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Waratahs 2013

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Bill McLean (32)
Lots of challenges to overcome having a Super Rugby match in Newcastle or other regional centres, but certainly worth exploring. If a Super Rugby match isn't viable, what about another game during the inbound Test break in June? This year, the Brumbies are playing Wales and the Reds are playing the Hurricanes. A Sunday afternoon game at Hunter Stadium with the best available Tahs side against a Tier 2 rugby nation could be an option.


Simon Poidevin (60)
Staff member
Lots of challenges to overcome having a Super Rugby match in Newcastle or other regional centres, but certainly worth exploring. If a Super Rugby match isn't viable, what about another game during the inbound Test break in June? This year, the Brumbies are playing Wales and the Reds are playing the Hurricanes. A Sunday afternoon game at Hunter Stadium with the best available Tahs side against a Tier 2 rugby nation could be an option.

What about the Tahs playing Scotland while they're here? Wait, they're not tier 2 now after beating us. Waaaiiit, we did have a Tahs/Sweaties game but WE cancelled it!


Peter Sullivan (51)
After the successful hosting of the Wallabies test match Newcastle RU have expressed an interest in having Waratahs games. Come on Tahs you're the NSW Waratahs not the Sydney Tahs. Do it! A proper game not a trial game

‘‘Our first port of call will be the NSW Rugby Union in an attempt to get a Super 15 game here.

‘‘If the Waratahs don’t want to come we will go to the Brumbies and other provinces.’’


Thank you for bringing this up in a Tahs thread p.tah! I was only thinking out this the other night. I think its a fair call that a regional area should get a Super Rugby game, the Tahs would be the natural 1st pick but I love the attitude of the NHRU (as shown in bold). Yes they'll go for the Tahs first but they are prepared to go for other franchises to try & get more Rugby here. I like it! Nothing wrong with the Brumbies, christ I'd even watch the Force in their current state.

@Bruce Ross, of those games you'd be happy to give away would you say Tahs v Canes would have been one of them? How many turned up for that game? 17000 turned up in Feb 2006 to see Tahs v Saders (32-30 to the Saders), quite some time ago I know but a decent crowd for a trial that meant sweet FA. Looking at that I'd say an actual Super Rugby round, or another trial, or some kind of game like a Brumbies v Scotland, etc would be worth coming here.
Source: http://rugbyweek.com/news/article.asp?id=430

@p.tah & en_force_er, regarding "the country week". I've found country week to be quite lame in that the game is in Sydney. Two things will show the Tahs are linked with the country & by extension - all of NSW. 1) having some games in actual country areas (in particular the one during country week), & 2) NSW Rugby (because I believe the Tahs are not responsible for the pathway) has to get back regional teams in the Shute shield to create a possible pathway to the Tahs that comes out of the country. Thereby providing another option to the Sydney & private school route (note I said other option not take away) which will open it up for players in other areas. Will either happen? 1) can happen now, 2) may happen when I'm a very old woman (I'm realistic here). If they can only play a trial game in Newcastle then move the country week to the week of that game. Make it a festival of country Rugby. Also, we have the Central Coast & Illawarra - I'd be happy to support fellow regional areas if they also get games like these. By extension if the Tahs do this I will see it as a genuine effort to engage more fans of Rugby in NSW & will make me more inclined to get out of my own comfort zone & go down to watch games the Tahs play in Sydney. Not bad for someone who follows the Saders, others like me would do the same for sure.

Re: when to run a game. Any game should be Sunday arvo while the sun is still out. Local senior rugby is done on Sat, any Sun local games (some Juniors) could be easily rescheduled to accommodate time to get to the Super Rugby (or whatever we get) game. It would allow max no. of locals within Rugby in Newcastle to see the game & give p.tah plenty of time to transport the out-of-towners here.

I'd have the NHRU promote local Rugby to hopefully get visitors to come to a local game here on the Sat before the Sun game to experience our Rugby comp. You'd have a club Rugby 'game of the round' at the redeveloped No.2 (great ground). Hell, get the Tahs themselves, or whoever the teams are that will be playing here, to be there at that local game for autographs, etc. No.2 ground is an example of what the local Rugby powers can come up (with help from local council) with http://www.daracon.com.au/Resources...ping---Recent-Projects/No-2-Sportsground-.pdf

& http://www.mpceng.com.au/projects/no.2-sports-ground-redevelopment-newcastle

In fact No.2 could be used for a trial or an exhibition match as Badger suggested. Not sure of the capacity though. I agree with p.tah that an actual round of Super Rugby would make the biggest statement.

