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Wallaby Watch 2014

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Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Just watched the last 60 minutes of Top 14 final between the top French side, Castres, and the Toulon international rugby club. Without any doubt, it was the worst, lowest standard game of rugby I've ever seen. Atrocious standard of play by both teams. For anyone to suggest Giteau, or Mitchell, or on that evidence any other currently playing in France should walk into the Wallabies, they are sadly mistaken. France appears to be no more than a well paid semi-retirement for former top class players.


Chris McKivat (8)
Fixed. Honestly, playing Slipper out of position to justify getting Sio on the park is about the worst argument I've heard.

Are you a back?

Believe it or not I played Hooker and LHP.

Slipper has the ability to play both LHP and THP IMO, and I know he isn't playing it at the moment, but he has played it in the past and would probably be better in the scrums than Ryan, and offer a hell of a lot more around the park than Kepu.

Just my opinion of course and probably won't happen but I still think it would be an interesting option to explore.

Mr Doug

Dick Tooth (41)
This question has probably been asked many times, however, I can only ask:

When does the team announcement take place?!


Just watched the last 60 minutes of Top 14 final between the top French side, Castres, and the Toulon international rugby club. Without any doubt, it was the worst, lowest standard game of rugby I've ever seen. Atrocious standard of play by both teams. For anyone to suggest Giteau, or Mitchell, or on that evidence any other currently playing in France should walk into the Wallabies, they are sadly mistaken. France appears to be no more than a well paid semi-retirement for former top class players.

I heard the same arguments about the Brumbies / Sharks game...both sides will field quite a few players for the Boks and Wallabies.


Fixed. Honestly, playing Slipper out of position to justify getting Sio on the park is about the worst argument I've heard.

Are you a back?

So you must be outraged by the selections of To'omua at 12, Beale at 10, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) in the back 3, McCabe in the back 3, Fardy at 6.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
Can't throw Slipper in and expect him to play well at THP. I'm always leery of Alexander there but at least he had the minutes during season.

So you must be outraged by the selections of To'omua at 12, Beale at 10, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) in the back 3, McCabe in the back 3, Fardy at 6.


Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
If Salesi "Fat Kid" Ma'afu can get a contract up there as a prop, then its clear just how big the gulf is!

By all accounts Ma'afu is going very well and is anchoring his sides scrum with authority.
I hope Link is keeping an eye on him.


Tom Lawton (22)
This is the team I'd pick:

1. Sio (assuming Slipper is out)
2. Moore
3. Kepu
4. Jones
5. Simmons
6. Fardy
7. Hooper
8. Palu
9. White
10. Foley
11. Cummins
12. To'omua
13. Kuridrani
14. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)
15. Folau

16. TPN
17. Cowan (Sio if Slipper plays)
18. Ryan (previously Alexander)
19. Skelton
20. Higgers
21. Genia
22. Beale
23. McCabe

I think the debatable positions remain the locks, halfback and where to play AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper). I'd be surprised if the rest was different.

Carter really put his hand up and said pick me this week. I just can't fit him. Jones is the best lock in the country by miles on form and Simmons is essential to the lineout and for experience generally. Skelton adds a lot off the bench running at tired defenders, although admittedly doesn't help the lineout much. Horwill is past it.

White and Genia were both exceptional this week. I'm not sure which way that will go. I give the edge to White as he gives us a long range kicker to back up Foley, and they are otherwise impossible to split.

I've picked AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) on the wing because he is more than capable there and I think it gets the best players on the park. If he plays 13, that position is strengthened slightly but the wing is drastically weakened.

All signs point to the captain being Moore rather than Hooper. I'd be happy enough with either. I don't think there are any other contenders.


Stirling Mortlock (74)
I really think Horne will get the spot over McCabe be it on the bench or wing. Remember Link first picked Horne as an 18 year old when he's never worked with McCabe before.


Mark Loane (55)
Jesus wept, Slipper and Alexander.....

The Frogs fucking love a scrum. Hope we can match up and don't get scrummed off the park.

Interestingly enough I haven' t seen any speculation on actual results for this series. Is every one smugly thinking we will win all 3 (I'm a little guilty of this), or will two wins from 3 be considered a pass mark?


Steve Williams (59)
But he's less mobile than Kepu and less fit than me!

Ma'afu has trimmed down and is anchoring the scrum and carrying well.

(the wrong kind of mean in the photo below, but you get the idea.....)


Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
I really think Horne will get the spot over McCabe be it on the bench or wing. Remember Link first picked Horne as an 18 year old when he's never worked with McCabe before.

Because Link is likely to make decisions based on what he did with the Tahs 6 years ago?
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