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Western Force 2012

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Chris McKivat (8)
I feel sorry for the force that backline is not Super Rugby Standard. Go through that backline and none of those players would of made the Eastwood Shute Shield 1st grade grandfinal backline last year. I think recruitment is a issue for them . ( I am aware they have a lot of injuries). If they win this weekend it will be a great effort


Simon Poidevin (60)
What was the backline in the shield final last year?

This will be an interesting weekend.
I personally think Stannard is a great footy player and with time will make a very good 10. To be honest he is probably our best back ATM along with cummins. Mafi had a good game against the reds
But I wouldn't go mad about the bloke yet.



Stirling Mortlock (74)
Nic White
Pierre Hola
Lachie Turner
Sione Piukala
Tim Bennetts
John Grant
Ben Batger

Stannard was on the bench..


Losing Pocock would almost be the death rattle for the Force me thinks. But he won't leave Perth.


John Eales (66)
I've said plenty on our backline and don't really have a lot new to add, but that Eastwood line up would be better than the one we are putting out on the paddock right now. I feel like we have too many journeymen. If RG was to put out a bunch of talented kids who look like they could develop into good players and more importantly a good combination, I'll take the losses and frustrations while they learn their craft.


Mark Ella (57)
The Cock seems like a loyal club man. He will stay at the Force and work his arse off to try and improve them. He strikes me as the type of bloke who understands who gave him his break and will stick by them through thick and thin.


Bob Davidson (42)
That win should really fire up the Force. Harvey may well be the short term answer at 10. Slow of foot but looks an intelligent and quick thinker. The likes of Nalaga and Cummins may benefit from a good distributor.


that was just draw a line in the sand....enough is enough.....we aren't loosing this one rugby. If we could bottle that an uncork it every week we would be unbeatable. Can't say how proud I was of the team. Epic resolve.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Yes, they are quality.

But anyway...I was flying home when this game was on and I can't wait to watch the replay. Well done fellas for gutsing it out and getting the points.
Am I missing something over there? Worth spending $10 to buy them a beer? ;)


Tony Shaw (54)
With the Force in need of a good 10, there's one in Christchurch who has played the house down but is about to get dropped for some old lag coming back from his honeymoon. There's an absolute logjam in NZ of good young 10's so he won't get a shot at the Blicks any time soon.

If you offered Bleyendaal a three year contract but let him play NPC after the season ends so he can keep his home links it would be very attractive. He gets 3 years in a Super team and then he can go back and compete for the NZ 10 when Carter hangs up his boots. You would be able to offer him probably triple what he'll get in NZ, it would have to be attractive.


Peter Sullivan (51)
With the Force in need of a good 10, there's one in Christchurch who has played the house down but is about to get dropped for some old lag coming back from his honeymoon. There's an absolute logjam in NZ of good young 10's so he won't get a shot at the Blicks any time soon.

If you offered Bleyendaal a three year contract but let him play NPC after the season ends so he can keep his home links it would be very attractive. He gets 3 years in a Super team and then he can go back and compete for the NZ 10 when Carter hangs up his boots. You would be able to offer him probably triple what he'll get in NZ, it would have to be attractive.

Good idea...RH would never go for it.


Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
RedsHappy? Nah, I reckon anything that improves the standard of the Force he'd be happy with.

The reason it can't happen is the NZRU don't pick players out of foreign teams, which we all well know. Bleyendaal is on the radar for the ABs, along with other young guns like Hobbs, Barrett, Sopoaga etc. Him leaving NZ shores will not be greeted too kindly by the powers that be over there, and would severely hamper his chances of wearing black.
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