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Wallaby Watch 2014

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Larry Dwyer (12)
@Tomikin, yeah when you look at that awesome back three - put Quade at 10 - you then need a gun kicker (both for points and clearance) at 12. Who plays 12 with an awesome kicking game? (That sounds like a set-up to make a point but I genuinely don't know who)


David Codey (61)
@Tomikin, yeah when you look at that awesome back three - put Quade at 10 - you then need a gun kicker (both for points and clearance) at 12. Who plays 12 with an awesome kicking game? (That sounds like a set-up to make a point but I genuinely don't know who)

It's Lealofanio ... But I just dont think him and Cooper Messed as well as To'omua and Cooper did. I Guess Beale is another option but can you expect Cooper and Beale to stop Noua and SBW through the channel. That's not a slight on either of their defences but I think To'omua/McCabe even Harris are more up to the task..

Actually as I speak Harris fits the gun boot and good kicker, and his outside Cooper all year..


David Codey (61)
I think it's wildly speculative to say if he ever gets back to 2012 form he would be first picked.

I'm not sure on the specifics but was he carrying any ankle injury all of 2013? Because he started every single test until he was injured.

I'd say he'd have to do a lot to unseat the Cooper/To'omua combo which works quite well. In addition To'omua's more robust running and defending is much more useful at 12.

Yep he was, The Brumbies wanted him in surgery straight away but he wanted to play through the test season.

Do you remember the Brumbies march to the finals that year with Leo I think we could have gone all the way.... Thanks two dad's and the Tahs ;)


David Codey (61)
With my Red-Goggles on I'd love Harris to be there but LiLo is the better option.

Can To'omua kick?

I've Heard yes, but never seen this mystical creature.. I think it's a you would let him do it before you would send up Benny A..

Actually Ive heard (and seen in the back ground of an interview) Big Tevitea knocking some over from about 60 out.. Maybe the big man is the back up..


John Hipwell (52)
nick white & mogg if they were on the bench can both kick. i dont like the idea of beale not being in the 23 though.

This is a great idea. Imagine how good the depth will be if he misses out.

Lilo would be my preferred 10/12 reserve. Beale is going to have to hope he can cover 15 or if a more versatile player will be preferred.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
With my Red-Goggles on I'd love Harris to be there but LiLo is the better option.

Can To'omua kick?

In general play, yes and is better than most. I think I recall him kicking for goal a few years ago, but as mentioned elsewhere he is not in the Brumbies' top three goal kickers.

If goal kicking is seen as a crucial element to have at the start of a test (as it is) I won't be surprised to see Christian starting again at 12 and Matt To'omua sitting on the bench. Hope that doesn't happen, but a distinct possibility.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
BTW, Christian played 15 for Waikato in the ITM Cup three seasons ago. Displaced at 12 by his look-alike, Tim Nanai-Williams, who incidentally would be a great asset for an Aussie team if they could land him. Good enough to be an AB but unlikely to get there because of the competition.


Tony Shaw (54)
This is an issue.. but I think his been kicking pretty good this year (I havent seen too much).

I also think a back 3 of Speight, Izzy and the Badger has the problem of no fantastic kickers. You could Throw AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) and get an ok kicker, or Mogg with a fantastic boot but isn't as good on defence.

If this is your back three, there is no kicking. You fucking run it. Every fucking time. :D


Jim Clark (26)
something that im surprised no one has mentioned ( i just thought of it :eek: ) is to have an all running back three (iz, speight and badg).... but swap quade and one of the wingers in defence somehow... that means you have a kicker in the back three and can keep the strike weapons.... also imagine a counterattack with QC (Quade Cooper) izzy and speight running back at you...

Rick Smith

Frank Row (1)
I'm new here and have a question please. I'm only posting here because its the thread with the latest post but how do I start a new thread please? Thank you :)


Tony Shaw (54)
Hey Rick, welcome mate. I think you need to get 10 posts on the board before you can start a new one. And even then it might only be in the suggested threads spot.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
I'd be happy to see either Mogg or Beale trialled at wing.


Fantastic counter attacking prospect
Kicker in the back three
Back up goal kicker

That's what it might look like come the RC. Bad luck for the Badger though.


Tony Shaw (54)
We now have multiple players vying for most positions and still this fixation of playing players out of position to get them on the field continues. We will only seriously challenge for #1 when we start developing specialist players and select them for that position. Beale is a good 15, a passable 10 and he's going well at 12 but it's too early to tell if that is a reasonable option for him. If he can't crack it in those positions then he doesn't make the 15.

The Wallabies will be stronger if players like Beale can't crack the team and weaker if we try and shoehorn them in wherever we can.
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