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Waratahs 2014

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https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-AK (Andrew Kellaway)-frc3/988335_10151787145612144_426531377_n.jpg

Good to see Cheika putting in as well! Jeremy Tilse leading the way. I guess this is why Cheika loves him so much.

Concerning that Cheika is beating half the squad ;)

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
^^^ One of the interns may have been browsing G&GR.

Free entry for kids (cheaper entry for families) has been called for numerous times on these threads. Well done Tah's.

Build the crowd. Make the stadium full. Looks much better that way. Grows atmosphere.

Crazy Grey

Frank Nicholson (4)
^^^ One of the interns may have been browsing G&GR.

Free entry for kids (cheaper entry for families) has been called for numerous times on these threads. Well done Tah's.

Build the crowd. Make the stadium full. Looks much better that way. Grows atmosphere.

Next step is to grant free tickets to clubs on the odd occasion. Kids are great for making the stadium look fill and for building for the future but it is the young adults who make noise and as the a league is showing, atmosphere brings fans. It also wouldn't hurt the nswru's relationship with the clubs or the amount of drinks sales ;). Im not in a club myself now work has taken over but I feel it would be appreciated and would certainly build the atmosphere so those kids getting in for free actually feel like they would want to come back. Rugby must be ingrained into the social culture of nsw and sydney.


Next step is to grant free tickets to clubs on the odd occasion. Kids are great for making the stadium look fill and for building for the future but it is the young adults who make noise and as the a league is showing, atmosphere brings fans. It also wouldn't hurt the nswru's relationship with the clubs or the amount of drinks sales ;). Im not in a club myself now work has taken over but I feel it would be appreciated and would certainly build the atmosphere so those kids getting in for free actually feel like they would want to come back. Rugby must be ingrained into the social culture of nsw and sydney.

i think the kids venture is an awesome one..

I used to be a Broncos season ticket holder(well my family did) up until 1996 when the Reds gave free passes to all the juniors at my clubs to do a march-around of the ground at Ballymore prior to the game kickoff.. I've been a Reds fan ever since..

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Very Jesuit, Very Sydney Uni.

Get them young, and keep them forever. Ignore them at your peril.

Embrace them and the rewards will last forever.

You know it makes sense.
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Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Good to see. Hopefully he works out. I can't see Cheika letting him stay anywhere close to 150kg. Hopefully he's pretty fit by the time the season starts.

One spot to go it would seem. Hopefully Hugh Roach snags it!
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