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Waratahs 2013

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Stirling Mortlock (74)
It also give another indication, if one was ever needed, of how poorly coached the team were under Hickey and Foley.

It was really only one poor year in 2012, Hickey actually did a pretty good job. 2009 missed the finals by only 4 for/against points. 2010 made the finals and scored plenty of tries throughout the season in the backs thanks to the back 3. 2011 made the finals despite an horrendous injury toll towards the backend of the season.


Tina, is there any truth in the rumour that Jason Allen was out on the heel and toe personally letter-boxing the members cards? Apparently they co-opted those employees who were not gainfully occupied.



Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Read before that the Waratahs Faithful received no support from the club and thus will not exist in a physical sense.

What a joke. While I'd love nothing more than to take the piss out of your group (rivalry aside), it's an absolute farce that they fail to support their own fans attempting to organize.

I had never heard of this group prior to Badger posting about them in this thread, but I think the fact that I have been a Tahs member for a number of years and never heard of them speaks volumes.

It seems to me that they were a small group that had achieved very little traction (the Facebook group was only started in September 2012 for example) and expected large amounts of support and discount tickets/merchandise from Waratahs HQ.

Whilst it would be great to have a strong and active supporters group in the GA section at the SFS for every home game, I also don't expect the Waratahs to start throwing free stuff at a random facebook group with no track record.


Bill McLean (32)
^ Initially said they weren't going to turn up to matches. Now seems to have changed their tune now as they have posted on FB and Twitter asking who will be going to the Rebels match on March 1.

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Haven't heard/seen much of Volavola, what kind of 10 is he? apart from one who is frequently injured!

At the Shute Shield level he is a very skilful player and, a tall lad, very elegant in what he executes.

I always thought he needed a harder edge to his play. I also questioned whether or not he could operate in a professional environment, in which his time to do things would be limited - without having to stand too deep.

That said he has been one of the Tahs best trainers.

Injuries to some of the other fellows could be the best thing for Ben: to give him an opportunity to show what he can do, and what better team is there to test him against than the Crusaders?

It could also end up being a good thing for the Waratahs: after all, they will get a good chance to look at Ben yet know that they can expect to get the other fellows back in time for their first competition match because they have a bye in Round 1.

And even if Ben has a few problems in the game, is it not better to identify them early in the season and put them to rights?

Lee Grant

John Eales (66)
Does anyone else think that Kingston may get Turner's wing spot for the first game?

It's possible, after all, Turner hasn't played at the top level since 2011 and may have to be eased back. I wouldn't discount the chances of Pete Betham either.

Kingston is a natural stepping outside centre and when he plays on the wing his first instinct is to step tacklers, sometimes even stopping first.

Sometimes that is the best play but at other times he has propped when taking the outside break at speed and fending off the tackler was the better option. Turner is better at doing that and Betham, who used to try to stand up opponents to a fault, is better at it now also.

But that was last year. How will Kingston play the position in 2013 - and for that matter how will Betham and Turner? And if Folau is the fullback, who of those will have the best yang to his ying?


Alex Ross (28)
Tina, is there any truth in the rumour that Jason Allen was out on the heel and toe personally letter-boxing the members cards? Apparently they co-opted those employees who were not gainfully occupied.
Haha, not that I know of!
Dave Dennis on the Life Members one, I'll see if I can find out who's on the others.


John Solomon (38)
I had never heard of this group prior to Badger posting about them in this thread, but I think the fact that I have been a Tahs member for a number of years and never heard of them speaks volumes.

It seems to me that they were a small group that had achieved very little traction (the Facebook group was only started in September 2012 for example) and expected large amounts of support and discount tickets/merchandise from Waratahs HQ.

Whilst it would be great to have a strong and active supporters group in the GA section at the SFS for every home game, I also don't expect the Waratahs to start throwing free stuff at a random facebook group with no track record.
^ Initially said they weren't going to turn up to matches. Now seems to have changed their tune now as they have posted on FB and Twitter asking who will be going to the Rebels match on March 1.
Requesting tickets/merch is a joke. It came across that they were having issues obtaining an area.

Good if they're there for that game and that game alone.


Dick Tooth (41)
I had never heard of this group prior to Badger posting about them in this thread, but I think the fact that I have been a Tahs member for a number of years and never heard of them speaks volumes.

It seems to me that they were a small group that had achieved very little traction (the Facebook group was only started in September 2012 for example) and expected large amounts of support and discount tickets/merchandise from Waratahs HQ.

Whilst it would be great to have a strong and active supporters group in the GA section at the SFS for every home game, I also don't expect the Waratahs to start throwing free stuff at a random facebook group with no track record.

There was something similar when I was a Leinster member, the “Ultras” would be the ones handing out free flags, putting up banners, getting chants going etc, basically doing as much as possible to turn the RDS into a more intimidating venue.

They never asked for, or received money (as far as I know or got discounts on top of the usual for season ticket holders) but did get some donations from the club like signed jerseys and tickets to raffle. By the sounds of it the Waratahs Faithful went about things in the wrong way, chicken and egg situation really, you have to have the fan group in place and have it professionally ran before any club would think about free tickets, great merchandise discounts (on top of what members receive).


Paul McLean (56)
Staff member
I really enjoyed listening to it as well. Gaffney is obviously a very passionate rugby man and I get the impression that he would be coaching no matter what, it just so happens that he gets to do it for a living.
He also seems to have clicked with Chekia, who he has a history with. I get the impression that this wasn't the case with Foley who wanted to stamp his own authority as coach last year. Coaching teams comes down to trust amongst the coaching group and I get the feeling that it is much stronger this year than last.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
He also seems to have clicked with Chekia, who he has a history with. I get the impression that this wasn't the case with Foley who wanted to stamp his own authority as coach last year. Coaching teams comes down to trust amongst the coaching group and I get the feeling that it is much stronger this year than last.

From all reports last year, Gaffney was very much on the outer and Foley and Scott Bowen were running the show.


Alan Cameron (40)
RE: Waratah Faithful:
There has always been a half arsed attempt to start a supporter group for the tahs. In this instance, as in some of the previous ones, it has been the brainchild of a couple of fans with no association with the club, which started late last year. I agree with the above comments, that they need to probably show some track record of organising fans before they will get any traction with the club, even if it is just reserving seating allocations for fan club members. If the Faithful guys ear this site my recommendation would be to continue garnering support via social media and buy bulk tickets for home games and yell your lungs out. After a season you may find it easier to get a meeting with the club

I also know the tahs lost their fan engagement intern at the start of the year. He has probably been replaced, but there is always some information lag when replacing staff, and unpaid jobs don't attract the best and brightest.


Bill McLean (32)
I also know the tahs lost their fan engagement intern at the start of the year. He has probably been replaced, but there is always some information lag when replacing staff, and unpaid jobs don't attract the best and brightest.

They have a Fan Engagement manager as well which would appear to be a paid position. Not sure what they actually do as I haven't seen much engagement in social media or at the games from the Tahs.


Alan Cameron (40)
my mate tells me there are a couple of young blokes in there who look after fan engagement in a general way, but no one takes control or responsibility for any of it. Also they are guys in their early 20s with little experience
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