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Wallaby Outside Centre

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Dick Tooth (41)
I simply cant believe the ridiculous suggestions being bandied about on this thread.


AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) is our 13. Mortlock is the only one who threatens him, and if Mortlock warrants selection, then AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) moves to 12. Simple. There shouldn't be any debate about it.

Genia/Cooper - Anyone who argues otherwise is daft.

14/15 - Beale, Mitchell - No debate.

The only debate here is about whether Beiber is defensively aggressive enough to play 12 beside AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), and thus come in from the wing and allow Diggers onto the spare wing.

The Mayor of Perth

Ted Fahey (11)
JOC (James O'Connor) isn't covering, he is responsible for himself. He is actually responsible for himself defensively which is good, but do you want someones who's best asset is his speed and footwork to be doing a bigger defensive load than he should? You want him to be fresh.

If we want QC (Quade Cooper) at 10 then everyone steps up defensively, not just 12. That's just the way it is to have Quade as our potential match-winner. He seems more mature so I can't believe he's not working hard to to improve his defence.


John Eales (66)
Brumbieman, spot on. Though I don't like AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) at 12. I don't think he has the hands for the position and I don't like two crash and bash centres together.


Dick Tooth (41)
Phew. I thought I was the only one who saw that Tom Carter post a couple of pages back.

I nearly laughed myself to death at the prospect.

Hornet: I see your point, but i'd recommend finding the Wallabies/Barbarians game of 2008. Cooper at 10, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) 12. Carved up.

The other thing is, with Beiber and Beale in the backline as well, the whole 'two crash ballers' thing would only really apply when we wanted it to, as there are two other exceptional playmakers lined up for the 2nd phase attack. AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) could just as easily shift to the wing for first phase attacking ball, and then link with Cooper on the wrap around for the 2nd phase. It would be what we made of it. I see him as a Fainga'a style 12, but with the ability to also play a wider game when needed.

I'm firmly of the belief that we're headed towards a backline with too many generals in it, and not enough Albert Jacka's.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
Mortlock will be lucky to make the Wallaby squad.

AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) and Horne are obviously our first two choices for outside centre with Ioane and possibly McCabe as cover.

McCabe can act as a third choice fullback/outside centre or even fill in a wing spot against the minnows at the RWC.


George Smith (75)
Staff member
Mortlock will be lucky to make the Wallaby squad.

AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) and Horne are obviously our first two choices for outside centre with Ioane and possibly McCabe as cover.

McCabe can act as a third choice fullback/outside centre or even fill in a wing spot against the minnows at the RWC.

Morty will be lucky, but I saw in his play on Saturday some signs that he can still offer quite a bit, especially in defence where he was huge. If AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) and Horne were gone for some reason, I would have him near the top of the list, as that channel needs to be well defended come RWC time, and preferably by someone who knows what to do at 13. I will be keen to watch his progress this season.

Slim 293

Stirling Mortlock (74)
You can't completely rule him out, but he needs to lift to put himself into contention.

He's not going to offer the same burst in attack he once had.


David Codey (61)
At this stage I can't see how we can afford to start with Beale, Cooper and JOC (James O'Connor) in the same team from a defensive standpoint, unless JOC (James O'Connor) is on the wing. For the wallabies last year Beale and Cooper were the two attacking sparks, and currently their form warrants selection again this year. Therefore at the moment JOC (James O'Connor) is either on the wing, or on the bench.

We could do worse than this:

AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)
JOC (James O'Connor)

Mortlock might only have 50-60 minutes in him at test level, but we need a strong defensive combination in the centres, particularly at the start of the game.


David Codey (61)
Brumbieman, spot on. Though I don't like AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) at 12. I don't think he has the hands for the position and I don't like two crash and bash centres together.

I reckon we can get away with two crash and bashers with Genia and Coopers long passing game, and the fact we will have a playmaker at fullback.


Simon Poidevin (60)
You got that right. Harris plays a couple of games an all of a sudden he's being talked up as a Wallaby. That's just crazy.

I agree. You have too go with consistency not just potential. There is still a lot more games too play. I wonder if his name will still be appearing in 5 weeks.

Go the force!!!!


Steve Williams (59)
Staff member
JOC (James O'Connor)
AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper)

That seems to get them all in, and is popular round these parts.

This lot would seem to be favourites in G&GR's backs' popularity contest, but one thing's missing in the current international rugby environment: size. They're small in comparison to other nations' backlines. Deans'd be well aware of this and I'm sure he's watching Mortlock's progress with great interest. I wouldn't be the least surprised to see Stirling back in green and gold some time this year.

Ioane presents a number of conundrums with his current play. He breaks the line well in close broken play (one of the best here) but I've noticed he can't seem to get away when he makes a break. Has he lost a bit of speed with his many injuries the past few years? But the biggest weakness I've picked up watching him recently is his inability, or reluctance, to pass the pill when he makes a break; his hogging habits are reaching Carteresque heights lately. Not good enough for an outside centre but a monte for a wing spot.

Brumbies Guy

John Solomon (38)
I've noticed he can't seem to get away when he makes a break. Has he lost a bit of speed with his many injuries the past few years?

I don't remember him ever being a speedster. His build is pure power hence his 20m acceleration and tackle bust qualities, but he doesn't seem to have great top speed.


John Solomon (38)
Mike Harris is an Aussie icon, I will not hear a word said against him, and he is a standout for outside centre.
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