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Wallabies v Springboks - Suncorp, Brisbane, 10th September 2016

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Billy Sheehan (19)
So now we have three props on the bench. I know Slipper is reserve LHP and Ala'alatoa is reserve THP (but arguably shouldn't be) so where does Mitchell fit in? Looking at his recent photos and tv appearances, he is more like the build of James Slipper than of any winger I've seen lately.

My unsolicited advice Dru is - Go back to France and let some deserving locally based winger have a go. In our wildest dreams, I don't see Dru being around for next year let alone the 2019 RWC.

Some will question who might be around to have a go. Well, I'd even look at the NRC at this stage and consider Perese or Kellaway, as they will offer much better pace and match fitness than Mitchell is likely to conjure again in his career.

If there is a push at least in the forwards to bring new faces in to replace those who are now nearing the end of their careers (Ala'alatoa, Coleman, Arnold, even McMahon), then I can see an argument to leave Scott Fardy out, but to replace him with another end of career type in Mumm doesn't wash. Would rather see someone like Dempsey or Cottrell get a chance if Fardy is left out. But that would mean the Pooper must go. And that is unlikely for the remainder of this year.

I will be hoping for a Wallabies' win, but with a backline that looks to have more holes in it than the ones we ran out against England and the ABs, I think it is most likely the Saffas will take it out by about 7 points. If lucky, we might score a losing bonus point.
Kellaway needs to be blooded sometime soon.

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Colin Windon (37)
I fully agree but I have to ask the question why is Foley kicking for touch with his pop gun boot and a history of glaring misses. Why is he the exit strategy for the same reasons? Why when DHP and Cooper last week, were always better options.

Basically because the backline coach has no F^%$^ing idea and the Head Coach has a history since returning to Australia of neglecting some areas of the game until it is blindingly obvious that it is the major cause of failure. Remember that when Latham and Burke were in the Wallabies they took many of the penalties for touch because of the length and accuracy they got. It is not a default 10 job.

Oh I agree with that. IDK why he still has that role, I can only imagine it is because MC doesn't want to upset him or 'ruin' his confidence or something.

With all of Hodge, Cooper and DHP on the paddock..


Billy Sheehan (19)
Never argued Cooper is in such scintillating form.

My argument is Foley is in such bad form that he is a liability. Nothing to do with any other players.

Whilst Godwin and Kerevi aren't the greatest options, I don't think they will provide negative impact which Foley seems to be doing.

He is out of position, out of form, and in one of the hardest defensive positions in the backline - and has never been a good defender.

Cheika is putting Foley's back against the wall, his confidence is going to be further shot. This isn't good for Foley or the team.
Foleys kicking is a major handicap at present. Its a core skill that he currently lacks.

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Billy Sheehan (19)
I actually thought Moore was fine with the ref's last match, but it was the ref's form that was poor.

Unfortunately I think it indicates too little too late, ref's clearly have a pre-determined agenda on Moore now, so even if he does the right thing it still won't be good enough. Not sure he can do anything to resolve that - maybe it will diminish in time - but time isn't on Moore's side.
Agree ref poite wasnt great but no point getting on his bad side. You never win.

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I like to watch

David Codey (61)
I recall our backline line failing to fire in both Tests. Isn't he the primary playmaker?

I recall him ignoring an overlap and running himself - a try went begging.

His kicking struggled.

But he ran himself pretty well. I guess that means he wasn't as bad as his NZ Tests.
He is a runner, not a distributor.
Which limits his upside in tight games.
If Cheika won't pick him at 10, he shouldn't pick him at 12 ( where he normally plays a distributor)


Billy Sheehan (19)
I'm not really sure what form Godwin has shown. He has joined the squad as one of the only options that are healthy and has had really limited time with the squad.

His biggest attribute is his left foot kicking but I don't think he is a good kicker overall.

In two matches for NSW Country he's been one of the least impressive backline players.
Godwin might come good with a bit of time under cheika. Agree current form not fantastic

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Billy Sheehan (19)
Wonder what structure they will use in defence?

It does mean one of DHP, Foley and Cooper has to be in the front line.

Surely can't leave DHP hanging in the wind at out side centre again
Dhp and foley in defence out wide = disaster

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Colin Windon (37)
Foley hasn't "made" a single "play" since the pool match against England. The idea that he should be selected as a 'playmaker' in any position is just lunacy.

If he could kick well I would pick him as a simple 10. Just pass, kick, tackle and run occasionally. Forgot 'making plays' and all that shit, just play rugby. Like, see if we can prevent the opposition from scoring more than 20 points. He can't, so I wouldn't.

