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Wallabies 31 Man Squad

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Mark Loane (55)
When KB (Kurtley Beale) is off the grog and focused he's in our best XV without a doubt. When really going he's a super player.
Agreed, but a lot of people are conveniently ignoring we haven't seen that world beating Beale for a season now. He isn't the messiah.

But I will say I would still prefer current Beale to JOC (James O'Connor) at 10.


John Eales (66)
Agreed, but a lot of people are conveniently ignoring we haven't seen that world beating Beale for a season now. He isn't the messiah.

But I will say I would still prefer current Beale to JOC (James O'Connor) at 10.

I won't argue that in the last 12 months he's been off the boil. As for who should play 10, I would actually rather see JOC (James O'Connor) there, as I think KB (Kurtley Beale) hasn't been anywhere near good enough there in recent times. That's if Deans has decided (and it appears he has) that Cooper is out of the picture. Lilo would be a good option, but obviously untested.


Jim Lenehan (48)
Deans has selected his players based on his game plan. Would you play McCabe at 12 if your plan was to go from side to side in three passes? No way in hell.

The plan is obviously to have a backline full of players who are positioned well in defence and tackle well:
Genia, O'Connor, Cummins, Ioane, Tomane, Lealiifano, Horne, AAC (Adam Ashley-Cooper), Barnes - Check

Have a forward pack that performs around the park, pick-and-drives well and wins their set piece:
Robinson, Moore, Fainga'a, Alexander, Slipper, Horwill, Simmons, Douglas, Mowen, Gill, Hooper, Palu - Check

Have a halves pairing that runs very well in tight spaces and can easily turn a 5m burst into a 30m run:
Genia, Phipps, O'Connor - Check

And a backline that can take the highball well:
See all backs selected - Check

Cooper is a great player for a different plan, he isn't the 10 you want for this game plan.


Jim Lenehan (48)
I mean, look at this team
1. Robinson
2. Moore
3. Alexander
4. Douglas
5. Horwill
6. Mowen
7. Gill
8. Palu

9. Genia
10. O'Connor
11. Tomane
12. Horne
13. Ashley-Cooper
14. Cummins
15. Barnes

16. Fainga'a
17. Sio
18. Slipper
19. Simmons
20. McCalman
21. Phipps
22. Lealiifano
23. Folau

Backs can take high ball - Check
Forwards can win their own scrum - Check
Forwards can win their own lineout - Check
Forwards are mobile and work around the park - Check
Halves pairing keeps defenders around the breakdown - Check
Halves pairing can run well in little space - Check
Backs position themselves well in defence - Check
Backs tackle well - Check
Kicking for territory is an option - Check
Drop goals are an option - Check

Not an attacking game plan, sure, but not a pisspoor one either.

I like to watch

David Codey (61)
And he was not surrounded by Wallabies. You can say what you want but they were supposed to be a team a tier above a Reds B and yet they were unable to capitalise one the 'unique' quade errors.

And they weren't punished by his unique Quade magic either!
He is still the mistake machine he has always been.Go back to only last week with his atrocious kicking game.
No Test nation picks a player in that position that is so unreliable, to play the BIL.


Nathan Sharpe (72)
And they weren't punished by his unique Quade magic either!
He is still the mistake machine he has always been.Go back to only last week with his atrocious kicking game.
No Test nation picks a player in that position that is so unreliable, to play the BIL.

I think that sums it up. Test rugby is about percentages, like it or not, and top of that list is the column marked with a "W". It's a Shane we don't see a lot of beautiful rugby at the top level, but without the necessary Law changes or their policing, and with so much money involved, it's pushing shit uphill with a wet noodle.




John Eales (66)
I think that sums it up. Test rugby is about percentages, like it or not, and top of that list is the column marked with a "W". It's a Shane we don't see a lot of beautiful rugby at the top level, but without the necessary Law changes or their policing, and with so much money involved, it's pushing shit uphill with a wet noodle.

I think that's right. As a fellow rugby watcher said to me at a Force game a couple of weeks ago: the results are in the history books forever and means the margin for error is pretty small. Percentage rugby is the order of the day in test matches and I get that. But jeez we've played a lot more attractive rugby than we have under Deans *and* been more successful.


