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Wallaby Watch 2014

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As to who I would make captain - Buggered if I know.

If he gets the starting gig, it could very well be Higgers.

He is actually a very good leader, and has a decent bed-side manner with the refs. And he knows how Link works.

What he also has, which is not so good, is an appalling disciplinary record in Super Rugby games. A penalty magnet. That clearly needs fixing.

Hoolly Doolly

Fred Wood (13)
I agree. I also think its going to be Cummins V. Horne (maybe even McCabe too) fighting for a wing spot as they play a similar style. So I don't think its unfair to push AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) to the wing as he has a history of playing well there, IMO its unlikely Kuridrani will miss out.

I think mccabe and horne are more reliable defensively which is the only reason they would be considered ahead of cummins in order to contain guys like corey jane, ben smith, julian savea etc I think AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)'s place in the team is on the wing. if cummins doesnt start he wont come of the bench when there are guys more versatile.


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
There's been a fair bit of noise in the media over the last week about a rift in the Wallabies that was caused over player payments last year and it sounds like it still lingers in the squad to a degree. From all reports it seems that that is where any issue lies, rather than over the whole Dublin 6 episode.

For those that don't know what I'm talking about, the players have an agreement that all players are paid equally on tours lasting 14 days or more regardless of who plays. For tours less than that, players vote on the issue.

The Rugby Championship tour of South Africa and Argentina last year lasted 12 days and the players voted on whether they would get paid based on matches or split everything equally.

The players who voted against splitting the money equally weren't very popular amongst their teammates.

Here's one of the stories http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport.../story-fnii0ksb-1226930518238?from=public_rss


Mark Ella (57)
At this stage of his career, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) only ticks one of the three things needed to be a Test winger - Finishing ability.

He lacks the other two critical abilities - Pace, and Pace.

I would absolutely have him at 13 though. I am not sold on Kuridrani's CV as a Test 13.

I would have thought Horne, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), McCabe and Cummins were all pretty close for pace.


John Hipwell (52)
There's been a fair bit of noise in the media over the last week about a rift in the Wallabies that was caused over player payments last year and it sounds like it still lingers in the squad to a degree. From all reports it seems that that is where any issue lies, rather than over the whole Dublin 6 episode.

For those that don't know what I'm talking about, the players have an agreement that all players are paid equally on tours lasting 14 days or more regardless of who plays. For tours less than that, players vote on the issue.

The Rugby Championship tour of South Africa and Argentina last year lasted 12 days and the players voted on whether they would get paid based on matches or split everything equally.

The players who voted against splitting the money equally weren't very popular amongst their teammates.

Here's one of the stories http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport.../story-fnii0ksb-1226930518238?from=public_rss

I read about it yesterday and was surprised it did not make the forum. Unfortunately the hardest thing to believe is that the pie eater was not grumbling about it.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
If he gets the starting gig, it could very well be Higgers.

He is actually a very good leader, and has a decent bed-side manner with the refs. And he knows how Link works.

What he also has, which is not so good, is an appalling disciplinary record in Super Rugby games. A penalty magnet. That clearly needs fixing.

His leadership hasn't been very good this year, and he doesn't have the form to be in the starting team anyways.........

For the bench, maybe, but I still prefer McCalman on form..........


Mark Ella (57)
There's been a fair bit of noise in the media over the last week about a rift in the Wallabies that was caused over player payments last year and it sounds like it still lingers in the squad to a degree. From all reports it seems that that is where any issue lies, rather than over the whole Dublin 6 episode.

For those that don't know what I'm talking about, the players have an agreement that all players are paid equally on tours lasting 14 days or more regardless of who plays. For tours less than that, players vote on the issue.

The Rugby Championship tour of South Africa and Argentina last year lasted 12 days and the players voted on whether they would get paid based on matches or split everything equally.

The players who voted against splitting the money equally weren't very popular amongst their teammates.

Here's one of the stories http://www.couriermail.com.au/sport.../story-fnii0ksb-1226930518238?from=public_rss

That is a system fraught with pitfalls. I don't know who the fool was that agreed to that as a formal process? Why set up something that has provides such an assured source of division?


Geoff Shaw (53)
The players who voted against splitting the money equally weren't very popular amongst their teammates.

This sounds like something JOC (James O'Connor) and Beale would be apart of. I don't see the letter "I" in team so for those players who where not willing to share they are in the wrong sport. Plus the difference is not that much to keep the respect of your team mates whether they are in the match day squad or not.

They are still giving up a lot to go on tour and deserve to be treated equally.


Jim Lenehan (48)
That is a system fraught with pitfalls. I don't know who the fool was that agreed to that as a formal process? Why set up something that has provides such an assured source of division?

