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Western Force 2014

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Mark Loane (55)
Not everyone is a David Pocock (for what its worth i feel what he did when he left is on par with the shit that went on when JOC (James O'Connor) left but that another topic)

all i can say about JOC (James O'Connor) is the few times i have meet him and see him in public he is always one of the last players out on the field signing and having pics with kids always has a chat and from all reports he trains as hard as any and never takes a step back on the field.

Yet ppl at every opputunity rip into the young guy when what he prob needs is some real guidence and stability in his life.

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He's 23, not 16.

Age isn't an excuse anymore.

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
At 23 I was SHARP (sh!t hot and really potent) and absolutely flameproof.

It was a while ago, but at that time I was not earning more than the Prime Minister of the day as I understand Brand O'Bieber is.

I was also not playing for the National Team.

We did not have pervasive social networking software, smart phones with cameras, and instantaneous communications recording our every move.

We were still debating the relative technical merits of VHS vs Betamax video formats.

Photos were taken with an expensive bigarse camera that had film in it. You could only take 24 or 36 shots per roll of film, and then you had to take it to a film processing place and wait a day or two before you got your photos back.

We could get away with a lot more stuff because there wasn't the same evidence trail. But we knew where the line was, and there were consequences when you crossed it.


The JOC (James O'Connor) story could be blown out of proportion but it still shows he has poor judgement to get into the situation in the first place. As a well know person getting into any kind of public incident should be ringing alarm bells in his head. I can't help thinking he needs the kind of sorting out he would have got in boarding school if he was out of line. I'm sure a few Wallabies teammates would happily oblige.

That said at 23 he's too young to cut loose at this stage.


John Hipwell (52)
If he was so drunk how did he manage to get past check in through security, past customes to get pulled up by the boarding staff?

And why if it was such a massive deal was he able to board a later flight?

The way some people are talking he took a swing a one of the AFP cops or heaven forbid one of his team mates....

I just feel this is a bullshit story in a long line of bullshit storys yet a bloke can punch on with his team mates go to rehab make his way back onto the field to then get back on the piss and get signed by the biggest club in aus with a massive fan fair and all issues forgotten.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Tapatalk 2

Very easy Gaffa. I have seen it happen several times.

Sometimes airlines know people are intoxicated at checkin and let them through. Very easy to make a note of this and check at the gate to see if they have improved. He could have then had 2 hours to drink a bit more and stumbled to the gate.

If he wasn't a dick he would be kindly asked to not take the flight and allowed to fly later. If he was a dick, at the least he would not be allowed to fly within a certain time period, at worst arrested by AFP.


Force looking for a new naming rights sponsor with Emirates dropping off. Just when there is light at the end of the tunnel! Good time for a sponsor to jump onboard.


Tony Shaw (54)
Staff member
Force looking for a new naming rights sponsor with Emirates dropping off. Just when there is light at the end of the tunnel! Good time for a sponsor to jump onboard.

Damm. Not good news. You would think one of the mining companies would get behind the team?


Damm. Not good news. You would think one of the mining companies would get behind the team?

Maybe BankWest will step up their sponsorship. The BankWest Western Force.....thats just too hard


Tony Shaw (54)
Staff member
With RaboDirect already sponsoring the greatest team in the competition, I think too much bank saturation wouldn't be the right fit for their brand. Besides CommBank already sponsor a LOT of sport and might not be keen for one of their subsidiaries sponsoring another code in such a major form.

I say Miners because they have such a large presence and surprisingly don't have a large investment in team sponsorship.


Tony Shaw (54)
Staff member
He'd have to do it through not _directly_ associated with Seven Media, otherwise Ten and FoxSports are bound to have a meltdown. Caterpillar be an option; get the mining flavor and Kerry's petty cash tin.


John Hipwell (52)
He'd have to do it through not _directly_ associated with Seven Media, otherwise Ten and FoxSports are bound to have a meltdown. Caterpillar be an option; get the mining flavor and Kerry's petty cash tin.

Caterpillar Force will have the opposition running scared.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Statement from RugbyWA: James O'Connor

By RugbyWA Media Unit

The Emirates Western Force has encouraged Wallabies winger James O’Connor to take time away from rugby to consider his playing future.

The decision follows the Australian Rugby Union’s announcement that it will not offer him a national contract for 2014.

The Emirates Western Force remains open to the possibility of O’Connor’s return to the club provided he understands and observes the club’s non-negotiable standards and values.

“Our conversations with James and his management regarding a possible return to the Force have been ongoing,” RugbyWA CEO Mark Sinderberry said

“These conversations have been thorough and honest, and have included Michael Foley, Matt Hodgson and players. These discussions have been about both on- and off-field matters that we believe can assist James to become the player he aspires to be and to develop himself as a person.

“Since the ARU’s decision, we’ve reiterated our position to James, including the non-negotiable standards and values – particularly around earning respect – that must be upheld by everyone in the team and at this club.

“However, at this point we believe it’s in James’ best interests to take time and reflect on what’s important to him and what he really wants.

“If that is being a part of this club and making a positive contribution to our club culture, then we’d be open to the prospect of continuing those discussions. Similarly, if he believes he would be better suited by taking some time away from Australian rugby, then we’d wish him nothing but the best with those endeavours.”
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