Folks not from Newcastle are more than welcome to call my 'asbestos shack' their home for the weekend & pitch up a tent in the backyard - every little bit helps ;)


Geoff Shaw (53)
It'd be awesome for NSW Rugby to get country teams in the Shute Shield for developement reasons and heaps of people agree. The issue is that the push for this kind of thing has to come out of Newcastle/Illawara and not out on the NSW Rugby offices.

This kind of thing is built grass routes up, not big business down.


Mark Ella (57)
After the successful hosting of the Wallabies test match Newcastle RU have expressed an interest in having Waratahs games. Come on Tahs you're the NSW Waratahs not the Sydney Tahs. Do it! A proper game not a trial game


Filled out the ARU survey tonight and fired off an email to the ARU and NSWRU about just this. The Tahs are dying in Sydney (largely due to their own issues) but I would like to think they would pull a huge crowd in Newcastle. I know I would be able to make the game easier than getting to Sydney.


Greg Davis (50)
it would be great to take a game up there, or at least to central coast if they need to compromise and keep it a bit closer to town.

problem is, would the tahs problems and media coverage actually be ignored, the wallabies playing there in a perceived easy game that to the general population would have meant plenty of trys etc (the rain took care of that) its an easy sell and a good one to have a national team playing there. Im just not sure even if the tahs did it without having a feel good 1 or 2 years that getting the same crowd in a new centre like newcastle/coast would be a much larger disaster than getting it in sydney were at least there corporate partners are looked after.

hopefully in the next couple of years these concerns won't matter, but i think it would be a great initiative to have one there.


Mark Ella (57)
WJ I think it the problems would be ignored as the country and regional fans would flock to the event simply because it is much easier for them to get to. Look at the turnout for the Newcastle test and it was very well advertised that the weather was going to be terrible. It was also obvious to most Wallabies fans that its was really an Aus A game with afew starters thrown in, just like Samoa last year anf they still flocked in.

Please note that I am not trying to reduce in any way Scotland's win, or the disgrace that is Robbie Deans attempts at coaching by that last comment.


Mark Ella (57)
Tuesday night was my first event at Hunter Stadium and I can't overstate how easy it was to get to and from the stadium. I drove down parked at the stadium (pre-booked) and was heading home half an hour after the game (had to work Wednesday). Very impressed.

Out of all the stadiums I have been to, SCG/Moore Park/etc, Staium Australia (or whatever its called now), MCG, Lang Park/Suncorp, Adelaide Oval I have to say Suncorp is the only one that is any good for a country person driving in to the game.


Bill McLean (32)
What about the Tahs playing Scotland while they're here? Wait, they're not tier 2 now after beating us. Waaaiiit, we did have a Tahs/Sweaties game but WE cancelled it!

Yeah, I read there was a Tahs vs Scotland game penciled in for June 10. Why did the Tahs cancel it?

I asked at a member forum about the possibility of a tour game against Wales and the reply was that it wouldn't be economically/financially feasible. Yet, the Brumbies have been able to make it work and the Tahs couldn't. Should add this to the "What's wrong with the Tahs" thread.

So the Tahs won't have played as a team in four weeks by the time they play the Brumbies on July 7. Some might say they haven't played as a team much this season anyway...:confused:

Another option could be for Sydney to host one Test each season, ie the Bledisloe and have the other Test match in Newcastle. Unlikely though as there wouldn't be as much corporate $$$ coming into the coffers with a Test in Newcastle instead of Sydney.

All in all, good on the NHRU for taking the initiative to get more top level rugby played there.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Scotland had pencilled in a fixture with the Super Rugby side on June 10 in Sydney but their four-match schedule has now been reduced to three. Scotland's team manager Gavin Scott revealed the reasons behind the cancellation saying: "We have had confirmation from the Waratahs that due to injuries and the requirements of the Wallabies squad they would be unable to fulfil the fixture.

