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Wallabies Watch

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Peter Johnson (47)
I certainly think quade is our form 10 but to be fair to oconnor its an unfair comparison to make when Cooper is playing outside Genia every week, who is clearly the worlds best half back. Dont forget that Quade looked decidedly ordinary before Genia returned


Stirling Mortlock (74)
Do you really think Deans not picking Quade will be because of some kind of perceived grudge against him and not rugby ability?


Trevor Allan (34)
Question is do you go for tried and tested combinations or try something new and step into the unknown. Think combo's like 9 and 10 as well as 12 and 13 are pairings that rely on continuity and should not be broken up unless you have to


Will Genia (78)
Staff member
Sorry BH, I suppose the point of my post was more that I don't think Barnes will make the Waratahs first choice xv. He may well get a chance to give others a rest, but all of the other options involve leaving out Foley, Horne, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) or Folau. I don't mean it as in insult to Barnes - it is a complement to the guys in there who are generally performing. When the whips are cracking I think Cheika will stick with the guys there. As an extension of that, I don't see Barnes getting a call up to the tests if he not starting for the Tahs.

You are also assuming the other guys will drop in form, allowing their 'slate to be cleaned'. Maybe, maybe not.

I agree that it's not too late for Beale or Barnes, but the window is closing pretty fast.

I think Barnes will have to play really well to get a spot in the first choice Tahs XV but I think he'll get that opportunity. Either someone will be rested or he'll get a good shot off the bench when he is fit. If he is pedestrian on his return then I agree that he won't just push someone out based on reputation alone. He will have to play very well to achieve it.

In terms of early season vs later season form, there are already guys who this is potentially affecting.

Auelua was superb for the first 6 or 8 games, often coming off the bench. He's been really quiet the last couple of weeks. He will fade very quickly from Wallaby contention if his form doesn't pick back up.

Hooper was quiet early in the season (arguably from doing too much defence and not enough of the things he should be doing as the 7). He had a blinder against the Chiefs and if he keeps that form up, his early season lull will be forgotten and he'll make it very difficult for Gill to be selected ahead of him.

Tapuai looked very dangerous early in the season but has had a couple of average games in the last couple of weeks. Whereas I would have rated him the most likely to play 12 at the start of the season, Lealiifano, McCabe and others will be a chance to surpass Tapuai if his form doesn't pick back up.

These are just a few examples. I think there are a lot of players who either started the season poorly or were excellent but I think it will count for little compared to what happens in the next 6 weeks. Particularly when it comes to uncapped or lowly capped Wallabies, none of them are going to get selected because they were dominant in the first 10 rounds. The next 6 rounds are going to decide whether they play against the Lions.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
If so, then that is one hell of a grudge that Dingo has over Quadegate. Looks like he must have forgotten about Photogate when Bieber got liquored up and forgot to turn up for the Qantas photoshoot prior to RWC 11.

Bieber has looked very ordinary at #10, and there are some that would argue that SNK has better current form as a #10 than Bieberboy.

Comparing missing a photo shoot and calling the team toxic? meh


Arch Winning (36)
I agree that Cooper is a question mark when it comes to playing the hard tests. Every mistake is amplified in that level of game, in turn the mental pressure goes up, and you can almost feel the stress he was under.

Conversely O'Connor is one of those players who thrives on pressure, lives for it. His biggest problem right now is playing in a team where he feels like he has to do everything. And yet he still puts in, and moreover has shown he can play the role at the highest level.

I have no doubt AT ALL Deans would prefer a stable and confident Quade at flyhalf, with JOC (James O'Connor) available to play any other position in the backline. Quade has to show that in the tough games he can play well without overcompensating.

Happily, that is exactly what Quade has been doing.

Given Quade maintains his current level as the series intensifies imho he is a shoe in to start at ten.


Peter Johnson (47)
I find it surprising that there are people prepared to promote Fotu as an option, but also write off Timani. If Palu isnt available then Timani is our wrecking ball imo. He has the experience and has proven he makes an impact at test level. Fotu needs to do much more to warrant selection.


Dick Tooth (41)
I don't understand how Dingo could be viewing Beiber or Beale as options at 10.

