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Waratahs 2013

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Alfred Walker (16)
Pretty good game, Tahs looked really good with ball in hand with some nice passing and good go forward. Neither sides defense was very good but probably to be expected being a trial game and all.

Everything Folau did basically turned to gold, setup 2 tries when he came on, one through a run up the field and then drawing and passing. The other from a straight forward catch and pass. His try was in broken space with one man to beat which he easily did and the lead up to Kingston hattrick came about from Folau beating 3 defenders. He played fullback in attack and defended on the wing.

Number 21 (Ben Volavola I believe) was very impressive playing at 10, the Blues had trouble containing him, good passing game and got some toe on him.
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Phil Kearns (64)
Staff member
Re Folau, he certainly couldn't have done much more than what he has. Said all the right things, then came out and carved up the trials (or so I have been lead to believe).

There is a long way to go before Cheika gives the 'Mission Accomplished' speech on the bridge of the HMAS Waratah, but so far so good.


People that don't give a shit about rugby are now interested in watching games, how is that not beneficial. The only outcry should be from other franchise fans whining how the ARU gave the Tahs a leg up.

I didn't say it wasn't beneficial..

I said that I doubt that publicity generated by izzy had already paid for his $400'000 salary...

It is what it is

John Solomon (38)
Re Folau, he certainly couldn't have done much more than what he has. Said all the right things, then came out and carved up the trials (or so I have been lead to believe).

There is a long way to go before Cheika gives the 'Mission Accomplished' speech on the bridge of the HMAS Waratah, but so far so good.
I realise your comment is said in jest but Cheika will never give anything close to a mission accomplished speech.
He always wants more and is a lot like Henry, Wayne Bennett and Jack Gibson in that regard.
His 'never satisfied' attitude is exactly what the Waratahs need.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
Getting back to the rugby, what seems to have been missed is that the Waratahs are scoring tries. Admittedly the two matches have only been trials and things will tighten up in the competition, but they are scoring tries. Not only that but their backs are scoring tries. From the limited coverage they seem to be: running with confidence and purpose, running into gaps, passing to support players at speed, staying alive and backing up and they seem to be enjoying it.

The contrast to the Hickey win ugly strategy (which curiously involved a lot of losing) and the Foley no strategy strategy could not be more marked.

More of it I say.


John Thornett (49)
I realise your comment is said in jest but Cheika will never give anything close to a mission accomplished speech.
He always wants more and is a lot like Henry, Wayne Bennett and Jack Gibson in that regard.
His 'never satisfied' attitude is exactly what the Waratahs need.

What?!? Hasn't anyone given him the KPI Handbook? Or the PowerPoint slides? Or the stats that make mediocrity look like accomplishment? This man is out of touch with rugby in the state of New South Wales.

Quick Hands

David Wilson (68)
What?!? Hasn't anyone given him the KPI Handbook? Or the PowerPoint slides? Or the stats that make mediocrity look like accomplishment? This man is out of touch with rugby in the state of New South Wales.

He's too busy coaching the team or possibly his predecessor took all that crap to Perth.

I'm sure we'll get our fill of the above from RD and TT when the Wallabies start.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
On the negative side, Bernard Foley (ankle) and Rob Horne (hamstring) joined fellow back Berrick Barnes (knee) on the Waratahs injury list.
"We've only got a few injuries, but they all seem around that 10, 12 area at the moment, so we've got to be a bit careful there,'' Cheika said.
He said 22-year-old five-eighth Ben Volavola could get more playing time in their final trial against the Crusaders on Thursday, if Foley wasn't passed fit for the match.
Start of sidebar.

Against the Crusaders, Cheika will start several Wallaby forwards, who haven't played this year.
With the coach revealing he was looking to play Wallabies utility back Adam Ashley-Cooper at outside centre, Folau could get his wish of settling into the fullback position.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
"What will happen on Thursday is that all the guys who haven't played will start, so we're talking about (Benn) Robinson, (Sekope) Kepu, (Tatafu) Polota-Nau, Sita Timani, Dave Dennis, and I'm going to give another kid I've seen playing club rugby a run, David Hickey," Cheika said.
"(Adam) Ashley-Cooper will play, they'll all start. Grayson Hart stayed behind (for the Whangerei trial) so he'll start as well."


1. Robinson
2. TPN
3. Kepu
4. Douglas
5. Timani
6. Dennis
7. Hickey
8. Palu/L Timani
9. Hart
10. Volavola
11. Mitchell
12. Carter
13. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)
14. Turner
15. Folau


Tony Shaw (54)
Now Foley is injured and may have to miss the Crusaders game, Cheika says Volavola "could get more gametime". So I'll bite - it says more gametime, not the starting position or the whole game. Who is going to be 10 when Volavola is not playing and even more interestingly, who will be 10 if Volavola is injured?

Lucas, Hooper, Hart, Folau, Carter, Mitchell? For all those who insisted our stocks at 10 in the squad were fine and didn't need strengthening last year we are now down to our last 10 and the season hasn't started yet, so what are we going to do?. Barnes has a 2-3 week injury according to Gibson, Lane wants out and Foley has an ankle injury of unknown severity.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
For all those who insisted our stocks at 10 in the squad were fine and didn't need strengthening last year we are now down to our last 10 and the season hasn't started yet, so what are we going to do?. Barnes has a 2-3 week injury according to Gibson, Lane wants out and Foley has an ankle injury of unknown severity.

Clearly there are some injury issues already and they need to deal with the Lane situation. If they still think he's going to be right this season then they should keep him.

Volavola reportedly did well at 10 in the trial against the Blues and it would seem that they picked him up with the opinion that he was the best option to play 10 that they had (out of people like Saifaloi, Angus etc.)

It is obviously important for the Tahs that Foley is right for Round 1 and that certainly seems to be the expected outcome.

Aside from that, I don't think there are too many issues. Having four options at 10 would seem to be pretty standard as far as a squad of 35 goes.

If they decide that Lane is not going to be up to it then maybe they release him and sign someone like Saifaloi. If we suffer more injuries at 10, it is likely we will have to draft in a player from Shute Shield to cover the gap anyway (as we did last year with players like Stanford playing lock).


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
I am sure they are well aware of the issue and are working through it

Whether that be Saifaloi or another. Lets hope the option is for the future and not a short term neville.

Personally I see all these issues as opportunities and would see another unit with promise given a go than some middle aged lump of safe stodge used

fatprop isn't the subliminal message in the quote that Horne is a 12 already?

It makes sense to me, using the logic that 2 twelves were planned for well, it is him and Carter. (that doesn't mean that Barnes won't be there anyway)

So to me,

the squad is set up

10, Foley, Barnes
12 Carter, Horne
13 AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), Kingston

That doesn't take into the ability of these units to play multiple positions


Dick Tooth (41)
How many Blues regulars were in their team?
Blues team below, not sure how many regulars they are missing:

15. Albert Nikoro
14. George Moala
13. Rene Ranger
12. Francis Saili
11. Lolagi Visinia
10. Chris Noakes
9. Bryn Hall
8. Peter Saili
7. Luke Braid
6. Steven Luatua
5. Ali Williams (C)
4. Liaki Moli
3. Angus Ta’avao
2. Quentin MacDonald
1. Tom McCartney
James Parsons
Tim Perry
Culum Retallick
Brendon O’Connor
Charlie Faumuina
Ronald Raaymakers
Kane Barrett
Jamison Gibson-Park
Malakai Fekitoa
Marty McKenzie
Baden Kerr
Waisake Naholo
Frank Halai
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