Seems a bit strange, injuries - so what! Pick who isn't playing for the Wallabies and then select players from the Shute Shield if need be. Why do they all have to be squad members?


Bill McLean (32)
Seems a bit strange, injuries - so what! Pick who isn't playing for the Wallabies and then select players from the Shute Shield if need be. Why do they all have to be squad members?

If this is the case, then that is a really soft reason not to go ahead. In prior years, I recall Deans has allowed players not part of the match day squad of 22 to play club rugby, so the few Tahs not playing Wales may have been able to play. No doubt there would be players running outside of the squad who would be more than happy to front up for the game. Typical mind boggling decision making coming out of Tah HQ.

This is the type of match they could have played in Newcastle.


Waratahs, Waratahs, Waratahs.

first of all PLEASE DO READ THIS, as i am intrigued to see a bunch of Waratahs fans reactions to my thoughts.

I think that if this Team (if you can even call them that at the moment) need a complete re-haul of everything. New coach/coaching mentality, new culture, new attitude pretty much new everything. Do know i am only writing this because this team does have the talent to be a Super Rugby Champion Side.

I will back up my arguments with examples, as i am awere of a lot of what is going on.

Firstly (and yes this will sound stupid) I cant see NSW playing enough 'rugby'.
Meaning i see this team as a team of individual athletes, and yes i use the word athlete on purpose. In the fact that a lot of there players are athletes as appose to rugby players. I use Tom Kingston as an example as i have been watching him play prior to Super Rugby. I have no doubt he is a talent and can do amazing things on the field. But now at the waratahs i think his ability to 'read' and 'play' the game has depleted. My example to back this up is at a Junior Rugby Presentation where he was the guest speaker he was asked to speak about his experiences with the waratahs since joining the professional team. He is a good speaker, but what i heard him say shocked me. Constantly about how he has had to put on 15kg to play, and bench x amount. Dont get me wrong, size is important, but THAT important. Teach him the skills ... and yes he is fast, but you can never be to fast, and yes you can be to big.

Leading to my next point, why do the waratahs care more about a players bulk, over there rugby ability.
A story to back this up that i was informed.
An islander schoolboy rugby player, i think with the last name 'Mafi' who was a brillant schoolboy player joined the waratahs rigby out of school. I would say around 2006/7. Extreme talent, good skills, good ball-running game, tall solid frame, not overly heavy or bulked but a good football player. Arrived at the waratahs and was informed that he was immideatly to increase his mass so that he could 'smash it up', 'push in scrums' and 'hit breakdowns'. And that is all they wanted him for. Doing what he was told, it was only after 4 months that understandably he did not like what he was doing. I think 2 weeks later he was spotted by a european club (i forget which one) and is now currently playing over there. Where he has been instructed to 'play his natural game', by running the ball, putting players in gaps, keep his frame as he is already 106kg or something like that. And from a contact i have in this area (which i beleive to be in the south of france) he is blowing people away. And is under investigation know to see if he is eligable to play for either england or france.

Put Kieran Reid (who is the best Number 8 in the world, id hope most of you agree) next to Wycliffe Palu.
One is fast, skillfull, constantly on the ball, great with the ball in hand and has the ability to put players through holes. And another looks like a nightclub bouncer, who occasionly takes a hit up. I hope you can figure out who is who.

Taking me back to my original point of coaching, which is where the kiwis win it everytime. Get that mindset into the waratahs, Skill and speed is more important than size.
Richi Mcaw could probably bench press half of what Jenkins can....
But put the 1RM stats down and pick up the rugby stats. The ability on the field.

Thoguhts are appreciated.
I hope some of you are able to kind of see where im coming from.


Jimmy Flynn (14)
This has always been my thought cjf, I get your drift and agree.

If you mapped our elite players through the current 'pathway' and compared it to that of most other nations you would see where there are glaring issues with the current status quo.

In short, our players are not exposed to the right amount of rugby at each of the required levels in their development .

We currently have a top down approach the requires young blokes to 'put on weight', get faster, more explosive, run around comes etc. All to the detriment of skill development .


Stirling Mortlock (74)
what a load of crap, who is seriously going to gamble on a guy who is turning 30 next year who has played Union all his life? that said I think Tommy could be a pretty decent 13 at league.
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