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Wallaby Watch 2014

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Vay Wilson (31)
Genia is miles ahead of any other halfback in Australia.
Godwin and To'omua both deserve to be in the squad. From there it's anyone's position. Remember that To'omua is playing 10 at the Brumbies so we don't know how he is as a 12.
Kuridrani would be the shoein at 13. I'd probably have Beale and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) on the bench. They are both exceptional players and will add spark against a tiring opposition.

The back line is pretty straightforward. The wings are in question to an extent. Cummins would be the front runner for the left wing and Speight for the right. Tomane is next in line and I think he plays both sides. Betham is still a way off. Mogg needs to prove he is not defensively frail and I don't think he has done that. CFS is raw but is in form, he could be an option for 11 (don't think he plays 14 does he?)

Back row and locks are the big question. But I think Charles is challenging for second best hooker. He is certainly ahead of Faainga and Hansen for me. I have no idea about lock as none are really standing up. But a lot of back rowers are challenging - mccalman is the best by form right now for 8 for me, hooper will be 7. Six I don't know - Fardy? Jones? Cottrell? Who knows?

Charlie Brown

Chris McKivat (8)
Just putting it out there, but everyone appears to have forgotten about Lealifano? He was the number one conversion kicker for the Wallabies. Rarely missed a kick. In some of the tighter matches that can make a hell of a difference. He can play 10 or 12. I presume he will be in the mix for selection as he's back from injury in the next couple of weeks.

Train Without a Station

Just putting it out there, but everyone appears to have forgotten about Lealifano? He was the number one conversion kicker for the Wallabies. Rarely missed a kick. In some of the tighter matches that can make a hell of a difference. He can play 10 or 12. I presume he will be in the mix for selection as he's back from injury in the next couple of weeks.

Nobody is mentioning him due to indifferent form for the Wallabies in 2013, besides his goal kicking.


Peter Johnson (47)
I really think O'Connor will be back in the team, on the wing, by the world cup. I'd put a small amount of money on it.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
It's a nice easy trope for a lot of people to grab onto and bang on about. Of course in the next breath they'll start declaiming about the need for someone to straighten the line. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) isn't perfect, and he could work on his passing game, but he hasn't played 80-odd Tests by being a completely mug.

I think it's more a case of others improving to the point of being equal or better than AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper).


David Codey (61)
Just putting it out there, but everyone appears to have forgotten about Lealifano? He was the number one conversion kicker for the Wallabies. Rarely missed a kick. In some of the tighter matches that can make a hell of a difference. He can play 10 or 12. I presume he will be in the mix for selection as he's back from injury in the next couple of weeks.
Nobody is mentioning him due to indifferent form for the Wallabies in 2013, besides his goal kicking.
I dont think he was terrible but isnt a good foil for Cooper. . Also playing injured if he ever gets back to 2012 form he'd be first picked. Lets hope the ankle clears up and we see the gliding stepping try scoring superstar again..

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Train Without a Station

I think it's wildly speculative to say if he ever gets back to 2012 form he would be first picked.

I'm not sure on the specifics but was he carrying any ankle injury all of 2013? Because he started every single test until he was injured.

I'd say he'd have to do a lot to unseat the Cooper/To'omua combo which works quite well. In addition To'omua's more robust running and defending is much more useful at 12.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
I think it's wildly speculative to say if he ever gets back to 2012 form he would be first picked.

I'm not sure on the specifics but was he carrying any ankle injury all of 2013? Because he started every single test until he was injured.

I'd say he'd have to do a lot to unseat the Cooper/To'omua combo which works quite well. In addition To'omua's more robust running and defending is much more useful at 12.

I completely agree that Matt To'omua is the best option at 12 outside Quade. But imo Christian, when fit, would be the best back up 10/12 on the bench. The combo of To'omua/Lealiifano works wonders at the Brumbies.

That should start to get the Beale supporters' knickers in a knot.


Peter Johnson (47)
Assuming both are in similar form I'd have Beale on the bench because he's got far more ability to score a bullshit try in the final seconds of a match than Lilo. Also a better fullback than lilo so more versatility.

There are enough goal kickers in the starting team if Cooper, To'omua and possibly O'Connor are there.


Michael Lynagh (62)
You really, really, wouldn't want to rely on To'omua as a goal kicker. He's not great in that department.


Jim Clark (26)
nick white & mogg if they were on the bench can both kick. i dont like the idea of beale not being in the 23 though.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Lilo is a much better 10/12 than Beale and an excellent goal kicker (which could come in handy at the latter stages of a match)........

Also, unless Folau was injured you wouldn't need another fullback, and AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) provides cover anyways.........

I'm not sure if I've seen enough of Beale yet to convince me he's worthy of a place in the 23........ yet..........

It will be interesting to see how he copes this week going up against another strong running inside centre.........


Michael Lynagh (62)
If you've got a Cooper / To'omua combination, then I think the replacement bench option will be between Lilo / Beale / Godwin / Foley to cover 10/12/15 off the bench. Lilo, Beale, or Foley can also be the reserve goal kicker.

The ideal other benchman would be AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), who covers 11/13/14/15. I think that Kuridrani is likely to be the outside centre at this stage, leaving AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) at wing or on the bench. CFS could also cover 11/13/14 if needed, but CFS hasn't yet had enough starting opportunities to show he should be there.

Not sure on who our best starting wingers are at this stage. Likely Speight will be one if he's eligible, and maybe Cummins the other although there's enough time for a few of the other guys to put their hand up. As much as I dislike saying it, JOC (James O'Connor) would be very close to a starting winger as well should he return.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
I don't believe JOC (James O'Connor) will take the pay cut.
Why would the ARU give him a top up?
What franchise is going to pay him marquee rates?
He is a speculative buy,and will be priced that way IMO.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
I don't believe JOC (James O'Connor) will take the pay cut.
Why would the ARU give him a top up?
What franchise is going to pay him marquee rates?
He is a speculative buy,and will be priced that way IMO.

Agree -
I hope he comes back a man and not a clown. If he does the above will not matter and over time his achievements will determine the above


David Codey (61)
Assuming both are in similar form I'd have Beale on the bench because he's got far more ability to score a bullshit try in the final seconds of a match than Lilo. Also a better fullback than lilo so more versatility.

There are enough goal kickers in the starting team if Cooper, To'omua and possibly O'Connor are there.

I have never seen To'omua kick at Goal... Ive heard he can, but isn't in the top 3 kickers at the brumbies.. Do you want someone like that taking a pressure kick. If O'Connors there he will back up Quade..


David Codey (61)
Quade is an adequate kicker, but 5-10% below what you need as a minimum from a test kicker.

This is an issue.. but I think his been kicking pretty good this year (I havent seen too much).

I also think a back 3 of Speight, Izzy and the Badger has the problem of no fantastic kickers... You could Throw AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) and get an ok kicker, or Mogg with a fantastic boot but isn't as good on defence.
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