And they weren't punished by his unique Quade magic either!
He is still the mistake machine he has always been.Go back to only last week with his atrocious kicking game.
No Test nation picks a player in that position that is so unreliable, to play the BIL.

I raise you one Beale. Count how many crappy mistakes he makes (drop balls, mistackles, crabbing) and then add useless grubbers and chip kicks to that tally.


George Gregan (70)
Staff member
I raise you one Beale. Count how many crappy mistakes he makes (drop balls, mistackles, crabbing) and then add useless grubbers and chip kicks to that tally.

I never realised how bad Beale is a player

Clearly he must be one of the worst players running around

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
With the official announcement of six extra players to join the 25-man Wallabies squad now expected to be made as early as Monday, Deans also confirmed that one of them would be Rebels playmaker Kurtley Beale, who trained with the Wallabies last week.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/rugby-union/union-news/deans-punts-on-beale-for-lions-den-20130609-2ny8w.html#ixzz2VkNyYuxQ

This gem from Deans:
"This is a three-Test campaign and nothing surprises you in this industry.


We've now settled on the squad and we'll get on with our opportunity,"

Perhaps the inappropriate (to my mind) use of the word "opportunity" recalls an old Indy 500 saying
"Luck is where opportunity meets preparation".
So deans is off to worry about the opportunity rather than the preparation?

Inside Shoulder

Nathan Sharpe (72)
Who are the wankers that threw beer at him? Unbelievable. Can't blame him for going on a bender.

He should have punched Horwill by your logic :D

Slim 293 - with this ending QC (Quade Cooper) must have gone very close to inclusion in the squad.
The lack of a punch may tell against him: all he needed to do was give himself an uppercut - he was (C) for the game!
Can you paddle board on Moreton Bay?


Bob McCowan (2)
Ewen Mckenzie will take deans job if he doesn't win at least one test. Some of his selections are valid but some aren't based on this super 15 season at all they are based on players pasted years of form, why pick players that aren't at their best this year and leave out other who are in top form and have worked hard to deserve a spot

Hugh Jarse

Rocky Elsom (76)
Who are the wankers that threw beer at him? Unbelievable. ./...snip.../.

Probably some Mungoball supporter still tired and emotional from Wednesday nights Fivekick game.

Disgracefull conduct from the thrower,( but perhaps understandable as it was probably XXXX beer.:))

Silly conduct from the recipient. Great behaviour from QC (Quade Cooper)'s wingmen to get him out of there pronto before things got worse.

Dickheads like the Beer Waster don't deserve any media time, which they would have got had there been a physical response from QC (Quade Cooper).


Bill McLean (32)
"Beale has a 73 per cent tackling success rate while winger Digby Ioane, one of half a dozen fringe players who also arrived at the Sunshine Coast camp yesterday, has an 81 per cent success rate."

I don't think I have to say any more. He shouldn't have reacted the way he did, but I don't blame him. He's played some of his best rugby this season and Deans went and selected players who have not played half as much footy or put in half as much effort.

Again, I'm puzzled as to why he has selected Cooper in the past, when he has been even more error and defence prone than he is now.

I think that sums it up. Test rugby is about percentages, like it or not, and top of that list is the column marked with a "W". It's a Shane we don't see a lot of beautiful rugby at the top level, but without the necessary Law changes or their policing, and with so much money involved, it's pushing shit uphill with a wet noodle.

What an absolute load of crap. Just because the NH play that style does not mean it is the way to win. In fact, if anything, it shows that in Australia it's the way to bore your fans out of support and lose test matches to the All Blacks. We will never beat them with percentage rugby.



Tim Horan (67)
Staff member
Ewen Mckenzie will take deans job if he doesn't win at least one test. Some of his selections are valid but some aren't based on this super 15 season at all they are based on players pasted years of form, why pick players that aren't at their best this year and leave out other who are in top form and have worked hard to deserve a spot
Deans should move on no matter what the results of the lions tests are. 5 years is more than enough for any international coach especially a very average one.

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