Fckn ai. surely they at least had an anonymous ballot


Chris McKivat (8)
Still don't think White is up to the kicking duties for Australia
On the best goalkickers site which ranks kicks for difficulty and takes into account success White is ranked 10th in super rugby with a 75% success and Foley is ranked 21st with a success rate of 77.1%.
Indicative of the difficulty of the kicks taken by White but success rate difference is negligible if White is not up to kicking for Australia why is he the top ranked kicker in super rugby from Australia behind mike Harris who is at 100% at 8/8.

Brumby Runner

Jason Little (69)
By way of introduction, I will note here that I watch every game played by the Australian teams, sometimes more than once if there has been particularly good work on show. That said, I am not confident that either Hodgson or McCalman are test standard players. I accept Hodgson is presently next best 7 to Hooper and therefore should be in the squad, but Benny Mac, while playing better this year than he has perhaps ever before, just doesn't have a hard presence on the field, even at Super rugby level (did he even make it over the gain line at all in any of his numerous carries against the Lions?). He was very ineffectual when last tried at Wallaby level, and I strongly suspect he will be the same again if tried. To my mind, the most effective back rower at the Force is Cottrell, and I am especially disappointed that he wasn't included in the squad.

Palu to start at 8 for me, with Higgers on the bench. Hooper to play all tests this year unless injured and also to be captain. Hope Gilly makes a successful return to form to back up Hooper if injured down the track.


Mark Ella (57)
By way of introduction, I will note here that I watch every game played by the Australian teams, sometimes more than once if there has been particularly good work on show. That said, I am not confident that either Hodgson or McCalman are test standard players. I accept Hodgson is presently next best 7 to Hooper and therefore should be in the squad, but Benny Mac, while playing better this year than he has perhaps ever before, just doesn't have a hard presence on the field, even at Super rugby level (did he even make it over the gain line at all in any of his numerous carries against the Lions?). He was very ineffectual when last tried at Wallaby level, and I strongly suspect he will be the same again if tried. To my mind, the most effective back rower at the Force is Cottrell, and I am especially disappointed that he wasn't included in the squad.

Palu to start at 8 for me, with Higgers on the bench. Hooper to play all tests this year unless injured and also to be captain. Hope Gilly makes a successful return to form to back up Hooper if injured down the track.

BR - regarding McCalman if you go back a coule of years ago you will see my reflections on Brown and McCalman likening their workrate to the blowfly bashing itself on the window. Lots of noise and action but no effect. This year McCalman has made metres and I see a great deal of effectiveness. As Fatprop put it in the Force thread (I think - apologies if I have it wrong) the Force forwards take the ball static in a very shallow position, as used to happen with the Tahs. This I think is supposed to give the defence less time to set up and is lower risk, but we know it doesn't work all that well. The Tahs for the last two years have had forwards taking the ball from depth at what passes for forward pace. The effect is much greater at point of contact.

In my usual long winded style, I think you do McCalman a dis-service on this point.

As for Hodgeson, his combative style is to me very reminiscent of Phil Waugh and we can see his selection or lack there of in the same light. A great player but it can be effectively argued that the style he plays most effectively is suited to a much narrower conservative game plan than that we will see the Wallabies play if they continue on from the EOYT, hence his career best form this year for the Force.

Sir Arthur Higgins

Alan Cameron (40)
AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)


Peter Sullivan (51)
By way of introduction, I will note here that I watch every game played by the Australian teams, sometimes more than once if there has been particularly good work on show. That said, I am not confident that either Hodgson or McCalman are test standard players. I accept Hodgson is presently next best 7 to Hooper and therefore should be in the squad, but Benny Mac, while playing better this year than he has perhaps ever before, just doesn't have a hard presence on the field, even at Super rugby level (did he even make it over the gain line at all in any of his numerous carries against the Lions?). He was very ineffectual when last tried at Wallaby level, and I strongly suspect he will be the same again if tried. To my mind, the most effective back rower at the Force is Cottrell, and I am especially disappointed that he wasn't included in the squad.

Palu to start at 8 for me, with Higgers on the bench. Hooper to play all tests this year unless injured and also to be captain. Hope Gilly makes a successful return to form to back up Hooper if injured down the track.
I think that's abit harsh ok McCalman on last year EOYT he was very effective off the bench we deserves the chance to step up based on his current form.

Sure he didn't have the best game on the weekend but you can't say he hasn't been massive this year.

I agree Cottrell should be there but link can only have so many players and has decided we need the cover at lock.


McCalman was quite effective at test level in his first season, he suffered a bit of 2nd and 3rd season syndrome but his form is compelling once again.
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