Beale: Terribly out of form for 18 months. Has played maybe 25% of his total gametime for both Rebels and Wallabies at 10, and only looked even Super rugby quality there for 3 games. He's got massive issues hovering over his attitude, form, fitness and relationship with the rest of the team. His defence has been very poor, using his arms and hands in an attempt to drag people down, rather than hitting with the shoulder.
His game management at 10 was also very poor, and with him at the helm we managed to score barely a try per game for 6 months. It's not like he was actually carving up at all, he was utter GASH! For me, he's not an option at 10, and I don't even think he's in the running for 15. The fuck is Deans thinking? What a fantastic way to to disrupt the team and cause disharmony just when we need the team to gel as quickly as possible. 3rd choice fullback at this stage, unless he comes back and plays the house down. Not an option at 10 IMO

Beiber: Like Beale, he's hardly played 10 in his career. A few games for the Force, a couple for the Rebels and 1 test match for the Wallabies. His attitude is much better (on the field at least), and so is his fitness, tackling and goal kicking. However, his game management is poor, the Rebels don't look even a fraction more direct and controlled when he's at 10. Nor did the Wallabies, that beautiful pass to Turner against Wales not withstanding.
His strength is his running game. He is the player that you want hitting the long ball at pace on an angle. He needs space to run in, space to use his footwork so get through gaps, offload, and back up. I think his best long term position would be 13, but for now he's an outside back. At wing or 15, he's a much better counter attacker than any Lions outside back and should be marking up on them. He should be on the wing, preferably on the right wing, where he was the best in the world in 2010, along with Drew Mitchell. His finishing, and speed out wide is vital.3rd or 4th choice flyhalf, first choice right winger.

Barnes: We all know what he brings. Rock solid defence, average passing game, the ability to make a break or set something up and then butcher it (basketball pass into Smith's face/ignoring all the ball runners around him and going alone etc). His kicking game is poor to average. 2-3 good kicks in 10, is NOT a good kicking game. If his good kicks were the ONLY kicks, he'd be good, but they aren't. He is also poor as a running flyhalf, and under pressure falls deeper and deeper into the pocket and strangles the backline. He may be experienced and great at beating Wales, but he's an extremely conservative option and we will not be able to threaten with ball in hand if he plays 10. 3rd, or 4th choice flyhalf for me, 2nd or 3rd option at 12.

Lealiifano: Untested, but by far the most all round player we have as an option. Kicking game is good, goal kicking excellent, tackling very strong, ball running very strong, composure is excellent, ability to pull something out of the hat when we need a bit of magic to win is right up there (he's what I call a winner). His passing game is usually very good (though sometimes not flash and sometimes goes behind the man. Well not behind, but not those passes that make the receiver run ONTO the ball) and his game management is also very good.
Weaknesses are very few, but the most glaring is that he's playing inside centre, and hasn't played a test match. I wouldn't be starting him in a Lions series. He would be my 12, so that he can alternate with Cooper a little bit and sometimes play first receiver. The two of them combining and attacking left/right and linking up in counter attack is a truly mouth watering prospect for me. First choice 12, 2nd choice 10

Cooper: Best passing game in the world, one of the most elusive ball runners. Combination with the worlds best scrumhalf is telepathic and can NOT be underestimated. Goal kicking good, not excellent. Kicking from hand is good, not excellent. He understands the 'land the ball in SPACE, not Israel Dagg's breadbasket al la Barnes' concept, but execution is sometimes not flash. Counter attacking is unmatched by other options. Defence is average. Makes some great hits, and some poor misses, but is generally ok. His obvious achilles heel is his susceptibility to pressure. However, I think that this year, and especially the last few games, he's shown he can handle it well, IF his team as a whole seems to know what they're doing and there is an actual plan to work to. If he knows he has a set plan to work to, then all the pressure in the world can be applied and I would back him to do well overall, because he can focus his mind on achieving that. The pressure may cause a couple of mistakes, like anyone, but he will not crumble because he has a plan to work to.
If we give him that, we can win this series. The Lions are the Brits best players, for sure, but Cooper has an ability to destroy opposition defences like almsot no one else in the world. We should be looking to use our STRENGTHS to beat the Lions, not trying to beat them by countering THEIR strengths. Yes, pick a good scrum and a backrow to dominate, BUT we should be using that as a platform to do what we do best, and unleash our far superior attacking game. They won't have the answers if we can lay a solid platform and actually play a good, attacking gameplan like the Reds do. Our best option for flyhalf
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