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Wallabies v Georgia 20 July - Allianz Stadium 3.45PM


Peter Fenwicke (45)
I don't often think Doleman does a good job, however he was consistent with both teams on the 5 seconds after a use it call. Set the tone early with a penalty against Georgia.

He did also seem to want a moving game and little stoppage
I thought it was one of the best games I have seen him ref. I was surprised and wondered if there had been a sit down and talk session.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
100 percent. Red got it wrong, TMO seems to get involved with everything now. Why not that ?
Apart from forward passes and knock ons I struggle to see the advantage of having refs as touchies in most games. They seem to miss a lot and rarely do they see an offside or foul play. The TMO's must have restrictions put on them they have become a blight on the game.


Phil Kearns (64)
I went and watched NRL on Saturday night, and it was interesting to see that the touches were often coming in off the sideline into the field of play up to 10 meters at times and would then push back out the sideline if the play started coming their direction.

Haven't seen that happen in rugby, which made me think if coming in helps them get better eyes on the game and make more accurate decisions, then maybe it's a good thing. Remove the power of the TMO and shift it back to the on-field officials.


Peter Fenwicke (45)
I went and watched NRL on Saturday night, and it was interesting to see that the touches were often coming in off the sideline into the field of play up to 10 meters at times and would then push back out the sideline if the play started coming their direction.
I love that idea Adam and it often crossed my mind, particularly at scrum time. Only let the TMO check tries.


Steve Williams (59)
I would go one further and only let the TMO check tries if they are called upon by the on field officials to clarify an area of doubt.
They did this initially didn't they?

It was leading to those ludicrous situations where everybody in the stadlium can see the ref missed a call, because of multiple replays, but they can't fix the error

Alex Sharpe

Sydney Middleton (9)
They did this initially didn't they?

It was leading to those ludicrous situations where everybody in the stadlium can see the ref missed a call, because of multiple replays, but they can't fix the error
It's certainly not a perfect solution, but I would much prefer a referee and two ARs miss a piece of play, over a 5 minute teleconference with the referee and the TMO.


Andrew Slack (58)
They did this initially didn't they?

It was leading to those ludicrous situations where everybody in the stadlium can see the ref missed a call, because of multiple replays, but they can't fix the error
Yeah - but it will even out. People just have to be prepared to live with it. And players would have to accept longer suspensions. I know some people will be very vocal afterwards, but we have that now anyway plus these long delays.

I would much prefer this.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
I think across all sports we've learnt that fans aren't willing to endure errors to ensure a better flowing game. The irony, of course, being that its debatable video review results in less errors.


Steve Williams (59)
Yeah - but it will even out. People just have to be prepared to live with it. And players would have to accept longer suspensions. I know some people will be very vocal afterwards, but we have that now anyway plus these long delays.

I would much prefer this.
I don't think people will be prepared to live with it. That's why we are where we are.

It's not just missing stuff either, they will need to make more decisions based on less info. This could result in more yellow/red cards and stoppages, as they won't be inclined to play on and let the TMO deal with it.
If we took out those two unbelievable tries the Georgians scored, would we be saying this is a horrible result?

What I'm trying to say is, was it our worst game because of the score line or did we have a few players, particularly the backs who all had a pretty average day out.
Hit the Nail on the head there. Agree 100%
You still play the ref.
This is true. I believe TMO should have a little less interference in the game. If the REF and Touchies both miss a high shot or some cheap shots at a ruck it should not be called back. I believe they should be disciplined post game and suspended. I hate how much the game gets slowed down by the TMO due to the REF not having his eyes open.


Steve Williams (59)
Saw an interesting comment somewhere - someone sitting behind the Georgian in-goal said that the ball came off the side of the Georgian kicker's boot and initially looked like it was going way out.

Unfortunately, there was a gale blowing in Sydney, and the ball swung back in late and then took a huge Nathan Lyon off-break when it bounced back to the chasing Georgian.

Probably explains Lancaster, trotting along, but he also got pretty unluck and caught in no-mans-land with that horrible bounce

2:05:14 for the front-on-camera angle on the Stan coverage
Saw an interesting comment somewhere - someone sitting behind the Georgian in-goal said that the ball came off the side of the Georgian kicker's boot and initially looked like it was going way out.

Unfortunately, there was a gale blowing in Sydney, and the ball swung back in late and then took a huge Nathan Lyon off-break when it bounced back to the chasing Georgian.

Probably explains Lancaster, trotting along, but he also got pretty unluck and caught in no-mans-land with that horrible bounce

2:05:14 for the front-on-camera angle on the Stan coverage

How was the weather in Sydney on Saturday did it favour anybody in particular


John Thornett (49)
Saw an interesting comment somewhere - someone sitting behind the Georgian in-goal said that the ball came off the side of the Georgian kicker's boot and initially looked like it was going way out.

Unfortunately, there was a gale blowing in Sydney, and the ball swung back in late and then took a huge Nathan Lyon off-break when it bounced back to the chasing Georgian.

Probably explains Lancaster, trotting along, but he also got pretty unluck and caught in no-mans-land with that horrible bounce

2:05:14 for the front-on-camera angle on the Stan coverage
Only just catching up on the game now and this was exactly what it looked like to me - you can see the 'oh shit' moment everyone realises the ball's changed trajectory


Steve Williams (59)
Only just catching up on the game now and this was exactly what it looked like to me - you can see the 'oh shit' moment everyone realises the ball's changed trajectory
And then Lancaster has to stop his run to get under the ball as it takes it's right angle turn. Very difficult spot to be in for him.

I'm a bit more sympathetic than I was an hour ago