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Wallaby Watch 2014

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Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
Yep. Genia looked in good touch. He kicked a lot but that was probably the game plan.
Slipper had a solid game as did Simmons. Gill looked very strong and should have been in the Wallaby squad.
Horwill looks to be distracted. His hands were terrible and he turned the ball over 5-6 times through poor handling.


Jim Lenehan (48)
I thought all of Genia, Simmons, Slipper and Horwill were very good tonight. Horwill did drop some ball but he and simmons dominated in the set piece, in the maul and got through a shit-tonne of work. Horwill was certainly more physical, but he can do better. its a good sign


Arch Winning (36)
it was magic to see a glimpse or three of the Genia of old, showing urgency round the rucks and keeping the oppsn honest by the odd scything run.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
Posted in the Reds match thread, but I reckon these positions are locked in:

2. Moore
3. Kepu
4. Simmons
7. Hooper
11. Cummins
15. Folau


Mark Ella (57)
Slipper was always a starter and he confirmed that last night.

Simmons was a probable starter who cemented his spot

Horwill was a possible starter who will be lucky to sit the pine after last night. His mistakes were costly and just too frquent.

Genia was a possible starter behind White. His performance last night will have given Link a headache on selection of 9. I still think White should get the spot based on his overall 2014 performances but ?????

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
Slipper was always a starter and he confirmed that last night.

Simmons was a probable starter who cemented his spot

Horwill was a possible starter who will be lucky to sit the pine after last night. His mistakes were costly and just too frquent.

Genia was a possible starter behind White. His performance last night will have given Link a headache on selection of 9. I still think White should get the spot based on his overall 2014 performances but ?????
Mostly agree. I still don't like Simmons and think only Reds fans rate him at all. But I do think Link will play one of the Reds locks and after last night that should not be Kev. Second lock should come from Jones, Carter or Skelton. Big Will should only be considered as a starter if Palu isn't. One on the field at a time is probably the way to go. I prefer Jones to start.


David Codey (61)
Yep. Genia looked in good touch. He kicked a lot but that was probably the game plan.
Slipper had a solid game as did Simmons. Gill looked very strong and should have been in the Wallaby squad.
Horwill looks to be distracted. His hands were terrible and he turned the ball over 5-6 times through poor handling.
One game don't make a season..And no Gill shouldn't have been. Coming back from injury playing 40 mins where your team leaks 31points blowing a 21 point lead having to win of the last play doesn't get you a gold jersey..

Matter of fact I think he will start on the bench again next week Beau was better.

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David Codey (61)
Your blaming Gill for the highlanders comeback?

No it's a team sport, but to say after 40 mins who should be in the Wallabies Squad is ridiculous, he will get back there but his behind both Hooper and Hodgo at the moment is silly. I would say Beau played better, and Gill will find himself on the bench again next week for the Reds.


John Thornett (49)
One game don't make a season..And no Gill shouldn't have been. Coming back from injury playing 40 mins where your team leaks 31points blowing a 21 point lead having to win of the last play doesn't get you a gold jersey..
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John Thornett (49)
Because it's Gilly's fault that the team leaked those points, right? He played a blinder considering he just came back from a re-injury and has missed a huge chunk of the season.

I'm not saying he should be bolted into the Wallabies but the post you made could not possibly be any more devoid of what a rational (or potentially, sober) human being would consider logic.

There are 14 other players on the field and if all you have to say about Gill is that the team leaked points you just need to bugger off.

Also, bitch please - do not give me this load about 'Reds fans'. I've copped plenty of shit from the other 'Reds fans' on here over being very hard on Gill.

Believe it or not I've even suggest that based on previous form this season he had no spot for him in Camp Wallaby.

Fantastic rebuttal though, great way to further back up the eloquent and astute points you made in your first post

Deputy Van Halen

Larry Dwyer (12)
bitch please

Think you've misinterpreted him there. He was saying Gill was part of a team that leaked 31 points in 40 minutes, which is true. Not that it was Gill's fault they leaked so many points. He had some strong involvements but the post above saying he should have been in the wobs squad after this years absence and average play was way off.

Anyway, great to see the old genia back, hopefully that's a return to form and not a dead cat bounce. Thought simmons and slipper had great games too and should be starting next week. Horwill seemed to be trying very hard but that just turned into dropsies and ineffective play as much as it did for impact. Don't doubt the guys heart but am wondering if we'll ever see his old self back.


David Codey (61)
Because it's Gilly's fault that the team leaked those points, right? He played a blinder considering he just came back from a re-injury and has missed a huge chunk of the season.

I'm not saying he should be bolted into the Wallabies but the post you made could not possibly be any more devoid of what a rational (or potentially, sober) human being would consider logic.

There are 14 other players on the field and if all you have to say about Gill is that the team leaked points you just need to bugger off.

Also, bitch please - do not give me this load about 'Reds fans'. I've copped plenty of shit from the other 'Reds fans' on here over being very hard on Gill.

Believe it or not I've even suggest that based on previous form this season he had no spot for him in Camp Wallaby.

Fantastic rebuttal though, great way to further back up the eloquent and astute points you made in your first post
Have a look at my other post. I said his been back for 40 mins and Beau was probably better. But hey skip over that mate, talk about liquor and anything else. But fact remains he was good but 1 game back he doesnt deserve the jersey. But hey ill post a funny picture to prove my point. Great...

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John Thornett (49)
Beau was great but Gill was one of the best forwards on either team.

If this is all you have to say in regards to his play last night:

where your team leaks 31points blowing a 21 point lead having to win of the last play doesn't get you a gold jersey..

Just stop while you're ahead.

Joe Blow

Peter Sullivan (51)
One game don't make a season..And no Gill shouldn't have been. Coming back from injury playing 40 mins where your team leaks 31points blowing a 21 point lead having to win of the last play doesn't get you a gold jersey..

Matter of fact I think he will start on the bench again next week Beau was better.

Sent from my HTC_0P6A1 using Tapatalk

Based on what he has done in the past he could easily have been selected ahead of a couple of other back rowers.
This does not come from any state bias but just from what he has done in the past. A year ago many were calling for his inclusion in the starting side ahead of Hooper.
And I respectfully disagree. Hats off to Beau but Gill will start ahead of him 99 times out of a hundred.
It's really neither here nor there as he is not in the squad but it's certainly not a ridiculous suggestion.


Mark Ella (57)
To'omua at 12 was more about the combination he had with Quade. Things have changed now and I wouldn't be surprised to see him at 10 and Harris at 12. Harris sounds odd and many would disagree but that goal kicking boot of his must be awfully tempting for Link.

Harris isn't the sort of player that sets the world on fire, he just gets things done. Valuable member of any team but less noticed due to a lack of glam.
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