Zane Hilton is probably the favourite to replace Les Kiss at the Reds, not sure he'd be too quick to jump elsewhere though. Latham might be a candidate to come in as a backs coach.
Probably too early for Mowen to step in at the Brumbies but not impossible. Friend would also be a candidate there.
Mike Catt is probably the only guy at the tahs who could step into the head coach role, assuming he wants it. Whoever gets tapped for the wallabies job, I'd also have Dan Palmer move into the wallabies setup to replace Mike Cron.
For general candidates for any of those roles it's probably the usual set who get thrown up - the big names in Cheika, Lancaster, and Scott Wisemantel who missed out on the tahs gig. Wisemantal is the most exciting one there, but he may have been a bit burnt by RA in the process for the tahs top job. Outside of that is the guys like Mananeti, Hewat, Halangahu, Sampson, Hoiles and Brock James, all of whom are a bit more of a gamble but not outside the realm of possibility.