price goes down…..


Ron Walden (29)
and further, the ARU are now stuck with five and will have to go back to SANZAAR and tell them they changed their mind - hell, they only thought of reducing the teams the week they signed off on their annual reports, 22 March when they were with SANZAAR - otherwise, this surely would have been a significant note in their annual reports rather than what they actually wrote which was that there was "no item, transact or event of a material and unusual nature has arisen, in the opinions of the Directors of the Company, to affect significantly the operations of the Company… or the state of affairs of the Company in future financial years." note 7 of the directors report. as signed off by Trent Duvall, Partner KPMG


Dick Tooth (41)

Below I have linked two only Face Book broadcast of the FFA Cup today.

Two things first the matches are not great I suggest on both links you go to around the 20 minute point and watch for say two minutes or so.

First these things are being done by the clubs because its an inclusive system driven from the bottom up and along with about 50 National Premier League matches FFA has created an Australia wide base to help build their professional league.

We have the Nobody Really Cares competition hidden away in a small window.

This has nothing to do with the game its to do with structure.

Second please watch and see how poor compared to professional levels these matches are. Yet we broadcast the Shute Shield which when compared to say Super Rugby has the same difference. I hope you get the point the product we put on FTA TV looks like these two matches and that will turn off a lot of people.

Decision making and the games structure are all to do with management competence.

Wanneroo City v Sorrento - FFA Cup WA 6th Round 2017

FFA Cup: Glenorchy Knights v Launceston City



You can't possibly contend that the current clusterfuck, is a job well done,can you?

They have planned this so well, it would appear that their only way out is to default on an agreement with one of three parties, that will surely lead to a legal case they are very long odds to win.

It screams incompetence!

please tell me the bit I don't understand, that demonstrates that their cunning plan,is in fact a master stroke that we plebs just can't see.

It is absolutely a cluster fuck of epic proportions, anyone who claims it isn't has their head in the sand and is ignoring what is going on.

ARU and SANZAAR have caused irreparable damage to the Super Rugby brand and the game and by their own mishandling of this whole issue, through their own ineptitude and failure to conduct due diligence they created a product which they consumers didn't want, and then, when they finally realised the mistake, the decided that it would be a good decision to announce mid-fucken-season that one of the teams wouldnt exist the following year.

And... to put the icing on the cake, despite making the decision to cut a team, they had no plan, legal framework or grounds to actually cut a team and have drawn out what initially was supposed to be a "72hr decision" into a 6 week debacle which has detracted and sucked the oxygen from the Super Rugby tournament.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)

Below I have linked two only Face Book broadcast of the FFA Cup today.

Two things first the matches are not great I suggest on both links you go to around the 20 minute point and watch for say two minutes or so.

First these things are being done by the clubs because its an inclusive system driven from the bottom up and along with about 50 National Premier League matches FFA has created an Australia wide base to help build their professional league.

We have the Nobody Really Cares competition hidden away in a small window.

This has nothing to do with the game its to do with structure.

Second please watch and see how poor compared to professional levels these matches are. Yet we broadcast the Shute Shield which when compared to say Super Rugby has the same difference. I hope you get the point the product we put on FTA TV looks like these two matches and that will turn off a lot of people.

Decision making and the games structure are all to do with management competence.

Wanneroo City v Sorrento - FFA Cup WA 6th Round 2017

FFA Cup: Glenorchy Knights v Launceston City

Not apples & apples.
This standard should be compared with golden oldies, or 3rd grade in 4th div subbies.
None of those guys in their wildest dreams would get a gig in A league.

The game of the round in SS is usually a good quality game, that on many occasions is a better spectacle than Super footy.
Just as many NPC games are a better spectacle than the higher grade.

The Snout

Ward Prentice (10)
Probably the main reason AFL & NRL are so popular is because all the games are Aussie teams playing at prime time on Free-to-air TV. Seems pretty simple. Unless we can get something similar happening we will always be a fringe sport.

Indeed, it's so bloody simple why the game is running out of sight behind the other codes.

Take a look at Sydney, a 'stronghold'. Ha. NRL and AFL in prime time several nights per week. Shute Shield ? buried away with no prime time exposure. The Waratahs ? A whole city getting one game every two weeks and disappearing for nearly a month overseas after their first game and disappearing for a month for inbound tests while at the same time the NRL are rockin with State of Origin and all the interest that generates.

Look, I've got no grand plan as I'm too ignorant, but I can see something that is broken and needs an absolute total rethink. The whole scene. Australian Rugby can't go on like this. We'll end up going decades without even winning a game against NZ, let alone a series.


Dick Tooth (41)

I like To Watch

You are wrong, not in the players in this match would get a run in an A-League side.

Like this is stubbies type matches .

BUT its building from the bottom its creating fans where there A-League teams don't play.

I wish I had better writing skills, every organisation has systems of one kind or another to function. Organisations have different management styles. Organisations have both formal and informal communication channels.

The ARU in a mad and crazy rush under current management said we need a new competition Australia wide with the twin objectives of expanding rugby and creating maybe finding players for Super Rugby and Wallaby places.

Trumpeting blaring we yelled and screamed we have developed the Nobody Rally Cares competition, with many in rugby excluded maybe opted out after they read the fine print. The ARU decided the teams colours names etc where they paly.

This was all achieved within 6 months and passed down from on high.

FFA spent almost four years with there state associations, over 100 of their biggest clubs, the A-League and another 700 odd clubs on developing two things. First an FFA Cup for all clubs if they wanted to enter and a National Premier League open to any club. Then moved the decision making to all but the A-League clubs to there associations.