I don't know if Cheika's continued selection of Foley represents 'bias' or merely poor judgement but it's one of the two.


John Eales (66)
I will be hoping for a Wallabies' win, but with a backline that looks to have more holes in it than the ones we ran out against England and the ABs, I think it is most likely the Saffas will take it out by about 7 points. If lucky, we might score a losing bonus point.

assuming no improvement in our defence, shouldn't it have the same amount of holes as the one we ran out against the ABs last game? (except for the first 17 minutes when AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper) was playing instead of Hodge)


Andrew Slack (58)
Foley hasn't "made" a single "play" since the pool match against England. The idea that he should be selected as a 'playmaker' in any position is just lunacy.

If he could kick well I would pick him as a simple 10. Just pass, kick, tackle and run occasionally. Forgot 'making plays' and all that shit, just play rugby. He can't, so I wouldn't.

I don't know if Cheika's continued selection of Foley represents 'bias' or merely poor judgement but it's one of the two.
First 15 minutes of the first test agaisnt England was the best our backline has looked since the 2013 eoyt.

Only lasted 15 mins though :(


John Eales (66)
So it looks to me our plan is to to out and out attack and run the legs off them for the first 50 and then sure up the defence with K2 in the centres and Mitchell on DHP's wing, and lots of fresh legs in the pigs. It's probably a strategy they've been planning all along but injuries have thrown things in to disarray.


An open-side is playing at 8
A lock is playing at blindside flanker
A fly-half is playing at inside centre
An inside centre is playing at outside centre
An inside centre is playing on the wing
A fullback is playing on the wing

and two part-time coaches are filling full-time coaching positions


John Eales (66)
The only selection I'm opposed to really, and it's just on principle, is Foley at 12. I just feel that the next best available player who plays there should be given the opportunity. However, I don't necessarily believe that it would deliver a better result. Foley has the experience and knows the game plan, which clearly involves the dual playmaker set up (whether we like it or not). None of the other options offer that and therefore it would require them to play out of their comfort zone, or to modify the game plan.

I don't mind the Mumm selection, I think it's more to get the lineout sorted and to give Fardy a kick up the backside. Longer term it could pay dividends in both regards.

If we have our defence and our kicking (kicker) sorted we will win this.


This game should give us some indication of the relative strength of the teams, my guess is will reinforce just how much better the AB's are than the other teams.

I expect a pretty tight affair between the Wobblies and the Boks, could go either way, but I expect it will suggest that there is not much between the Wobblies and the Boks - and by extension the Pumas.

In the other game I think the AB's will blow the Pumas off the park and confirm my belief that the AB's are at a whole nother level.

I wont be surprised if some of the more maligned players have a better game against the Boks, Foley and DHP come to mind.


John Eales (66)
An open-side is playing at 8
A lock is playing at blindside flanker
A fly-half is playing at inside centre
An inside centre is playing at outside centre
An inside centre is playing on the wing
A fullback is playing on the wing

and two part-time coaches are filling full-time coaching positions

Some of these make me laugh:

An open-side is playing at 8 - hasn't he been playing at 8 since last August?
A lock is playing at blindside flanker - he played pretty much the whole supe season at 6
A fly-half is playing at inside centre
An inside centre is playing at outside centre - he played the whole supe season at 13
An inside centre is playing on the wing - I don't think even Hodge knows what his position is, certainly McGahan doesn't. He played more at 13 and 15 than he did at 12 this year.
A fullback is playing on the wing

At least you didn't say 'an outside centre is playing fullback'.

No complaints about the coach comments, that needs to get sorted by next year.

Dave Beat

Paul McLean (56)
An open-side is playing at 8
A lock is playing at blindside flanker
A fly-half is playing at inside centre
An inside centre is playing at outside centre
An inside centre is playing on the wing
A fullback is playing on the wing

and two part-time coaches are filling full-time coaching positions

So well put.

Ive given up trying to understand.



Some of these make me laugh:

"An open-side is playing at 8" hasn't he been playing at 8 since last August? And the Wallabies haven't won since October

"A lock is playing at blindside flanker" he played pretty much the whole supe season at 6 He has played 6 games at Blindside in the past 4 years

"A fly-half is playing at inside centre"

"An inside centre is playing at outside centre" he played the whole supe season at 13 Doesn't make it his best positions

"An inside centre is playing on the wing" I don't think even Hodge knows what his position is, certainly McGahan doesn't. He played more at 13 and 15 than he did at 12 this year. Not correct, he has played 12 more then he has played 15 or 13 for the Rebels, ironically he has never played at wing in Super Rugby.. The position MC selected him for

I laugh equally..
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