So a bottom up approach with the local town park club in the mix.

FFA comprised so did the A-League clubs and so did the associations.

The result of the two outcomes are as different as a mouse to a whale.

Structure, inclusiveness, systems have nothing to do with the game at hand. They are purely down to management creating a conceptual framework to work within and trusting the community to create make it great.

The Nobody Really Cares competition is a top down structure designed by suits to fit into the calendar supplied by the more important suits of a US controlled media company. Whereas the FFA Cup and National Premier League are driven from the bottom up and soon we will have over 50 NPL matches broadcast each weekend. Do the maths 50 matches and if they can get 20K or more views that's one million views of Football to grow the player base and add in time to A-League watchers.

I keep saying we are being out played in the board room not the park.

James Pettifer

Jim Clark (26)
It is absolutely a cluster fuck of epic proportions, anyone who claims it isn't has their head in the sand and is ignoring what is going on.

ARU and SANZAAR have caused irreparable damage to the Super Rugby brand and the game and by their own mishandling of this whole issue, through their own ineptitude and failure to conduct due diligence they created a product which they consumers didn't want, and then, when they finally realised the mistake, the decided that it would be a good decision to announce mid-fucken-season that one of the teams wouldnt exist the following year.

And. to put the icing on the cake, despite making the decision to cut a team, they had no plan, legal framework or grounds to actually cut a team and have drawn out what initially was supposed to be a "72hr decision" into a 6 week debacle which has detracted and sucked the oxygen from the Super Rugby tournament.

Pretty apt summary. Although I think it should be noted that they can't drop the Rebels or the Force. I have heard no legal comments on why they couldn't drop the Brumbies, Reds or Waratahs.


Heartbreak Ridge;

Jail Binger: I don't like soldier boys.
Highway: Say what?
Jail Binger: If you wanna pop that puppy's can you don't have to grease him so hard, jarhead.
Highway: Well, it sounds like you're a man of experience.
Jail Binger: What the hell's that supposed to mean, grunge shit.
Highway: It means: Be advised. I'm mean, nasty and tired. I eat concertina wire and piss napalm and I can put a round in a flea's ass at 200 meters. So why don't you go hump somebody else's leg, mutt face, before I push yours in.
Jail Binger: Ain't gonna be so smart with your balls stuffed in your mouth, jarhead!
Highway: [hands cigar to the young man] Hang on to this, boy. I think war's just been declared.

waiopehu oldboy

George Smith (75)
Steve Tew:

"We're using time up. I don't think we're running out of time yet," Tew said. "Sanzaar management are carrying on with business as usual in regards to preparing draws for a variety of scenarios. We're not sitting on our hands.

"It becomes very difficult for venues to be secured and bookings made on airplanes much past September. That's the date people are talking about being a logistical problem but we'd be hopeful we'd get through this well inside that problem date."


"...... variety of scenarios........" suggests to me he's not sure ARU will deliver on their commitment to cut a team. And I always thought we'd end up with 3 x 6 (God, please let it be 3 x 6 & not the current dogs breakfast) 'cos SARU wouldn't defy the ANC.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Pretty apt summary. Although I think it should be noted that they can't drop the Rebels or the Force. I have heard no legal comments on why they couldn't drop the Brumbies, Reds or Waratahs.
One reason they can't sack the brumbies is called promissory estoppel.
They announced the Brumbies were safe.
The brumbies changed their approach to the issue in reliance on announcement and so now the ARU are bound by that.
There may be other reasons too.
Everyone should just assume that there will legal problems not matter what the ARU do.
how long has cox's license got to run?


Michael Lynagh (62)
Re the above new Clyne doctrine, what I find fascinating as he quotes those declining performance stats is the ARU never in the slightest pauses to consider that such a downwards trajectory may possibly, just possibly, have something to do with the manner by which the ARU (and their State RUs) has actually run the code here and more particularly the manner by which it's governed and oversighted the two expansion teams.

That thought just doesn't occur to them - for them it's 'just the number of teams' that explains more or less everything.

Or the fact they continue to rely on a flawed product re: Super Rugby. Chicken and egg - ARU has not understood their house is collapsing as they have not built it on the right foundations and more to the point decided to build a nice duplex but in the wrong area which is not in demand. Every time the ARU opens its mouth on problems they seem to talk about symptoms and not fundamental root causes of rugby's malaise in Australia which their pathetic strategic planning has led to.

I am actually more and more unimpressed with Clyne every time he opens his mouth.

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Someone should tell Clyne that he selected and presented the statistics that support the decision that already had been made.

Yeah, this year is a disaster but if just look at who won the competitions and made the semi's
- 3 Australian teams - 9 years - 2 wins (Brumbies twice), 11 appearances in Semi finals
- 4 Australian teams - 4 years - 0 wins, 2 appearances in Semi finals (Waratahs twice)
- 5 Australia teams - 6 years - 2 wins (Reds, Waratahs), 6 appearances in Semi finals)

So based on wins, we won 22% with 3 teams, 0% with 4 teams and 33% with 5 teams.
Based on semifinalists, we had 30.5% of the semi finalists with 3 teams, 12.5% with 4 teams and 30% with 5 teams.

So based on the statistics I have selected, we were least successful with 4 teams and probably more successful with 5 teams than 3 teams.
Love it.
As I've said before it's no wonder my NAB shares went nowhere under Clyne.
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